Curves. Curves in space, curves in time, curves in the fabric of the dimensions we perceive, curves in the fabric of things beyond anything ever imagined. Curves of imperceptible and inconceivable scale combining to create infinitely intricate curves which transcend the linear beginnings and endings we have evolved to presume for the sake of sanity.
Consider the Möbius with a single twist, a curve, creating a microcosmic infinity. Notice three twists, but still only one curve, will also produce a form with aspects of infinity. Consider the universe as a curving infinity requiring no end and no beginning and realise the futility of your question.
2007-03-17 18:32:43
answer #1
answered by C Lights 2
Athiests dont beleive in big bangs...
Common misconception
that would require faith and absolute thinking which is what relgious types do.
Loook for fuks sake do we have warp drive, inter galatic ferries?
all we have done is fly to out own moon so how the hell do people think they can know for sure where we came from.
Thats like a caveman trying to invent a silicon chip.
We will have to wait a few thousand years and the equivlant of telescopes 3 galaxies wide to suss that one out
Thats the reality of things.
This notion of a big bang is a mathematical probility conclusion based on the microscopic evidence we have so far based on patterns of star and galaxy movement
But as said our equipment sucks
that does not mean we were made by god, the god squad, the telarion space octopus,
the magic race of pink unicorns, one of Santas pressies for giant aliens or other story tripe.
2007-03-17 14:13:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
150 years ago, we didn't know about bacteria. No clue. It wasn't understood until Louis Pasteur determined that germs caused disease.
You are asking the same questions that scientists ask. You have, however, asked this in the Religion & Spirituality section, where we are mostly humanities majors, not biologists or physicists. Would you come to R&S to find out what opus number was Mozart's 40th Symphony? I think not. You're asking us to play to our weakness. Quite frankly, you're being unfair.
So let me suggest two things:
1. If you are serious about wanting to know the current evidence-based understanding on the origins of the universe and on evolutionary theory, there are excellent descriptions found at .
2. Consider that you are proposing (not so subtly) that anything that is not explained is a place for God to be discovered. This is commonly referred to in ontology as "the god of the gaps" theory. It typically assigns God to any blank space that science has not yet reached useful conclusions. Remember what I said about disease? Before bacteria were discovered, it was assumed God was punishing the ill, or that they were demon possessed, or some other supernatural phenomenon caused sickness. This is the same god of the gaps.
Science never assumes, and should never assume, anything is supernatural. The purpose of science is to discover through measured observation, testing, and repetition what natural causes lead to our natural world. If you impose a statement "God caused it," then this stops the search for knowledge, because God is ultimately unknowable. This is the reason that the "god of the gaps" theory is discounted among learned ontological academicians, and is ignored by science.
2007-03-17 14:01:20
answer #3
answered by NHBaritone 7
ok in answer to the second question, the one that came from the athiests...
how did God become???
easy, he was once a person living on an equivalent of Planet Earth, was holy enough to get to the Celestial Kingdom to make his own worlds.... and that has been that way forever... so the people that are holy enough to get to the Celestial Kingdom can make their own worlds... how cool is that
(By the way, The Celestial Kingdom is the highest part of Heaven you can get to, the second one is the Terrestrial and the lowest possible part of Heaven you can get to is the Telestial Kingdom. There is NO Hell, its just Outer Darkness, and being cut off from God FOREVER!!!)
By the way (again) There WAS time BEFORE the big bang... you scientists love to contradict yourselves... we all know that for two meteorites to collide there must be some time before that, because nothing happens without time, even if it was a split second before the Big Bang (which is Genesis chap. 1 FYI - God Said "Let there be light" and there was light") it still must have had time to push the meteorites together.....
2007-03-17 14:07:27
answer #4
answered by joeyfarlz 3
I'm an Atheist and I honestly don't have a clue where we come from , the whole 7 days I don't buy and the big bang is a theory with no evidence what so ever .
2007-03-17 14:00:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Let's just face it. The Human Race is too thick at the moment to know where it came from. We'll get there eventually but in the meantime if some people want to believe in an omnipotent being and others in the 11 dimensional "Theory of everything" then let them get on with it. Me, I'm happy with me football (and the Great Omnipotent God who supports Juventus, like I do).
2007-03-17 14:12:04
answer #6
answered by Del Piero 10 7
Why do Christians keep asking that? You know, just because you can't prove the Big Bang, it doesn't automatically default to "a god did it". It only means that probably some other method was the cause.
2007-03-17 14:10:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Obviously its far more believable to think that a big guy up in his cloud city created it all in 6 days!! Although I quite like the one about the giant turtle with four elephants on his back too!
2007-03-17 15:56:56
answer #8
answered by libbyft 5
And then you'd want to know what happened before that, and before that, and before that? So... basically you want me to sit here for all of eternity in order to tell you everything that's happened infinitely into the past. You do realize that even if I did know, it would literally take forever?
I hear this same argument for the fossil record. "Well... what species was the intermediate between these two species?" *shows them* "Well... than what were the two between THAT species and each of the first ones?! See! You don't know, so Evolution can't be true!" *backhand*
2007-03-17 14:06:04
answer #9
answered by The Resurrectionist 6
Any question about "before" the big bang is incoherent, as the big bang is the source of space and time.
2007-03-17 14:05:40
answer #10
answered by neil s 7