It really depends on how old you are. If you have a scale that has a body fat monitor, I would check that to make sure you are in the healthy range. Also make sure you are consuming enough calories for your age and body type. Exercising 7 days a week isn't unhealthy per se, but you have to consider the intensity among other things. The easiest thing would be to ask your doctor at your next visit.
In any case that much exercise isn't normal, but I would check with your doctor to ask if it is healthy or not.
2007-03-17 13:41:56
answer #1
answered by chaseunchase 4
I think it depends on the exercise you do. I exercise seven days a week, one to two hours on six days, and maybe 30 minutes on the seventh. That first hour is mainly low-impact aerobic walking, and then the next is strength training or a high-impact sport/activity (I run three days a week as well). I do it because I want to and because I like it, and I listen to my body when I should slow down or when I'm taking it too far.
I really see no problem unless it's the same kind of activity that you do for this amount of time, day in and day out; or if you overtrain with the same impact-level of exercise (high-impact is more of a concern; I'm talking about exercises that not only get your heartrate up, but could have a significant effect on joints and muscles). It's healthly to be physical, and if you enjoy exercising (kind of like how I do), then really it's hard to just "stop". But obsession is a combination of things. You could walk for four hours every day, but that isn't as extreme as running consistently for that same amount of time, you know?
Honestly evaluate yourself and your activities, think if you've ever pushed too hard just for the sake of "burning more". Overtraining is a huge concern here. Make adjustments based on your activities. (1800 calories is pretty low for two hours of exercise.) Know that lack of energy can effect performance in many sports and recreational activities and can lead to burning out and a higher risk of injury. Wear proper shoes and invest in a good pair if you do a lot of walking or running, there are also cross-training shoes. And if you're really serious about it, seeing a dietian would probably be a good idea.
Good luck.
2007-03-17 21:20:27
answer #2
answered by Honest Believer 2
You are exercising too much and not eating enough.
Of course, if the exercises you do are very easy, like walking or cycling at an slow pace, you may be ok, but you are wasting your time.
Exercise less but harder and have at least a day off once a week.
There is a risk that you overtrain, in which case you will hit the wall and be so exhausted that you will have to stop exercising for a while.
Overtraining is something to take seriously since it can lead to PERMANENT DAMAGE TO YOUR BODY, like Addison's disease and hormonal dysfunctions.
The first symptoms of overtraining are: mood swings, heart rate too slow or too fast, wake up in the morning and feel like you just went to bed, no menstruatiuons etc.
Sometimes less is better.
2007-03-17 23:45:46
answer #3
answered by paul a 2
This is a lot of exercise for the calorie intake you're on. I'd call this a bad combination. It's okay to exercise this much, but you need good nutrition. If you can, I'd consult a nutritionist or dietician.
2007-03-17 20:41:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, it's NOT normal. Try cutting back to every other day and no more than an hour. If you can't do that, or find that you feel the need to cut way back on your food to compensate, then you definitely have a problem.
2007-03-17 20:38:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That's no obssesion. That's staying fit and healthy.
It aint easy.
There was I time I was teaching over 20 aerobics classes a week..that's obsession.
2007-03-17 20:38:59
answer #6
answered by wcampanile 2
i don't think so. i've never heard of working out too much. i weight alot and i wish i was able to do that. what do they want from us, they say we don't workout enough and now too much! i dunno.
2007-03-17 20:42:00
answer #7
answered by Deb M 3