The most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you, and He doesn't want you to carry this burden of guilt any longer.
Furthermore, He has done everything possible to lift that burden from you. Our greatest problem can be summarized in one word: sin. It isn't only your problem; it's the problem of the whole human race. Because of sin we are separated from God, and down inside we know we haven't measured up to His standards.
That's why we feel guilty—and we feel guilty because we are guilty! The Bible says, "My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear" (Psalm 38:4). But we can't get rid of this burden on our own. We can deny it or suppress it, but we can't eliminate it by ourselves. Only God can take it away.
And that is precisely what He did when He allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us. Christ was sinless and pure—but on the cross all our sins were placed on Him, and He took the punishment and death we deserve. The Bible says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Don't carry the burden of your sin and guilt any longer. Instead, open your heart to Christ and by faith give your burden to Him.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross for you, He took upon Himself the punishment for every sin you have ever committed—or ever will commit. God's mercy is infinite! This is why the Bible says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:12).
Does this mean that it doesn't matter how we live, or that we don't need to confess our sins and seek His forgiveness when we do wrong? No, certainly not. God is holy and pure, and sin is an offense to Him. When we sin, we dishonor Him and act as if we are more important than He is. Sin also cuts us off from God and breaks our fellowship with Him. The Bible warns, "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened" (Psalm 66:18).
But God still loves us even when we sin and yearns for us to come to Him and seek His forgiveness. Don't ever doubt His love, and don't ever doubt His willingness to forgive us when we truly repent! God loves you so much that His Son was willing to die on the cross for you.
Have you opened your heart to Christ? Make sure of your commitment to Him. Then ask Him to help you conquer those things that keep pulling you down. You can't conquer them in your own strength—but with Christ's help you can. Thank Him for His mercy, and turn to Him each day for the power to overcome sin.
2007-03-17 06:56:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
God is waiting for you to be honest with him. He can read the heart (mind). He knows you are saying it with every intention of not repeating the sin, but for whatever reason, you can't stop.
Its like a Heroin addict. He can tell God that he will never do it again, and really mean it, because right now he's not sick.
but wait until his small bowel starts to obstruct because he didn't get a shot; then what??? He's gonna go get a shot.
Next time, don't tell God you will never do it again. Instead, tell him that you fear you will do it again, and that you need his help to stop doing it. Tell him exactly how you feel.
Talk to him openly and honestly. He will appreciate that more than all the empty promises you could make.
Tell him you will do your best, but that you need help. Ask him to forgive you for what you have done, and then leave it there.
Do not carry around guilt for something that is forgiven. God doesn't even want it brought up again. As for repeating the sin, if you ask for help with it, and if you really try your best, you will get his help. Don't think that if you repeat the sin again after talking to God honestly about it, that it means He's not gonna help you. He is. But He will do it in a way thats best for you, so be patient, and if you sin again, repent again. Then go about your day, free in Christ. God does his work on his own time schedule, not on yours. Your prayers to him are so important to him, that he keeps them "bottled". I'll pray for intercession.
2007-03-17 06:57:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are experiencing a habitual pattern - the more you engage in the behavior the more you will want to engage in it - asking god for forgiveness is pointless because you're relying on some external force (god) to solve or help your problem. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is the answer. While whatever behavior you're engaging in is a natural and normal by-product of your genetics and programming - the guilt you experience comes from the fact that god is within you (your conscience). What you need to do is (a) shift your focus from the animal actions to the spiritual - volunteer, engage in self-sacrifice, help someone - occupy yourself in other behaviors which will make you feel good (b) learn to engage your self-control (your god component provides this ability) and limit the behavior as much as possible. You will relapse many many times and struggle with the behavior which troubles you - it's a constant battle and int he end you will either eliminate the behavior or be a slave to it. Good luck.
2007-03-17 07:49:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well that just goes to show that you don't have a strong will in trying to be "good". Whatever sin you've made (or in this case.. makes), if you have the willpower and inner strength to get over it and move on, you eventually will :) Don't lose the game before you even play it. If this "sin" is of no disadvantages to others, I suggest you push it out to the limit, so that you'll know the risk and consequences you'd have to come across. The more you hesitate to doing the "sin", the more curious you become, and such will even bring you closer to the worst that can happen.
So remember, if the sin is a minor thing, I say go ahead and do it til you get sick of even thinking about it. But, if it's a dangerous act for YOU and or towards others, have a family member/ close relatives/ friends to help you control it.
Be safe and good luck. Oh, and if you're a spiritual guy, try listening to that "sounds of hell" audio that the scientist in Siberia just discovered. That'll hold you from committing more ordeals :)
2007-03-17 06:46:35
answer #4
answered by Zenithia Victora 3
We all stumble in many ways! The Scriptures are clear about forgiveness, when you ask you receive, but one of the responsibilities is yours and yours alone. One of the reasons that we keep on sinning a certain way is because of the way we think. You can ask forgiveness-and walk away thinking the same way as before. You have a responsibility to change your way of thinking about this sin. A thinking pattern needs to change. Instead of thinking about it as something you want to do, when the thought comes into your head, push it away! You will develop discipline this way.
James is clear about sin. We don't just get up and do it, we think about it for awhile first. In order to change the old pattern the mind needs to get engaged. I've been teaching thru the book "Battlefield of the Mind" and the author talks about this very thing.
A man came to the prayer line and asked for prayer because he always lusts after women and he was married. The author prayed for forgiveness for the man but also told him that he was responsible before God to change the way he was thinking, fill his mind with the Scriptures and about God,instead of all the yuck that was in there! The Scriptures are clear about using our mind, this is where it all starts........hope this helps some.....
2007-03-17 06:51:46
answer #5
answered by trainer53 6
I have had this problem, too. I have no doubt that you are feeling genuine godly sorrow about this. First, it is good to feel conviction about it, because that shows that the Holy Spirit is active in your life, but do not let it become condemnation, because this is not from God. It seems that the enemy has found a chink in your armor, and will repeatedly hit you there until you get serious about repenting of this. When you have had enough, when these thoughts about doing this paticular thing, or anything else he may come against you with, simply tell him "I have repented of this, and I will not submit to sin, I am standing on the word of God, He has delivered me from sin, and it has no power over me any longer.", or something like that. Remember what Jesus said over and over in Revelation, "To he that overcomes, I will give to eat of the Tree of Life." Also, "Let the wicked man forsake his thoughts". You don't have to stand for this, there is the delivering power of Jesus at your disposal. Grace and peace to you. Don't believe the lie, stand in the truth.
2007-03-17 06:53:44
answer #6
answered by W J 3
You need power with God. The disciples of Jesus were commanded to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father (Acts 1,2 -The Holy Spirit). When they recieved the promise they recieved power with God. After baptism in water there is a second work of grace after you have believed in Jesus and that is the baptism into the Spirit. After you have received this free gift you will receive the power to walk right , talk right, live right and the power to conduct yourselves in a manner that's pleasing to God in all things, without oscillating back and forth. Check out the valleyof on line free bible teachings you will learn a lot
2007-03-17 06:50:06
answer #7
answered by Tommy D 3
God knows our weaknesses but unfortunately so does the devil and he will always tempt us with what he knows will trip us. Paul says that we should not continue in sin just because we know we are going to be forgiven. Continue to pray and when you see this temptation coming...RUN!! Go someplace where there is NO way that you can fall to it. A good Bible based Church is a GREAT place to start. Most of them should have some type of 'recovery' studies that are Christ centered. Find a good Christian mentor (same sex) and have them help you to be accountable. God WILL get you through this and continue to ask God for forgiveness and guidance. Just know that as soon as you conquer this satan will leave you alone in this area...but be forewarned he'll find another's a struggle but you will WIN!!!! Also, when satan reminds you of your past....remind him of his future =)
2007-03-17 06:44:17
answer #8
answered by cbmultiplechoice 5
I'm pretty sure you've never done anything actually evil. Don't make promises to God. Just tell God you feel bad about some of the things you do, but will try to stop doing them because you love God.
2007-03-17 06:42:54
answer #9
answered by Rosalind S 4
One way I found that helps me put a habit from my life that is not pleaseing to God is to come to Him with a honest heart and constantly pray scriptures that relate to the habit you have. Work on not falling into temptation. God will bring you through. Never give up. The Lord sees your heart.
2007-03-17 07:24:47
answer #10
answered by princess 1