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what are good foods ?

2007-03-19 19:36:56 · 13 answers · asked by Milana 3 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

13 answers

Indian & Thai food:

The cuisine of Andhra Pradesh is reputedly the spiciest and hottest of all Indian cuisine. The cuisine includes both the original Andhra cooking and the Hyderabadi cuisine with its Mughlai influence. It is the former, which is red hot. The food is very delicious and spices are used liberally in their food. Andhra Pradesh calls for some mouthwatering traditional delicacies.

Other spicy cuisines:

Sri Lankan, Vietnamese, Sichuan, Cajun, Jamaican Jerk...

2007-03-19 20:41:55 · answer #1 · answered by Desi Chef 7 · 0 0

There are different types of spiciness if you will. There's chile spicy, garlic & onion spicy, wasabi spicy, ginger spicy, peppery spicy...ranging from mild to 5 alarm hot.

Try Jamaican Jerk dishes such as pork, chicken, Chinese Hunan or Sichuan (aka Szechuan) known for it's "ma-la" dishes roughly translated as "numbing-hot", Southeast Asian (Malay & Thai) sambal & curry dishes, Indian curries, No. African dishes made with harissa, Japanese wasabi (green horseradish) condiment, and Korean dishes made with kimchi or kimchee.

These spicy ingredients also have high nutritional and medicinal value such vitamin C, anti-inflammatory agents, etc. So eat up!

2007-03-20 05:31:12 · answer #2 · answered by Olivia S 2 · 0 0

I've learned to like it too.

Buy some fresh peppers at the produce market. Seal them in a ziplock and freeze. Each time you prepare almost any dish take one and mince it: Add it to your dish. When you make a pot of soup or stew, take a couple out and drop it in.

I think that is better than the dried pepper flakes.

If you accidently get too strong a dosage of it, chase it down with a glass of water at room temperature or warmer (not cold because that would close your pores and make it worse).

2007-03-20 18:43:33 · answer #3 · answered by Lynda 7 · 0 0

If you have a Korean restaurant near your place, try it.
I bet YOU will love it!!
For many foreigners, korean foods are a bit hard to eat sometimes because it is regared as really hot&spicy food. (There are heaps of other kind of foods though.)
You know? people say Korean spicy foods are good for your health as well because it burns your fat. Koreans use lots of pepper on their food and the pepper contains capsaicin which helps your body system to burn your fat.
So, just trry any Korean restaurant and you can ask them some spicy menu~

2007-03-19 23:10:58 · answer #4 · answered by odori03 1 · 0 0

If you have Thai restaurant some where around your place, head for it, and for the person who just started to love spicy food, please go for mild one. You can ask for chilli later. Indian restaurant is good too, Curry is not that spicy as thai Tomyam but you will love it when you eat with chapati or nan.

2007-03-19 20:46:19 · answer #5 · answered by sirima b 5 · 0 0

In Indian food try 'Kolhapuri' & 'Hyderabadi' dishes. In Chinese try the 'schezwan' dishes. You can also try pizzas with lottsa jalapenos.

PS - Remember to have yoghurt or some soothing drink with these as some spicy foods can create havoc with your system!

2007-03-19 19:52:15 · answer #6 · answered by kavi 1 · 0 0

Try the Hot and Sour Soup from a Chinese Restaurant or Take Out.

2007-03-19 21:37:33 · answer #7 · answered by liberty11235 6 · 0 0

Chinese cuisine.
Try Mongolian Beef and Sizzling Pepper Steak

2007-03-20 05:32:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Red beans and rice...Cajun style with crawdads

Oh.....look for the chicken foot...it's the secret ingredient.

2007-03-19 20:39:34 · answer #9 · answered by bamafannfl 3 · 0 0


2007-03-19 19:42:34 · answer #10 · answered by K8tgry 2 · 0 0

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