What is your reason for coming in here exactly? Do people that do not eat meat bother you THAT much that you feel you have to spread your own beliefs in a vegetarian forum?
You are not that bright are you? A car NEEDS oil and gas to run. A human does not need to eat flesh to function properly and be healthy. We also have the ability to reproduce constantly but are you up for that? Go ahead, go make baby after baby and that will prove how you are designed.
PS: Study after study shows that vegetarians have a lower risk of many cancers and meat eaters have a 50% higher risk of colon cancer.
2007-03-14 01:31:10
answer #1
answered by KathyS 7
Here is a chart that might make you think twice about weather humans closer resemble herbivores or omnivores.
human culture has eat meat for thousands of years but evolution takes millions of years. Humans come from the ape family, most gorillas eat a 100% vegan diet, unless there is a food shortage. Although some gorilla family groups do eat insects but these are not required as a part of their diet. They mainly eat fruit, plants, nuts, seeds, roots etc. Look at a gorillas teeth http://klb.uwstout.edu/GorillaYawning01_2.gif The teeth that each animal species has is not just to do with diet. Did you know that an elephants tusks are teeth? Elephants use their tusks to pry bark off trees or dig for roots, and in social encounters as an instrument of display or as a weapon. A gorilla does not use its teeth for ripping flesh, they use them as a display or defense/offense.
Are you sure a vegan diet is like a car running on half the fluids it needs? These vegan athletes and Olympic athletes seem do be doing well http://www.veganfitness.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=723. Here is a vegan bodybuilder (no supliments)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvEH7W_w1NA If you want to use cars as an example then think about this. Maybe eating meat is like putting bronze fuel in your car, when you could be putting gold fuel in. Gold fuel would keep your engine in better condition and would keep it lasting longer.
People will have different opinions about many things including diet. Some people would argue that there is something wrong with fresh fish and ckicken. I can tell you that since switching over to a vegan diet (a diet including fruit, vegetables, whole grain, legumes, nuts, seeds) I feel like a million dollars! A skin rash I used to have is gone, I have more energie and endurance and I would noticed this since I jog and do lots other other physical activity every day including some muscle building. My monthly cycle only lasts for 3 days, its very light, cramp and headache free. I sleep better, and don't feel the need to sleep as much (6 hours of sleep is plenty) I have been a vegetarian for 7 years, about 10 weeks ago I became a vegan and thats where I noticed a real difference in my health. But thats just my opinion and experiance.
Everyone thinks differently and has a right to do so. And there are many ways to get the same end result, even in a health aspect.
2007-03-13 17:40:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you are open minded, and truly want an answer, this will make sense. If you are closed minded, and just want to justify your consumption of dead flesh, it wont. If a human was "built" to eat meat, we would also have the capacity to hunt, catch, kill, and eat it without the use of hunting equipment and cooking methods, like all other predators, such as lions do. Lions have claws, many sharp teeth, and the strength to kill and consume its prey. As for the teeth, we have two tiny incisors for puncturing foods, the rest of our teeth are flat, like all other vegetarian creatures. All of the nutrients we need can be found in a plant and grain based diet, minus the cholesterol and fats contained in meat, that are known to cause disease. You won't find many vegetarians in the cardiac ward or waiting room. We are "built" with an imposable thumb for gathering fruits and vegetables, and our bodies are much more equiped for gardening than for hunting. As for equating it to you car-your car is "built" to have gasoline, oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, etc. Lets suppose you throw some laundry detergent in-its not going to run right, now is it? Eating meat is the same thing for the body, you simply do not need it. Meat, in its NATURAL state, contains fat, cholesterol, urine, blood, fecal matter, purines, ammonia, adrenaline, and hormones. In its PROCESSED state, it also contains growth hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, steroids, bleach, peroxide, and other lovely stuff. Now, even a second grade child would have to concede that this is NOT good for the human body. It goes against all common sense that it could be. Meat is the same protein that the human body is-nothing makes sense about the body having to break down a similar protein as its own, and sorting out what to digest, and what to leave alone. The simple fact is, if humans had to rely on instict and skill to hunt their own meat, most would be vegetarian. The simple availability of it allows most to consume it. If you had to hunt, kill, slaughter, butcher, and consume your own live animal, would you? Could you? Keep in mind YOU would have to dispose of the unused parts in a sanitary manner. Who would do this, and who would be vegetarian if someone else wasn't doing the dirty work
2007-03-14 01:26:54
answer #3
answered by beebs 6
People become vegetarians for various reasons. Some object to the slaughter of animals, some choose not to eat meat for religious, environmental or personal reasons, and some of us simply don't like the taste or smell of meat.
Having the ability to do something and the necessity to do it are two different things. I have the ability to eat ten hamburgers if I wanted to, but there's no need to when I can get adequate protein in a source that my body digests more easily than it does meat.
In earlier eras, people did heavy manual labor and required a diet that was higher in calories. And there were times when vegetables and fruits were difficult to obtain.* But today, most of us don't need as many calories, and we have access to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, making meat-eating an option, not a necessity for survival.
*(Although Buddhist and some Catholic monasteries and convents have been strictly vegetarian for hundreds of years. They survived very nicely without meat by relying on produce that they grew and preserved themselves.)
Your car analogy breaks down (pardon the pun) because there is nothing in meat that cannot be obtained from vegetarian sources with the exception of vitamin B-12. Even that can be gotten from non-meat foods such B-12 fortified soy milk, cereals, or nutritional yeast. Like the car, we all need certain things to function, but unlike a car, we have more than one option of where to get those nutrients.
If someone else chooses to eat meat -- be it fish, poultry, pork, beef, or any other type -- that's their choice. It's not wrong or bad. And if someone else chooses not to eat meat, then that's the right decision for them.
2007-03-13 15:58:38
answer #4
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
Grasses, Berries and Seeds are autotrophs which isn't in ur question. Grouse and Goshawk are carnivores. They devour insects and invertebrates. Grizzly bear is labeled as carnivore in spite of the undeniable fact that that's an omnivore. Do u recommend Chimpmunk? Elk, Grasshopper and Marmot are herbivore.
2016-12-01 23:22:13
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Legislating others life and diet habits are as un-natural as you can get in todays society.I've heard the argument that we were meant to eat meat,as humans becacase we've evolved with our canine teeth,right next to the front ones,meant for ripping and tearing meat before chewing.So,if it makes you happy and you like the taste ,do it.Too much emphisas on doing what the media tells you is right or wrong.Luckily,as human beings we can make our own choices,and still be open minded enough to hear other options.
I can't eat veal,as I don't like the things about the way they are raised.But ,that's me and I would never assume that you should do the same.The grocerey store is full of horrors,depending on who you are asking.Best to be kind to your nieghbor and treat people the way that you would like to be treated.
2007-03-13 16:11:03
answer #6
answered by gypsycricket 4
I am a vegetarian, and I am going to tell you why I became a vegetarian and maybe that will help you understand why many people become vegan or vegetarian. But before I do that I want to just say something about the health aspect of it. It is actually proven that not eating meat is healthier. Eating meat is a cause of many medical conditions such as heart diease and obesity.
Okay so back to why people become vegetarians.
The fact that animals are treated so cruelly in factory farms and slaughterhouses. Some people do it because of religious belifs. I personally did it because I found that it was so horrible that animals were still alive and awake when their throats were slit. I found that it was so cruel and wrong that they are locked up in cages and forced to edure so much pain just so we can eat them. And after looking at my religion (being Catholic) and noticing that one of the commandments is "Thou shalt not kill". I realized it did NOT specify. I didn't say "Thou shalt not kill humans".
EDIT: After reading your post again and noticing this line, "Humans were made with the physical traits to be omnivores. Just look at your teeth! They are made to eat plants and meats. Why do people think it is a good idea to avoid eating meat if we were designed to have the ability to eat meat?" I had relized I did not address that question.
Actually humans WERE NOT orginally designed to eat meat (and we are not today). It takes a long time for food to be digested, which is a trait of vegertarian animals (eg: rabbits, cows, horses etc). Meat actually begans to rot in your colon (gross I know), because it takes so long to digest it. Also regarding teeth, orginally human teeth were flatter and more adjusted for eating plants. Because people started eating meat they became sharper and more adjusted to eating meat AND plants.
I also wanted to say, that I am not trying to force anyone to become vegan or vegetarian and I respect the fact that you eat meat. However if you are interested in becoming vegan or vegetarian or just want to learn more I suggest visiting PETA.com.
2007-03-13 15:57:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If that's you're opinion fine, and yes, we were built that way, I won't argue that. Many people who choose to cut out meat do it for reasons revolving around industry. It's one thing to eat an animal because it's a means of survival and your only means of protein, iron, etc. And then it's an entirely different thing to support an industry that mass produces animals as if they're some kind of hot new toy.
2007-03-14 06:55:20
answer #8
answered by anne33khan 2
Your point being? Maybe you should check on your own "fluids to make your car run properly" and eventually also check the spelling of "herbavores".
Nothing is wrong with whatever your choice is, but who gives you the right to interfere with other people's life? (probably the fact that you don't have a life yourself)
2007-03-13 23:08:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your analogy is incredibly simplistic and completely ignores the facts of the subject. I'm getting really tired of addressing questions that are half thought out and not researched at all. When you want to have a real discussion let us know.
P.S. KitKat I wish I could give you a million thumbs up for that answer. Hilarious.
2007-03-14 03:08:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous