If the Koran is about peace, then somebody doesn't know how to read...just like alot of twisted interpretations of the Bible...
2007-03-25 08:46:07
answer #1
answered by fred[because i can] 5
The Quran has guidelines for muslims on what to do in case of peace, truce, or in case of war.
so in case of war, the quran encourages muslims to defend themselves against oppressors & invadors, & at the same time it forbids exceeding the limits of God's law.
( so they must avoid cutting treas, they should be pleasant with women, children & elderly..........., & avoid destroying houses & farms., etc........)
Quran orders muslims to avoid any start of a war, except if the enemy is offensive.
when the enemy wants peace then the war should be over.
Quran orders Muslims to be kind & Just to non-muslims who didn't wage a war & drive muslims out from their houses.
2007-03-17 10:57:36
answer #2
answered by superman2007 2
Cruelty and Violence -In the Bible -In the Book of Mormon and the Quran
2007-03-25 00:49:10
answer #3
answered by Linda 7
This is a very hot topic. There are many verses that order Muslims to fight non Muslims and kill them and even chase them in streets. The thing is that some scholars say that those verses were meant for a specific time and they no longer apply. I hope this is TRUE
2007-03-19 05:45:12
answer #4
answered by Bionimetiket 2
Allah says in Quraan "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fights you, but DO NOT transgress limits, For Allah loveth not transgressors" 2:190
and "But if they cease, Allah is oft forgiving most merciful" 2:192
which means Allah telling muslims to fight ppl who fights us but never start a war. and the other verse means in the war if our enemies asks for peace agree and stop fighting them.
and prophet Muhammed said " in war, dont kill an old man, a woman, a child,or a man worshiping (even if he werent a muslim) or an animal, and dont cut a tree"
this is briefly the manners of muslims in wars
2007-03-18 02:40:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Gives Muslims permission to defend themselves and to spread Islam,not killing all infidels unnecessarily like what you think.
2007-03-17 10:05:51
answer #6
answered by shockoshocko 3
the war between good and evil was based on clear guidelines that don't allow for misinterpretation of god's good will.
2007-03-25 06:47:44
answer #7
answered by sadafeh 2
Can Only Muslims Be Terrorists?
Robert Jay Goldstein is not a "Jewish terrorist." After all, neither God nor his prophets ever condoned the murder of innocent human beings. If a Jew engages in terrorism, the blame falls on him, not on his religion. That much we can all agree on. But that is where our paths diverge.
In August 2002 ,Goldstein was arrested near his home in St. Petersburg, Florida. In his possession were 40 weapons, 30 explosive devices, a list of 50 mosques and a detailed plan to bomb an Islamic school.
Contrary to the suggestion from defense lawyers that Goldstein is mentally ill, sheriff's Detective Cal Dennie characterized him as "a smart guy" who "knew his stuff."
Clearly Goldstein, a terrorist, was capable of inflicting unimaginable harm. In chilling details, his mission plan stated his desire to "open fire on all 'rags' and then bolt out and let the devices do the rest."
His motive was "to do something for 'his' people," in retaliation for 9/11 and the ongoing Israeli-Arab conflict. His goal was to "kill all rags" with "zero residual presence."
Despite Goldstein's impressive arsenal and obvious intent, federal prosecutors say he is not a terrorist, as his actions were not aimed at altering government policy.
But the U.S. Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as "acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; and appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States." Intent to alter government policy is only one part of a fairly broad definition of domestic "terrorism."
Federal prosecutors ultimately charged Goldstein with lesser offenses of violating civil rights, attempting to damage religious property, obstructing people in the free exercise of religious beliefs and possessing unregistered firearms.
Based on the evidence, there is no doubt that Goldstein would have received life in prison had he been charged as a terrorist.
Goldstein will not spend his life in prison and that worries many Muslim Americans. When he is released, after serving his sentence of 12-and-a-half years, he will be only 50 years old, still capable of inflicting potential harm.
The Goldstein terror plot remains perplexing for many other reasons. After his arrest, there was little information available about accomplices who were at large and remained a mortal threat to peace.
The Muslim community naturally wanted to take appropriate measures to secure their mosques from being targeted by any of Goldstein's accomplices. Several pleas were made to law enforcement authorities for full disclosure of all mosques on Goldstein's target list. Federal and state authorities declined to honor these requests.
American-Muslims, the targeted victims of this plot, were never asked by the prosecution to testify, a practice routine in criminal cases. In a surprising move, prosecutors argued that community members should not be allowed to speak in court. Only with the good graces of sentencing Judges Moody and Kovachevich were testimonies from the Muslim community made part of the official record.
Contrast Goldstein to the case of another terrorist, who happened to be Muslim, who also pled guilty for plotting to blow up Florida Power & Light substations and a National Guard Armory. His planning was not as extensive as Goldstein's, but federal prosecutors charged the Muslim as a "terrorist."
Do not get us wrong. We are not pleading for leniency for terrorists who happen to be Muslims. We're all safer when they're locked up. Such terrorists have no hesitation to kill innocent human beings, Muslim or non-Muslims, as they did on September 11, 2001.
What we are arguing is that non-Muslims should also be punished as terrorists if they engage or conspire to engage in terrorism. Such crimes should be taken just as seriously, even when the intended victims are "only" American Muslims.
After all, the life of a Muslim child is worth no less than the life of a Jewish or Christian child. I hope that's something we can all agree on.-- Hernando Today
*Kamran Memon is a Chicago civil rights attorney. Parvez Ahmed, Ph.D., is Chairman of Board for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL).
2007-03-21 10:35:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Islam sets down clear guidelines as to when war is ethically right and how such a war should be conducted.
War is decreed in Islam in self defense to defend Islam (rather than to spread it); Islam also allows war if an Islamic state comes under attack, or if another state is oppressing its own Muslims.
This indicates that war in Islam is only a mean to ward off aggression and not a mean to impose Islam as a religion; as some may claim. Referring to this, Allah Almighty says:
“To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily God is most powerful for their aid.” Qur’an (22:39)
Also the Holly Qur'an has stressed the fact that war is launched only to fight for noble motives without seeking any earthly reward: Allah says:
"Those who readily fight in the cause of God are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of God, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense." Qur'an (4:74)
War in Islam should be conducted in a disciplined way according to the principles of Allah’s justice; so as to avoid injuring non-combatants with the minimum necessary force without anger and with humane treatments towards prisoners of war because Islam is in favor of peace and against violence.
The instructions of Islam are to be observed in war and in peace times. Islamic jurisprudence maintains that whatever is prohibited during peace is also prohibited during war. War is no excuse to be lenient with misbehaving troops.
Fighting should be directed only against fighting troops and not to non- fighting persons, for Islam bans the killing of non-combatants or of a combatant who has been captured. Also Allah has forbidden Muslim from attacking wounded soldiers (unless the wounded person is still fighting).
Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) view of non-combatants is shown by a hadith in which he (PBUH) saw a woman killed in the battlefield and this was denounced by the Prophet saying "She did not fight".
Islam adopts an attitude of mercy and caring for the captured enemy, it prohibits any form of abuse or torture whether physical or sexual against the enemy.
Previously, it was the custom for the captive to work for his food or get it through private means then the Qur’an made it a charity to feed the prisoners and the Prophet (PBUH) urged his Companions to be good to the captives.
When the Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayzah was in the seizure of the Muslims, loads of dates were regularly carried to them, with the Prophet's instructions to shelter them from the summer sun and to provide them with water to drink.
According to Islamic law, the captive belongs to the state and not to his captor. The ruler has the ultimate option, as he sees fit, of granting freedom or doing that after taking a ransom. An acceptable ransom that was quite often carried out was to teach ten Muslim children to read and write. Sometimes captives were exchanged for Muslim captives in enemy hands.
Captives were set free upon their word of honor not to fight again, and they should not be ordered by their governments to go to battle again. If they break their promise, they might be sentenced to death if they are captured again.
Umarna Ibn-Athal was set free upon his promise not to provide the enemy with food. This gentle treatment touched the man’s heart and was then embraced Islam saying to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):
"There was a time when your face was the most hated face to me, and there comes a day when it is the most loved.”
Also Islam has emphatically prohibited treachery by taking the enemy by surprise attack. Recent examples of signing a pact or treaty with a nation as camouflage to hidden intent to attack it are quite contrary to Islam. If Muslims sense the treachery of any enemy with whom they had a treaty, they should cancel with him that treaty before embarking on war again.
Islamic war was one of liberation and not of compulsion. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his Companions, May Allah be pleased with them, never fought to force people to accept Islam. On the contrary, war was launched to save Muslims living in countries ruled by Non-Muslims, so as to grant them freedom to practice the religion they’ve chosen. Had people entered Islam because of force, they would have gone back to their roots.
It is worth mentioning that when Muslims fought the Romans in Egypt, the Egyptian Copts sided with and helped Muslims against the Romans who were Christians like them. This was because Christian Egypt was suffering religious oppression by the Christian Romans to compel them to adopt their religious beliefs.
2007-03-18 04:48:52
answer #9
answered by BeHappy 5
it seems to be for them.
2007-03-17 10:02:52
answer #10
answered by Born of a Broken Man 5