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The best thing about being a Killie supporter is after spending years in the wilderness of the lower leagues, we have achieved 15 years of being consistently in the top league and are going to our 3rd cup final in 10years! The worst thing is that the Board have treated their own like dirt to make a quick buck off Old Firm fans!

So honest answers please!

2007-03-17 23:05:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football Scottish Football

19 answers

Best things...the fans, our lovely West Country manager, our club colours, the boys who play their hearts out week in week out.

The worst...having no money to spend, not winning in the last 17 games

but still We love you Burnley we do oh Burnley we love you.

No nay never.....

2007-03-19 00:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by oohgravy 4 · 1 1

The best is the European nights, there's no better atmosphere than that. At home in the stadium or even away games when you have to go to the pub.

The worst is probably losing games we knew we should have won. Either through lack of effort of decisions or just pure old fashioned luck.

Also, Malks is right, all seater stadium has ruined part of the game, it's just not the same with some spotty specky student telling you off for enjoying your team play well.

2007-03-18 09:13:35 · answer #2 · answered by Midgie Man 3 · 2 4

I think that boards throughout the game seem to be a problem. The fans are seen as some sort of cash cow, there to be milked for the good of the board but never brought into the warmth of the family home. Best thing is probably that feeling when your team gets a vital result that helps to keep the season ticking over. It is amazing how hope, of promotion, a cup run, avoiding relegation, is the driving factor behind a lot of fans turning out in all weathers to follow 11 men kicking a ball round a piece of grass.

2007-03-18 07:31:34 · answer #3 · answered by stobbinnein 1 · 1 6

Partick Thistle

best thing about the team is the fans. week in and week out we are always there. we are by far one of the most faithfull an devoted fans in scotlan. Remember the 'save the jags' campain, then we were in real dept, the club depended on the fans NOT a liquidator (livingston, Airdire, Clydebank, Dundee Utd) or a Mr Moneybags ( Gretna,Hearts and Celtic).
our fans saved the club, love the club and will never turn on the club.

the worst has got to be the gutless members of the board.
Always choosing a new manager who is the very cheapest and sticking with him for far too long.Many of these poor managers are at fault of my club being so ****. heres a few...
Murdo McLeod, sandy clark, john mcveigh, tommy bryce, gerry britton and derek whyte, oh and lets not forget the lastest hero Dick Campbell.

this selection of pure mince has collectivly ruined the once proud Jags and if it wasnt for GOD himself in the form of a Mr John Lambie id have not team to watch and love.

moan the jags and moan jim duffy, when will you return to firhill??

2007-03-18 09:18:50 · answer #4 · answered by Robocop 2 · 2 4

The best thing is that we're still involved in all the competitions and the worst is the fact that the owner likes to take decisions on what player to buy.


2007-03-18 10:25:11 · answer #5 · answered by Invasion 3 · 1 2

The best thing about Derry City F.C is that we are a fantastic team who have been in the top league for decades now nad who have a very interesting history as the only northern team in the Eircom Irish League......and we are cheap to watch!!!
The worst thing would have to be the stadium.All we have to show for our club is a 3,000 seater stadium and a couple of box shops!!!
FUDGIE no offence but u lose quite a lot if ur talkin bout rangers so u must be feelin quite low!

2007-03-18 07:15:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

The best is looking around the stadium ,and remembering great moments and times,with family no longer with us,the worst is having all seated stadiums,used to love a wee wander while the game was on, to catch up with people from different parts of the city.

2007-03-18 08:45:17 · answer #7 · answered by malks ra tim 5 · 4 4

the best thing is man utd (we) are doing so well in cups and league!!! the worst the likes of giggs scoles solskajer van der sarr neville etc etc are getting older and havent got much longer playing at the level they still do! will all be sorely missed!!!!!

2007-03-18 07:10:29 · answer #8 · answered by DEANO`S SON 3 · 5 4

Best thing is we arent celtic worst is we arent top of the league

2007-03-18 17:56:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

The best thing about Spurs.............they play some great football and have great fans, they also have Berbatov (who is class). The worse is not being able to keep a clean sheet.

2007-03-18 07:29:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5