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Every body said that i can't get any higher than my father's height, since my dad is the taller than my mom, whatever i do.
My cousin was 5'11 and his dad was 5'6, my other cousin is 5'9, and his dad is also 5'6. My dad is 5'5, do you think that i can get my height to 5'9 if i maxed my height by doing exercise? i'm now 16 and i'm 5'4 (that's pretty short)....

2007-03-17 15:50:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

6 answers

At 16 I was 5'8". I'm 46 and still 5'8"
But some reach their maximum maturity later but I wouldn't bet money on it. Besides, You are what you are.
Everyone has his own magic, if you will.
Don't worry about it.

2007-03-17 16:04:17 · answer #1 · answered by redman 5 · 0 0

My husband is only 5'9 and I'm 5'8. However, my 8 year old son is predicted to be about 6'3 due to his height right now. I'd say that you are probably getting fairly close to your final height at 16, but you still have about 3 more years to grow, so you still might get a growth spurt. Your height comes not only from your dad, but also from your mom's side as well. My son's getting it from my grandfather's side--pretty much all of the other people in my husband's and my family's side are all on the short to average height range! I know I had measured myself before I graduated from H.S. and was 5'6, but then found out about two years later that I had grown to 5'8! Genetics and healthy eating are the only thing that can help you get taller.

2007-03-17 16:03:45 · answer #2 · answered by April W 5 · 0 0

There is a math formula but it's based on what you were when you were two years old. Multiply it by 2 and that is your projected height potential. Yes, this really works. I've been in health care for over 28 years and a respiratory therapist for the last 15 and I've never seen it fail. So ask your pediatrician or your parents for the info. Best of luck.

2007-03-17 16:01:28 · answer #3 · answered by wezy53154 5 · 0 0

only eat healthful. In volleyball that's fairly no longer purely how tall you're that counts. that's how extreme you may bounce too. i could practice leaping and do workouts which will make you bounce extreme.

2016-10-01 02:38:06 · answer #4 · answered by arieux 4 · 0 0

Be sure to eat enough protein, as that seems to effect height.

2007-03-17 15:59:02 · answer #5 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 0 1

there is no way of telling that. it's up to your genes. sometimes there is a random 'tall' or 'short' gene that shows up in families.

2007-03-17 15:54:15 · answer #6 · answered by redpeach_mi 7 · 0 0

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