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Do we use the meat for eating and use the skin from the same cow to make leather or are special cows bred for their skins? Am trying to get my head round whether leather is as bad as fur and don't know the answers.

2007-03-12 01:48:25 · 29 answers · asked by ambersashakevin 1 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

29 answers

No part of a cow is wasted. 100% is used in some form or another. The hide obviously for leather, the bones for fertiliser, the 4th stomach for rennet which is used for making cheese etc.

If everybody was a vegetarian, cows, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens etc etc would cease to exist

2007-03-12 02:00:21 · answer #1 · answered by snapdragon747 5 · 2 4

Normally its the same bred of cow (frezian) that is used, but it really depend on if the slaughter house has a contract with a leather company or not!
Having worked on a farm for 5 years I always found that the hardest part was see the animals that I looked after going off to the auction knowing that once the best price had been bid then the animal would be on somebodies dinner plate within a week.

2007-03-12 02:01:16 · answer #2 · answered by Joolz of Salopia 5 · 2 0

Some of it does, yes. But a lot of leather, soft leather, comes from calfs that haven't even been born, that are ripped out of their mother's stomachs and skinned while fully conscious, so yes, leather's just as bad as fur.
The series on BBC 3 (kill it, cook it, eat it) did a fantastic job at glamourising the meat industry and not actually showing the reality of it. You can see the reality of the meat and leather industry by watching videos on PETA's website.

2007-03-12 05:46:32 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 3 1

Yes, they are the same kind of cows for both meat and the leather.

2007-03-12 01:52:16 · answer #4 · answered by Dan821 4 · 2 0

Despite the inefficiencies of raising and processing fur, cow leather comes from an animal that is processed for just about everything it has to offer.

2007-03-12 01:52:12 · answer #5 · answered by Tom ツ 7 · 3 0

Somewhat. Some leather comes from the cows flesh-eaters consume, but some comes from the Indian leather trade (from cows you don't eat). Leather also comes from pigs, goats, sheep, horses, dogs and cats.

2007-03-13 14:49:54 · answer #6 · answered by VeganButterfly 2 · 2 0

Yes leather comes from the same cows you get meat from. I don't like to rank evils, fur and leather are both monstrous and unnecessary.

2007-03-12 04:05:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

It does come from the same cow, but it's just as bad as fur, because the reason people are more violently opposed to fur than leather, is because it's much easier to harass rich, old women, than biker gangs. Lol.

2007-03-12 03:28:32 · answer #8 · answered by veggierockerdude 2 · 4 0

Yes it comes from the same cows.

It is not QUITE as bad as fur as at least the animal is eaten but as a vegan I still don't wear it for moral reasons.

2007-03-12 18:43:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Yes, the same beast killed for food provides the leather that is used by many industries. If you are a vegan obviously you would avoid both products.

However, to (possibly) put your mind at rest, one of your answerers has suggested that the mchine used to pull the skin from the cow is used in such a way that the cow feels it. (suggesting, therefore, the poor beast is alive when the skin is stripped) this is not true. ALL beasts are killed BEFORE the hide is taken off.

That will not ease the minds of vegetarians and vegans, but may ease horrific feelings about how the animals are prepared for either food or leather.



2007-03-12 02:01:19 · answer #10 · answered by BobSpain 5 · 1 4

Yes, oftentimes the cows used for "food" slaughter are also skinned in order to make leather.
I've seen video (and I won't get too greusome in my detail) about how the skin is pulled off by a large machine.
I'm fairly sure that the cows feel that part too. Can you imagine if you had your skin ripped off?

2007-03-12 01:52:24 · answer #11 · answered by YSIC 7 · 4 3

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