Because it's normal.. that's what God said to his Prophet and to us:
"They'll not accept this book peacefully, they'll fight in arguments".
Sometimes they want you to be like them, unbeleiving is terrible.. Imagine - God Forbid - That you don't believe in God, this means you believe that there is no protector, supporter, and you are on your own.. in this dark tough world. There is only one key to replace the peace of mind believers have; to create new unbelievers! to feel that you are not alone.. There are others like you.
Feeling that there is an Almighty Being with unlimited powers, protecting you is really a good feeling.
Sometimes they are not sure.. and they want to prove to themselves they were right by arguing. they want to feel that they have chosen the right bath and we are mere idiots, God also mentioned that:
"They shall not be pleased with your presence untill you follow their believes".
Sometimes, and this is the last one; they want to ask, to really know and understand.. but they are afraid of mockery of their folks and friends.. so they ask in a strange way.
Sometimes "The Previous one was not the last one", they're people who have lots of points and endless time and have nothing to do, so they use Answers to Ask: "Was Jesus really 180 Cm Tall, or only 175 Cm.? This is a question that I might accept only if I'm working in a nursery school and the asker is 4 years old, but here, I most certainly ignore that...
I'm happy with people who ask here, even those who ask stupid questions, they give us ther chance to be real Muslims; defending our religion and spreading peaceful ideas. And show peopel who don't ask; what is Islam.. You sure remember the priest who adopted Islam after a 90 minutes chat with me, and the 1000 person adopted islam afetr hearing Samy Yusuf singing...
It's ok here.
Hello to the Kids!
2007-03-09 18:50:27
answer #1
answered by Lawrence of Arabia 6
I bash anyone here that I feel has asked a silly question, religious or not. 90% percent of my friends are Christians and I love them to death. Most of the things I say I do not mean or I'm just trying to get a good laugh. I respect anyones beliefs as long as they don't try to shove it down my throat, but you are right if I don't believe why do I bother coming to the R&S section? The best questions and the best debates happen here, and sometimes most people (myself included) get a little carried away.
2007-03-10 00:44:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You ask a valid question.
Not all non-believers who post to this Forum are hate-mongers. Likewise, some self-professed Christians seem to have wandered away from the “love thy neighbor” reservation judging by some of their written words. I will confine my remarks below only to those in both camps that act badly.
For both of these types of persons, it is interesting and sad to see how some persons will behave when hiding behind the anonymity of the computer. As an "old guy" I have occasionally acted irresponsibly in my youth, so I can relate, but only up to a point. I suspect that these persons would be truly ashamed if they knew their parents, husband, wife, children, etc., learned of some of the things they write herein. If their loved ones have departed this earth they may even be looking down on these persons from above and weeping at their actions. Clearly they do their loved ones a disservice and dishonor them with such behavior.
In answer to your question, I would argue that Christians and non-believers are just like other folks; some are overly sensitive, insensitive, kind of spirit or not easily ruffled. In short, we are all imperfect people in an imperfect world just trying to get through the day. I believe charity of spirit is the most important quality one should strive to obtain. Such a benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity will enable a person to peacefully co-exist with everyone and make this imperfect world just a little bit more tolerable. We all have our inherent biases and flaws, but there is no reason we cannot strive to be better, no matter what our personal circumstances may be.
The best solution I can recommend for you is to ignore the vapid questions or comments of believers and non-believers. It is very easy to scan past them and focus your eyes on the substantive and cogent items. If you spend enough time in this Forum the persons prone to ill manners become known quickly, enabling the ignoring of their wasted efforts even easier.
Likewise, the questions are sometimes poorly formed or are laden with underlying bias that tells the reader that no cogent and rigorous answer will satisfy the asker.
In fairness, I am frequently embarrassed by other Christians' answers. I feel a sense of dismay over the obvious lack of deeper learning that is evident by many of the responses. Most seem to want to just fire off whatever pops into their heads, streams of consciousness, etc., with no evidence of reasoned arguments, proper hermeneutics, and cogent synthesis of the issues. Some of the questions are often shallow or just asked for point-accumulation.
Unfortunately, many very good Christians have not spent enough time trying to learn and understand the theologies of the faith. Many also lack formal training in biblical hermeneutics, so they may misunderstand the full meanings of the texts they frequently quote.
Please do not misunderstand me as I am not advocating that everyone get degrees in theology, only that they spend some time studying materials outside the scriptures so that their faith will be solidly grounded.
Just keep asking questions in an objective manner and you will sometimes get useful responses. I try to answer questions so structured with a reasoned theological and philosophical response.
2007-03-10 01:51:25
answer #3
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
Thats an interesting question. I'm sure you know of a similiar question generally posed by non-muslims to muslims. They ask: "Why do muslims believe they alone will go to Paradise"? The answer isn't long. It is in the defination of the term "Muslim". The word Muslim literally means someone who has surrendered his will to God. Have the non-Muslims done that? Moreover, each Muslim believes that there will come a day when humans will be raised again after their death & questioned (& punished) for drinking wine, having illicit sex, gambling, devouring poor people's money, usury, spreading immorality, devotion to stone Gods etc. Now the non-muslims ask, why should they not be admitted into Paradise? The question is, do they believe in Paradise? And in Hell-Fire, in reckoning on the day of judgement? Does he want a share in a Paradise he doesn't believe in?
The Muslim says: "I recognise you, O Lord, that you are the sole Lord of the universe. And I am sorry for my sins against you & your creations. Will you forgive me then?" The non-Muslim says: "I recognise you, O someone in heaven, or some place else, that you are one of the three, or the one on top of three million dieties. (But really, do you exist? If you do, can you prove it to me?)
So, if Paradise is not just for Muslims alone, (those who surrendered themselves to the God who created it), then who else can it be for? Those who laugh at the idea?
Now, the people who bash Muslims are the same people who truly believe in & who are jealous of the fact that it will be the Muslims who will go to Paradise because of their belief in the true God. And therefore, out of frustration, not knowing how to react, they resort to wild allegations, abuse, violence etc against the Muslims.
2007-03-10 08:28:21
answer #4
answered by easyrecognition 3
Conservative Christians and the Republican party have made an "unholy union" in the U.S. the last 30 years that has nearly ruined The Great Experiment. I care very much about that. When there are no longer any Christians trying to convert the U.S. into a Christian Theocracy, I'll go back to not caring about religion.
2007-03-10 00:30:39
answer #5
answered by Jim L 5
I care because religion is the oldest and most powerful social institution...andAND IT SHOULD NOT BE! religious belief is personal and the need it fulfils is spiritual..including Atheism. Then why is rt causing all these conflicts around the world? why does it have such important role in policy making? I care because Religion has no place is social life...yet it does!
2007-03-10 00:58:58
answer #6
answered by ? 2
We care because stupid people that believe in religious ORGANIZATIONS prevent the humanity from evolving into intellectual creatures and that is something we do care about. This is the last thing the world needs: people believing in some spirit that lives in space and that just want to wait for HIM to come down and rescue us all.......from you maybe, who knows....
2007-03-10 01:25:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
some are taught to impose their beliefs on others to save everyone and that if you dont believe in their God you are an infidel or devil, religious tolerance was actually a bad thing and a weakness and only encouraged or promoted as a virtue about three hundred years ago by some french philospher and writer named Voltaire
2007-03-10 00:30:31
answer #8
answered by Ice queen 2
It's the extremists we bash. That's the only thing they're good for; entertainment for others.
2007-03-10 00:31:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i have had missionaries come up to me to try and get me to join their cult religion and its awful,and i lost my gf cuz she had older people from her church and her friends from church telling her to break up with me because i was a non-christian, personally all those religious people can go to hell because all they care about is having people joining their religion for numbers,,and i find that most of them are major phonies and hypocrites and i wouldnt want anyone exposed to that.
2007-03-10 00:36:33
answer #10
answered by amy 1