You have to first see the full verse that talks about this in the 10 commandments. This sheds a little light on the subject.
"You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water or under the earth. You shall not bown down to them or worship them."
The first commandment through the fourth commandment talk about the relationship you have with God. The first says to not worship any other gods. The second builds upon the first; Proper worship of the Lord must exclude all handmade images of God. Worship with images is an act of hatred against God. Imageless worship, on the other hand, brings out the convenantal love from God that endures.
Romans 1 also talks about idol worship, but many Christians miss this point in the beginning chapters of Romans. The body of the epistle begins with a bold expose of the need of humanity for the righteousness of God. He begins talking about the two sins of the Gentiles--idolatry and immorality. Humanity's problem is not an inability to know God but an unwillingness to know God, Humanity's sin consists of a rebellion that transmutes God's glory, which makes humanity wise, into idolatry, which makes humanity foolish. The exchange of the glory of the immortal God for the images of humans, animals, or reptiles results in worship of creation over the Creator and a devolution of human nature and abilities. Paul repeats about 4 times that the Gentiles exchanged what is authentic for the counterfeit.
Idol worship isn't worshiping what the idol represents but it's also worshipping the fake little statue of a thing and thinking it actually has the power of a God. That is the problem with it.
2007-03-17 15:16:40
answer #1
answered by One Odd Duck 6
Because Christians are taught that there is only one God and it is a sin to worship another God. Worshipping an idol is like worshipping another God.
2007-03-17 21:34:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Omnipresent = Everywhere
Pantheistic = Everything
And to worship an idol is to reduce God to merely an image of your own creation; it is an imperfect image and it also takes your focus off of God Himself. If you are worshipping an idol, you must stop now and turn to God. Worship Him, not an image of man's invention.
2007-03-17 21:34:13
answer #3
answered by Soga 4
what is your point?
If you worship an idol, you are putting that idol on the equal with God.
The Word also says not to have other gods before Him. ANY idol becomes a god in the beholder's eyes.
2007-03-17 21:34:49
answer #4
answered by n9wff 6
Good Christians are not supposed to worship anyone or anything more than they do God. This means that the things you want out of life have to come second to your relationship with God.
2007-03-17 21:35:01
answer #5
answered by Holiday Magic 7
When the idol is what is being worship and not god... that is the problem... yes he is everywhere and IN everything.. but we have to acknowledge his presence not the Idols..
2007-03-17 21:34:29
answer #6
answered by jc1 1
You shall not make an image to worship, that is #2 on the hit prade.
Are you a good person? What a question, most of us believe that we are good people because we can look around and find someone that is far worse than we are. We can always point to the things that we think make us a good person.
But how good are we really? Dare we take this test and look at ourselves and see if we really are good? Hmmm.
If you are willing try this and see just how good a person you are.
The Good Person Test.
How will you do? Pass or fail?
Have you ever told a lie?
Doesn't matter how big or small, just a lie.
What does that make you? Before answering think about this, if I told you a lie what would you call me? A liar?
Have you ever stolen anything? Cost doesn't matter, a piece of gum, failed to give back an ink pen that you borrowed, anything.
What does that make you?
Jesus said, "You know the saying of old, you shall not commit adultery but I say that if look at someone to lust after them you have committed adultery in your heart.
Have you ever lusted?
Jesus said that hate is equal to murder.
Have you ever hated anyone?
See one day we all are going to stand before a Holy God on Judgment Day and he is going to judge us based on His Holy Law, the Ten Commandments. These are just 4 of them and how did you do? Guilty? I have broken all of these and more, what about you? How well will you do on Judgment Day?
If we break just one point of God's Law we are guilty of breaking all the law and Gods Wrath abides upon us all. Based on God's Law we are all guilty and all are deserving of punishment. But there is an out for us.
Jesus paid the price for each one of us, took on himself God's Wrath so we wouldn't have to face it on our own. Jesus was beaten, battered, bleed and died so we wouldn't have to face God's Wrath. He rose again so that we would life in his presence. Our crimes, His payment.
The real question is where will you stand on Judgment Day. Pay yourself or have it paid for you. Think about it.
2007-03-17 21:35:09
answer #7
answered by Dead Man Walking 4
God is the source of everything
But God Himself is a spirit
We are to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
2007-03-17 21:34:15
answer #8
answered by Maurice H 6
God is the only one to be worshipped.. People will stand in line for hours just to get a stars autograph, that is idolatry...
2007-03-17 21:35:19
answer #9
answered by karen_03625 5
God just doesnt want you to have or worship anyone before him. because there never will be another God. hes the one and only besides jesus.
2007-03-17 21:34:37
answer #10
answered by mamas_grandmasboy06 6