1. Matthias was the "thirteenth apostle". He was not appointed to replace a dead apostle, but to replace an unfaithful one.
(Acts 1:24-26) . . .And they prayed...“You, O Jehovah...designate which one of these two men you have chosen, to take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated...” So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was reckoned along with the eleven apostles.
2. The term "apostle" means "one sent forth". In addition to Matthias, both Paul and Barnabas were divinely appointed apostles, and their apostleship was comparable with that of "the twelve". From time to time, a Christian elder was appointed as an 'apostle' who was 'sent forth' from his congregation to represent them for some purpose; this type of lesser apostleship cannot be compared with that of the fifteen known 'apostles of Christ' whose appointment was directly by holy spirit at the direction of Christ.
(Acts 14:14) when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they ripped their outer garments
(Acts 13:1-4) Now in Antioch there were prophets and teachers in the local congregation... As they were publicly ministering to Jehovah and fasting, the holy spirit said: “Of all persons set Barnabas and Saul apart for me for the work to which I have called them.” ...Accordingly these men, sent out by the holy spirit
3. To speak in tongues is to miraculously speak in an actual language in which one has no training or experience. As Paul wrote, it would be improper to 'speak in tongues' if there were no one there to translate. Paul also wrote that "prophesying" and "tongues" would cease when the bible was finally complete.
(1 Corinthians 14:27,28) And if someone speaks in a tongue, let it be limited to two or three at the most, and in turns; and let someone translate. But if there be no translator, let him keep silent
(1 Corinthians 13:8-10) But whether there are gifts of prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease... For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with.
4. To be baptized in holy spirit is to become anointed into the "little flock" who are resurrected to heavenly life to serve as 'kings and priests' beside Christ. Such a baptism almost always follows one's water baptism, but it did not for Cornelius.
(Acts 1:5) You will be baptized in holy spirit
(Mark 1:8) [John the Baptist] baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with holy spirit.
(John 3:3,5) Jesus said to him: “...Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into [the administration of] the kingdom of God.
(Luke 12:32) Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom [to rule]
(Acts 2:1-4) [Christian disciples] were all together... And tongues as if of fire became visible to them and were distributed about, and one sat upon each one of them, and they all became filled with holy spirit
(Revelation 5:10) [Jesus] made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.
(Acts 10:25,34,44-48) As Peter entered, Cornelius met him... Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial... While Peter was yet speaking about these matters the holy spirit fell upon all those hearing the word. ...Peter responded: “Can anyone forbid water so that these might not be baptized who have received the holy spirit even as we have?” With that he commanded them to be baptized
5. Isaiah was a prophet and bible writer who wrote extensively about the future restored paradise earth.
(Isaiah 25:8) He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken it.
(Isaiah 65:17-25) For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth... no more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or the sound of a plaintive cry.” ...And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. 22 They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. 23 They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Jehovah, and their descendants with them. 24 And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. 25 “The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said.
(Isaiah 54:13-55:11) And all your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundant. 14 You will prove to be firmly established in righteousness itself. You will be far away from oppression—for you will fear none—and from anything terrifying, for it will not come near you. ...55:1 Hey there, all YOU thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price. 2 Why do YOU people keep paying out money for what is not bread, and why is YOUR toil for what results in no satisfaction? Listen intently to me, and eat what is good, and let YOUR soul find its exquisite delight in fatness itself. 3 Incline YOUR ear and come to me. Listen, and YOUR soul will keep alive... 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways, and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts. 10 For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.
(Isaiah 11:6-9) And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. 7 And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. 8 And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. 9 They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.
(Isaiah 35:1-10) The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron. 2 Without fail it will blossom, and it will really be joyful with joyousness and with glad crying out. ...5 At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. 6 At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness. For in the wilderness waters will have burst out, and torrents in the desert plain. 7 And the heat-parched ground will have become as a reedy pool, and the thirsty ground as springs of water...10 And the very ones redeemed by Jehovah will return and certainly come to Zion with a joyful cry; and rejoicing to time indefinite will be upon their head. To exultation and rejoicing they will attain, and grief and sighing must flee away.
(Isaiah 2:3-4) For out of Zion law will go forth, and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem. 4 And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.
6. Actually, the Scriptures use the personal name of God nearly SEVEN THOUSAND TIMES, expressed as the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (corresponding to 'YHWH'). In fact, the Almighty is referred to as "Jehovah" more times than "God", "Lord", and "Father" combined.
7. The "tree of life" was in the Garden in Eden, representing the fruitage of true wisdom, righteousness, and the realization of a thing desired. Revelation also associates it with the crown of life, and by extension, God's gift of unending life.
See Genesis 2:9, 16,17;3:1-24. Also Prov 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4 and Revelation 2:7,10.
8. The "tree of the knowledge of good and bad" was used by God as a symbol of God’s right to determine or set the standards for man as to what is “good” (approved by God) and what is “bad” (condemned by God).
9. The bible passage at Philippians 2:7 is particularly moving ("No, but he emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men.").
That verse really impresses on a Christian how great the sacrifice was for Jesus to give up all the heavenly glory that he had, and become something so much lower. How could a human ever forsake the Christ?
10. Nowhere in Leviticus does it say as this questioner suggests. Some English editions of King James Version introduce Leviticus chapter 26 with the following words (which are NOT part of the inspired bible canon): "Temporal and spiritual blessings to abound in Israel if they keep the commandments". Neither the uninspired introduction nor the inspired Word of God pretends that the words of Leviticus chapter 26 apply to any but the ancient nation of Israel; Jesus' sacrificial death ended the Jewish Mosaic Law as a requirement for true worship.
(Leviticus 26:46) These are the regulations and the judicial decisions and the laws that Jehovah set between himself and the sons of Israel in Mount Sinai by means of Moses.
(Colossians 2:14) [God] blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.
11. Christians need not keep the Sabbath; its entire purpose was to point forward to Christ who still rules his congregation.
(Colossians 2:16,17) Therefore let no man judge you in ... an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.
(Mark 2:28) the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath.
2007-03-16 08:17:07
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
1.Matthias replaced Judas, Paul was an apostle of the nations, but not of the twelve.1 Tim 2:7
The twelve of which Matthias was one stayed mostly in Jerusalem while Paul traveled everywhere.He was in charge of teaching people of the nations.
3.Different languages
4. Some received a deeper understanding with God sending the holy spirit.
5.Prophet and biblical writer.
6.This is a flawed question since the old testament mentions the name Jehovah several times.
7. Eternal life. Adam and Eve could have eaten from it instead of that other tree.
8.The ability for people to govern themselves and decide wrong and wright.
9.This is difficult. Song of Solomon. It means romance
10.The blessings seem to be peace and prosperity summoned up.
11. Use it for spiritual matters and worship instead of work.
I would have given far better answers if you wouldn't have asked so much.
2007-03-16 00:14:03
answer #2
answered by Joel C 3
I'll answer a few of your questions, namely the ones about apostles.
Matthais became an apostle in the place of Judas.
After this, the only person recorded as becoming an apostle is Paul.
One of the requirements of the apostles was that they must be a wittness of the resurrection (Acts 1:22). No man alive today has seen the risen Christ.
The apostles were to establish the church and be messangers of the gospel until the New Testament was completed. We now have their message in the form of the New Testament, so there is no need for apostles today.
As the apostles died, there were no new apostles to replace them. Their work was completed.
2007-03-15 18:02:16
answer #3
answered by JoeBama 7
Wasn't it Barnabas?
There were some: Philemon, Titus...I can't remember any more though.
Well, Acts says that they spoke in other languages, and the people in the crowd understood them.
Hmm. I'm not sure, exactly. I think it's just the Holy Spirit descending on people in place of Jesus.
Isaiah was a major prophet who foretold the coming of Christ.
I don't know. And I'm not sure about the next two either.
My favorite passage? Oh, there are MANY. I love the Gospels, the story of Ruth, Job, 1 Corinthians 13, Romans, Ephesians, Galatians...I guess I'm mostly into the New Testament. But I also love Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and Psalms.
2007-03-15 17:44:33
answer #4
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
The apostles who replaces Judus was Matthias.
Ofcourse they were apostles after the original apostles wasn't Paul who was origanally Saul named as an apostle and others too, persons who acknowledged Jehovah and Jesus and spread the word of the Kingdom ... are they not considered apostles?
Actually speaking in tongues as spoken of in the bible was the special ability given through the holy spirit to some disciples in the early Chirstian congregation that enabled them to preach or other wise glorify God in a language other than their own. 1 Cor. 12:13,30 and 1 Cor. 14:5 Also back then when persons spoke in tongues the words had meaning to listners hearing them speak, unlike today where people claim to speak in tongues and no one understands them...
My understanding of Baptism of holy spirit is God's acknowledging a person as a faithful servant read Act 1:5 and Acts 2 2-4.
Isaiah was the son of Amoz. He served during the reigns of at least four kings of Judah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah evidently beginning about 778BCE.
Actually the name Jehovah appears more than 4000 in the old testiment in the original language in current copies of the bible you can find it at Ex 3:15,6:3, Gen 22:14, Exodus 17:15 in NEw English Bible, in KJ Ex 6:3 , Isaiah 12:2 just to name a few.
tree of Life i will have to revise and get back to you.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented God right to rule over mankind.
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. PS 111 : 10
2007-03-15 18:29:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
13. Matthias;
elected by lot.
14. Paul electected by God.
The coming of The Holy Spirit on a true believer. Sometimes evidenced with the speaking in tongues.
A prophet of God--730 years before Christ.
In Isaiah. ISA 12:2 and ISA 26:4.
That tree that produces the fruit that will make you live forever---Jesus.
The fuit that gaves us belief--faith.
The tree that took away our innocence. The one that caused us to not believe god's word.
1 Cor. 1:30 He did it all. He gets the glory. He is merciful.
By remembering The lord that day.
2007-03-15 17:58:36
answer #6
answered by chris p 6
1. Matthias
2. yeah. Paul, Appolos....
3. to speak in different words of different languages, with meanings set by God. in Peter and the first apostle's case, they spoke supernaturally in all [represented] languages at once
4. a prophet in the Old Testament
5. Jeremiah?
6. depends. Adam and Eve's, or God? I'm pretty sure I heard of the tree of life descending from Heaven (in Revalations). Adam and Eve's tree would have stopped them from ever physically dying.
7. the way man inheritted morality/immorality and the knowledge thereof
8. the book of John. It has a lot of answers, plus John 3:16
9. the ten commandments (no other gods, no idols, no misuse of God's name, keep sabbath holy, honour parents, no adultery, don't kill, don't lie, don't covet)? remember it/do no work?
2007-03-15 17:43:46
answer #7
answered by Hey, Ray 6
to speak by the spirit of God (the apostles did it on the day of pentecost, and taught it to all new converts)
to be born again, filled with God's spirit
an old testament prophet
many places Yahweh is mentioned
eternal life, not sure how figurative it is
phillipians 4 :13 i am weak, He is strong
that God blesses us here and in the kingdom to come
it is not required that we keep the sabbath anymore, read Romans 14
I know i failed because of the last one, I love you anyway
2007-03-15 17:46:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To speak in a different language.
The changing work of the HS on us (sanctification)
A prophet
"Jehovah" is a German name and is NOT in the Bible.
Gods divine nature.
James 2:19, it means belief is not enough.
It means god would bless them in this life and spiritually. They kept the Sabbath day holy by observing it.
2007-03-15 17:51:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
1. Matthias, who was chosen over Barnabas
2. Paul, Appolos, and in a strict literal Mormon sense, all of the Apostles designated by the Mormon Church...and in Primitive times, Nephi and the other 11 Apostles selected by Jesus in Third Nephi. So now there are at least six original Apostles form the BC-AD era walking the planet today.....
3. To spontaneously speak in 'foreign' languages and convey Gospel principles. Can be singular or inverse-Babel (speak in all languages at once). NOT the meaningless blahbabiblahblah that some religions tout as 'speaking in tungs'
4. To be baptized with Holy Ghost. Acts 19:1-6 provides a Biblical example showing that a second baptism was needed. The washing of our sins (by baptism) and the regeneration of the Spirit (by the Holy Ghost) in Titus 3:5 are two different but related things - and both are essential. Acts 2:38 elaborates on the need for baptism, not just 'symbolic' baptism. John 3.v5 -- "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
5. Messianic prophet in the OT
6. There's much more in KJV if looking at Jehovah as JC--. Exodus 6v3; Psalms 68.83/96; Isaiah 6/12/41/43; Jonah 1v9 and by implication Zechariah 12 (Jehovah refers to Himself as the 'me' in v5,7,8,10. Whew, had to do some research on this...
7. Varies. Tree of life is a symbol of union of Heaven and Earth. Also, I interpret the tree in Lehi's vision as TOL, as supported by several parts of 1 Nephi. Tree of life represents immortality (1 Nepthi 11v25/Alma 42v5), purity (1 Nephi 15v36/2 Nephi 2v15); Apostles (Rev. 22v2). Christ could be seen as the tree of life, since he united physical Man with physical God.
9. Women are vile, evil creatures! This represents agency, which is ability to live within contrasts of good/evil.
10. "Rejoice, O, my heart..." in 2 Nephi, 4v30 because it is so striking a statement of Joy when God answers Nephi to comfort him after the death of his father
11. Lots of them describe in D&C: sacrament, wisdom, redemption, children, family, stewardship over earth, tithe paying, priesthood, etc.
12. Do what God would want us to do. Not just simply avoid doing certain things, but create love and beauty in life in honor of God. Also, to chill out and reeeeeelax!
2007-03-15 23:51:48
answer #10
answered by CevnLDSNewbie 2
Paul, No, Speak multiple languages, being annointed into the Kingdom, prophet, Exodus 6:6, Kingdom of God, God's authority to dictate to humans what is good and bad, Don't lean on your own understanding, I Have no idea.
2007-03-15 17:42:28
answer #11
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7