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Something simple..:-)

2007-03-19 09:46:51 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ ©o©oA ♥ 4 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

4 answers

Callaloo Fritters


2 cups raw callaloo (spinach), cut up
½ onion
1 tomato
1 oz margarine
1 cup flour
Salt to taste
1 tbsp baking powder
1 egg
Vegetable oil for deep frying


Heat margarine and sauté onion and tomato.
Add callaloo and steam for 5-10 minutes. Cool and set aside.
Sift flour, measure, and sift again with baking powder and salt.
Beat egg and add to cooled callaloo.
Combine egg and callaloo with flour mixture.
Heat frying pan and add oil to a depth of half of an inch. Drop with tablespoon in hot oil and fry. Serve hot.
Kanki (Guyanese dessert)


1 lb fine cornmeal
1 Freshly grated coconut
1pt. Fresh milk. [not needed if coconut was grated by a juicer - yields its own milk.]
4oz. Raisins [optional]
2oz. Margarine (melted)
4oz. Brown sugar
4tbsp. Water ..[this is increased based on the dryness of mixture]
¼ tsp. Nutmeg ; 1/2 tsp blackpepper
A few drops of almond or Vanilla essence
Foil/banana leaves {leaves passed over fire to give pliability}


Use a large mixing bowl and add all ingredients ..mixing well.

Make a pocket from the foil/banana leaf, each approximately (8in x 6in)

Leave an opening in the short side and fold over well the edges of the remaining two sides, to ensure that they are sealed.

Put about one or two spoonfuls of the mixture into each pocket and fold over top.

To seal....tie with a piece of dried banana stalk.

Place in a large saucepan of boiling water and simmer for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

To serve, remove foil or leaf .
Guyana Black Cake


1 1/2lb. mixed dried fruit
2oz. mixed peel
1 tsp. mixed spice
4oz. chopped peanuts
8oz. soft brown sugar
8oz. margarine
6 eggs
1/4 tsp. baking powder
8oz. flour
1/2 bottle red wine and/or rum
1 lb. sugar for making caramel
2 Tbls. red wine for making caramel


Wash and dry the fruits, then grind or chop the fruits, nuts, and fruit peel together.

Caramel - Heat the sugar and when melted, add the wine. Simmer until dark colour is obtained.

Mix the wine and the rum and pour over the fruits. Leave to soak for a day or more (up to 3 months).

Grease and doubly line an 8 inch cake pan.

Cream the sugar and margarine. Add eggs one at a time (beaten or unbeaten).

Add fruits and stir well. Add enough caramel to make it as dark as desired.

Sift the flour, baking powder and powdered spice together. Add a little at a time and fold in. Mix to a soft dropping consistency using wine or rum.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake in a slow oven, 300 degrees F. for 2 hours on the middle shelf.

Pour wine and rum over immediately after cake is baked. Repeat 3 or 4 times.

Note-store bought caramel may also be used.

2007-03-19 13:03:52 · answer #1 · answered by Desi Chef 7 · 1 0

Guyanese Desserts

2016-11-16 23:58:36 · answer #2 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

Plantains are a member of the banana family. They are a starchy, low in sugar variety that is cooked before serving as it is unsuitable raw. It is used in many savory dishes somewhat like a potato would be used and is very popular in Western Africa and the Caribbean countries. It is usually fried or baked.

One green plantain
corn oil
one egg.

Cut the plantain in half and peal off the skin.
Slice it into 10 slices (each half of the plantain should produce 5 slices each).
Turn the stove to medium (5 on electric stoves) and start to place salt on the plantain.
Pour some oil into the pan
Once the oil is hot put the plantain in the pan and turn them until they are golden yellow.
After taking them out scramble or fry your egg.
Place your plantain on one side and the egg on the other.

2007-03-19 10:10:47 · answer #3 · answered by kirene45 3 · 1 0


1 lb chicken meat
1 onion (chopped
5 fegs garlic (finely chopped)
Pepper to taste
Peas and carrots (if desired)
Salt to taste
4 tbsp oil
1 level tsp flour
1 egg
Thyme, eschallot
Steam chicken and salt together.
Cut (or grind) in small pieces when cooled.
Heat oil in pan, adding chicken, onion, garlic and other seasonings and cook together for about 10 minutes.
Add chicken stock, enough so that the mixture would not be too dry along with the flour to hold.
Add peas and carrots if desired.
Roll pastry 1/4 inch thick.
Cut our circles using a glass.
Place into patty pans.
Add enough mixture and place another cirle on top using a fork to bring together the 2 circles with mixture in pan.
Beat egg and use a brush to baste the top of the patty.
Prick with a fork.
Bake in a hot oven 450 degrees for 15 minutes.

Okras Cook-up Rice
1 lb stew beef cut up into ¾ inch pieces
2 Tbsp tomato ketchup
3 Tbsp Barbadian Seasoning
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
3 salted pig-tails soaked in hot water and left to stand for four hours
1 tsp basil
1 tsp marjoram
½ tsp MSG (optional)
1½ cups coconut milk
8 oz okras cut into cartwheels
3 seasoning peppers * cut in half (optional)
3 cups long grain rice washed and soaked in water for 2 hours seasoning
salt to taste
3 cups water

Season the beef with Barbadian Seasoning and ketchup. Heat the oil in a saucepan and stir-fry the beef for 5 minutes.
Drain and cut the pig-tails in half and add to the pot. Continue to stir-fry for a further 5 minutes.
Next, add three cups of water, the coconut milk, herbs, seasoning peppers and simmer for 30 minutes or until the beef is tender. Add the okras and continue to boil for a further 5 minutes.
Drain the rice and add to the contents of the pot; stir, then add enough water to just cover the mixture.
Adjust the seasonings, for example add seasoning salt and a little more Barbadian Seasoning, herbs and MSG. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to the lowest level, cover and simmer for 25 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed

2007-03-19 11:50:48 · answer #4 · answered by Angel****1 6 · 1 0

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