God wants you to listen to Him - you're causing the pain yourself by distracting yourself from reality.
You're only 17 - there are many years ahead of you to find the love of your life. Slow down and stop obsessing about it now. Study hard, do well in school, get a good career, continue to live your life for God and continue to pray for your future wife. She'll come along soon enough.
2007-03-17 10:41:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
because EVERYBODY needs atleast one broken heart in their life time. If you don't feel loss than how can you be grateful for the good? Life is about learning. Learning how to love, learning how to cherish, learning how to live. I know you don't want to hear this but you are only 17. I am completely Grateful, God didn't answer my prayers at 17. If he did, I'd probably be living in some horrible trailer park with an abusive husband, who now works at a carwash! lol
Instead, I have a home, full education, a husband (with a job!! lol) and 3 perfect wonderful Children. I have had my heart broken too many times to count, but I would NOT change any of it, because it got me to where I am, and made me the person I am today. Trust me, there will be many girls, who make you feel the way nobody has ever made you feel, and they will all be so different than the last. But by the time you are 30 you will be a completely different person, with different wishes. Don't settle down yet.
2007-03-17 10:46:38
answer #2
answered by Chrissy 7
I'm not gonna say anything about your age because I'm 14 and people often think i don't know what I'm talkin about because I'm so young.
2.God loves all of us
3. Most likely God didn't make her feel different. she probably felt the way she does on her own.
4.I'm not sayin u did somethin to deserve it but this may be God's way of testing u or teaching u a lesson
5.If she really is the girl he wants for u, he won't let her slip away from u. So keep praying and give it time.
2007-03-17 16:18:02
answer #3
answered by panther626 2
Stop obsessing about it. You re only 17. You got a whole life
ahead of you. Maybe its you thats scaring the girl away cause
you re so obsessed with having a serious relationship. Continue with school. Work hard and be successful. Dont
worry about marriage rite now. Yo your 17 man! Another thing
stop blaming God cause some girl breaks up with you. Do you blame God if you trip over a rock? Do you blame God
everytime you get sick also? Come on man. Thats dumb.
People come and go in your life. Go to the bible and read
the whole Chapter of JOB in the Old Testament. Maybe
that will help you. God bless!
2007-03-17 11:05:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I can not stand the term unanswered prayer. God always answers our prayers. It is just that we sometimes refuse to accept the answer. God tells us no sometimes. I do not believe that there is only one person out there for us. I do believe that we can miss our chance with the best person God has in mind by our own sin or by theirs(which you have no control over). However God can provide another blessing/person for you. Another thing to think about is that when we go through a test we will miss out on the blessing that God has for us because we give up. So in context, God is telling you she is not the one for you and you are not listening and she is, or you need to persevere to achieve the blessing of marriage. God also says wait. It may not be the right time to commit. Just know that God loves you and has the perfect plan for your life. God doesn't want us to be in pain but he uses it to draw us closer to him. A lot of times the pain we go through is because of our own pain or persisting in telling God what is best for us instead of listening, but not always. God can also ease the pain and show you how to use it to help others in the future. By allowing you to feel this pain he can use you as his instrument in the future. In conclusion: Pray spend quiet time to let him speak to you and then listen. If you don't hear a yes it may be a no or a wait.
2007-03-19 09:40:24
answer #5
answered by linnea13 5
Sometimes, as a believer, people go things that they can't understand. There is a lot wrong with this world, and this won't be the last time you feel this way. If you believe in an afterlife, then know that it will be perfect on the other side. As for the practical side of your quesiton. You are a kid, I know you probably hate hearing that, and just chill out and enjoy being a kid. There will be lots of other girls, bro. You will look back and say: "dang, I should have just had fun."
2007-03-17 10:42:42
answer #6
answered by JT 2
first off-you're only 17!! do you have any idea how many other girls will be in and out of your life before you find the right one?? dozens!!! there is so much out there for you to partake of and learn and to experience. take your time, explore the world, meet lots and lots of other people.
God does not want you to be alone. the time will come when you will realize that this may have been a bad time but it was all for the right reasons.
2007-03-17 11:05:06
answer #7
answered by polgara922 4
Our faith is tested and proven by the trials we go through. The Bible says that "perseverance leads to (spiritual) maturity) so when you are being tested just know that God is growing and transforming you some more. It's a lifelong process but it's not always hard. God never abandons those He loves but He does reward those who obey Him even in the midst of heartache. Make Him first in your life and He will give you the "desires of your heart". Just know that those "desires" may change as you grow older. Each test that you pass (meaning not turning away from your faith because things didn't go your way) makes your faith stronger and your relationship with the Lord closer. She may seem like the right person for you now but keep in mind that God will not put someone in your path who will not be good for you. Be careful that the feelings you have for her are based on what we are taught about having a Christ-centered marriage. The Bible says that a "cord of three strands is not easily broken" meaning a marriage is very strong when Christ comes first and is at the head of the marriage. Christ represents the strand that strengthens the cord and makes it unbreakable. The person you end up with must be a person of faith too. If you marry someone not of your faith, it results in disaster. Take my word for it. I did it twice!! Relax and get involved in a Bible based, Spirit-filled church's youth ministry. It channels, focuses and prioritizes all those difficult emotions that we all feel when we go through our teen years. Lastly, don't let your emotions rule your heart. Your spirit must be the part of you telling you that a person is the right one for you. I wish I had listened to the warnings my spirit was giving me before I married each of my husbands. But I didn't and the price I paid was VERY high. I hope that by what I say here, you can be spared such disaster in your own life. Give it all to God so that you can lose your anxiety and fear of losing her. When you allow God to take the reigns of your life fear vanishes and is replaced with a new boldness, strength, fearlessness and peace. Hang in there my little brother. God has something very special just for you when He knows that you're ready to receive it. "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles..." You'll be flying soon enough so use your time wisely in making yourself ready to receive what God has for you. You absolutely, positively cannot go wrong when your trust is in the Lord rather than our own flawed human emotions which most often get us into trouble. Remember that God loves a broken heart because He can build you anew from the ground up.
2007-03-17 11:14:17
answer #8
answered by Melanie L RN 1
First of all, God does not want you to feel pain. You do not know the way of God or what He is doing with your life. Just because you think that this girl is the best thing for you, it may not be what God wants for you. For example, a young man falls in love with Brittany Spears, and is frustrated with God because she does not marry him. Would this be God's fault? Or man blaming God because he did not get the lust of his flesh?. Just because you pray to God about something you want does not mean you should have it. Recognize God is all powerful and He is already preparing a perfect girl for you, or that girl could be the one. You never know. Don't be distrested about a girl. Just be happy to be breathing.
2007-03-17 11:01:49
answer #9
answered by Guru 2
God isn't forcing you into these relationships. God gave us free will, and with free will we live and learn and sometimes get hurt. That's life. You are too young to be this upset about not finding a soulmate. You need to make a good life for yourself before you can make a good life for anyone else.
Also, God said in his Word that when you seek him first, he will give you the desires of your heart. If you will change your perspective, maybe you won't feel so heartbroken. God didn't promise that life would be a bed of roses, he just promised that he would be there during the good and bad times, when you choose to seek him.
Take care.
2007-03-17 10:46:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous