Tolerance.... some people do not have any, if you do not agree with their view you will be slammed.. Its not just Yahoo Answers its every where...
2007-03-17 10:38:15
answer #1
answered by M B 5
It's nothing new, really, it's just that the speed of communication is so fast, and this format is so anonymous, that people feel free to state the first thing that comes into their mind, without the filter that polite society imposes on people in public. If the persons making such remarks were to be asked the same questions in a public arena, where people knew them and the answers given could carry an actual consequence, they would probably not give such opinionated bigoted responses.
2007-03-17 21:25:19
answer #2
answered by DisIllusioned 5
Some people here just care about the 2 lousy points they get.
Others know that you're trying to get an answer to something or worried about something so they add more for you to be stressed about.
I get that alot when i ask a simple question they tear it apart picking at tiny details such as a minor spelling error instead of answering my question.
Just ignore and read the positive answers, i for one am here to help if i know the answer to someones problem or had been through the same stituation they need guidance about.
So not all here are ignorant so don't be afraid to ask even the silliest question!
2007-03-17 16:59:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Basically it can be traced to poor parenting, the lack of basic Civic Education and Social skills
Many people of poor manners (bikers with loud pipes - kids with boomer cars) follow the same physiological pattern as a rapist or child molester.
1. Not caring who and how they hurt or annoy.
2. Use threats and intimidation
3. Are into their actions for their own gratification with total disregard to anyone else.
4. Scoff and mock the Police, the law and authority.
This is just a simple outline, but goes much deeper.
2007-03-17 20:22:26
answer #4
answered by Eldude 6
Ah, basic etiquette.. sadly, for a lot of people, it is lacking.. just as the person who asked, what is that? I grew up in the 60's and 70's, and was taught politeness, and to care about others' feelings.. However, once the Me generation got here, they lost their minds and no longer care about the rest of the world..
I generally ignore the ones who are idiots, and, if they flame, or otherwise try to attack other users, that's when I hit the Report Abuse Flag..
and that's what all users should do.. Yahoo will know who the attack dogs are, and will suspend them, and, if a few of us good guys wind up suspended because the dogs got us, well, as long as the dogs are gone, I can live with it.
2007-03-17 18:13:54
answer #5
answered by chuckufarley2a 6
People of any age ,creed,sex or color can lack or do lack soical and basic etiquette and manners. FROM CLEANING up after themselves in a public places to being rude on the net. People act that way because we as a whole allow it and dont say NO. Flamming someone on the net is petty and usually done by someone who in really life has huge self esteem problems. Rudeness is in the same manner. Its as if the net gives people the freedom to be asses just because there is not real physical contact.
But if you can't act mature here, there is very little hope in the " real " world for that person.
Its notjust parents..its socity in general that just stands back and lets peopleor groups doas they please, then ***** about it later.
2007-03-17 20:12:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's basically the lack of discipline enforced by the parents of such adults and children. As the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, most people think that no matter what we do, it's okay, because we are Americans. Politeness is something that some people lack nowadays and no matter where you go, you will be faced by ignorant and arrogant people that just can't face that fact that anything they say is rude or offending.
2007-03-17 19:21:48
answer #7
answered by Rrraaawwwrrr 2
1-Just as others said---it's not taught anymore and not only do people lack manners, they lack intelligence.
2-People answer on here just for points that dont matter, out of boredom or they're stupid to realize people are asking legit questions in the astrology sections for instance and making fun of their beliefs.
3-This is a large system. You cant stop the stupid people. People will always abuse a good thing where they cant get caught. They do it on craigslist. They do it on myspace. And they do it on here.
2007-03-18 20:37:27
answer #8
answered by The M 2
Good manners in American society used to be taught in the home. But after WW2 America became a superpower, as well as the most financially powerful country on the planet. We've become spoiled and spoiled people don't generally concern themselves with good manners. The problem gets noticably worse with each new generation born in America. Add to that, the anonymity of the internet and you have the potential for one very rude online populace.
2007-03-17 16:12:37
answer #9
answered by BOOM 7
Etiquette, one aspect of decorum, is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the conventional norm within a society, social class, or group. Usually unwritten, it may be codified in written form. Etiquette usually reflects formulas of conduct in which society or tradition have invested. An etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code, or in may grow more as a fashion, as in eighteenth century Britain where apparently pointless acts like the manner in which a tea cup was held became important as indicators of upper class status. Like "culture", it is a word that has gradually grown plural, especially in a multi-ethnic society with many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to "an etiquette" or "a culture", realizing that these may not be universal. In Britain, though, the word etiquette has its roots in the eighteenth century, becoming a universal force in the nineteenth century to the extent that it has been described as the one word that aptly describes life during the reign of Queen Victoria
2007-03-17 16:18:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Thank you! As a new member I was both shocked and dismayed by the number of abusive and generally rude answers that I received to a couple of my questions. I was only trying to get open and honest feed back,but what I received was degrading and at times humiliating. It has caused me to become quite reticent about what questions I ask and how I phrase them. Even then, obnoxious seems to be the word of the day. I am surprised that with the advent of the 'world wide web' our lack of sensitivity to other cultures is so very pronounced. Shame on us. I applaud your attempt to bring it into the light of day.
2007-03-18 23:15:53
answer #11
answered by wezy53154 5