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what can we do with a the dog who bites. Tried alot. Need lot of help, he i such a sweet dog, but when he doesn't get his way, look out,,

2007-03-17 15:49:30 · 9 answers · asked by Linda R 1 in Pets Dogs

9 answers

As a trainer, I tell my students that they should NOT respond with physical force when their dog acts out.

If you decide to flip your dog on his back in an alpha roll and use PHYSICAL dominance (as opposed to psychological and behaviorial), you have now challenged him to act physically dominant in return if he wishes to be in charge. Since dogs use their mouths as their primary tool, guess what he'll be using to challenge back? He's already proven that he's more than willing to nip at you.

Try using a product called BitterApple and spraying it on your hands. Don't be afraid to over-do it a bit. If your dog becomes mouthy (but isn't necessarily chomping and biting hard), feel free to keep your hand in his mouth for several seconds so he gets a good taste. It's very unpleasant.

Another method is to make a sharp OUCH! sound when he nips at you. It sounds identical to the cry another dog would make if you stepped on it's tail or otherwise harmed it. Your dog will understand what this means, particularly if you stand up, walk away, and ignore him afterwards.

These are just a few basic ideas you can try. If he really is biting severely, I would speak with a local behavioralist that can perform a temperment test on your pup and then recommend a plan of action.

EDIT: In response to the person that cited Cesar Milan...Please keep in mind that Cesar's methods were created with red zone dogs in mind. 95% of dog owners who have problem dogs do NOT have red zone dogs. There are much easier, much more humane ways of dealing with dog behavior.

2007-03-17 16:04:14 · answer #1 · answered by imrielle 3 · 0 0

Dachshunds are NOTORIOUS for wanting their own way. And they are VERY sweet most of the time...and they are little clowns! My Dachshund started trying to bite me when I had to remove an inappropriate item from his mouth. They are VERY smart, and they know the meaning of the word 'NO'. When your dog shows inappropriate behavior, first say you dog's name LOUD, and then say "NO" very loud. Make sure you say these immediately after the bad behavior. They have the mentality of a 3-year old child, but a smart 3- year old child, and will never get beyond that. Do not hit the dog, with your hand or ANY object, because you do not want them to fear you. Just look them in the eye when you reprimand them. You have to show them that YOU are Alpha-leader. The way to teach them this is to have staring contest. NEVER look away before your dog does. This will show who is boss, and your dog will become much more compliant. It may take a few sessions, but eventually they will learn.

2007-03-17 23:05:50 · answer #2 · answered by Mikki 5 · 0 0

yes, I have a dachshund that bites too.
he snapped at me this afternoon when I tried to make him get off the couch!
I did what i saw on Cesar the dog whisperer- grab him by the neck with a claw like hold and hold him down while standing over him. this is what mothers do to their pups to train them. I said NO in a stern voice.
he started shaking cuz i think he knew he was in trouble and jumped down off the couch and wanted to go outside.
you have to be stern and let them know who the boss is. especially dachshunds- they can be very stubborn

2007-03-17 23:01:45 · answer #3 · answered by Wild Honey 4 · 0 1

OK, immediately grab his muzzle shut when he snaps , at the same time flip him to his back and say "NO!" in a real stern voice. Hold him in that position for about a minute. He will soon catch on. In the wild a wolf or wild dog does basically the same to a dog they are trying to let know that it should be submissive to him. It will turn the dog on its back and close its muzzle around the other dog's muzzle and growl. This works in the wild and it will also work in your household to show your Doxie that YOU are dominate.

2007-03-17 22:55:16 · answer #4 · answered by Im Listening 5 · 0 1

Dachshunds are sometimes used as hunting dogs, so they tend to bite. If they bite you take the lip and put it under there tooth, it works! trust me, I have a miniture dachshund -chihuahua- and they understand.

2007-03-17 23:18:46 · answer #5 · answered by Erika 3 · 0 0

OK it may sound nasty , stupid but it work for me.
When I am playing with my dachshund and he is biting to hard i am biting him back only on the ear not to hard just so he can feels it, it work for me.

2007-03-19 09:39:03 · answer #6 · answered by Sonneblom 6 · 0 0

You need a doggie trainer

2007-03-17 22:51:58 · answer #7 · answered by Jacqueline M 5 · 1 0

dogs....always biting the hand that feeds them

2007-03-17 22:53:34 · answer #8 · answered by ♪♫Car.Crash.Heart♪♫ 2 · 0 1

Go to pawpersuasion.com

2007-03-17 22:53:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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