Whole grains haven't had their bran and germ removed by milling, making them better sources of fiber — the part of plant-based foods that your body doesn't digest. A high-fiber diet can help lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. A high-fiber diet may also lower your risk of other disorders, such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and the development of small pouches in your colon (diverticular disease).
Refined grains, such as white rice or white flour, have both the bran and germ removed from the grain. Although vitamins and minerals are added back into refined grains after the milling process, they still don't have as many nutrients as whole grains do, and they don't provide as much fiber.
You can eat whole grains plain, add them to other dishes or use them as ingredients in baked goods. Rice, bread, cereal, flour and pasta are all grains or grain products. Choose the whole-grain versions — rather than refined grains — as often as possible.
2007-03-09 10:58:19
answer #1
answered by Steve G 7
You have to check the ingredients whether white flour or wholemeal flour was used. These are the two main types of wheat flour: the wholemeal and the white flour. In the production of wholemeal flour the whole grain is used. This type of flour has an extraction rate of 100%, which means nothing is removed during milling. White flour is refined. The bran and nutrient-packed germ are separated from the rest of the grain and so many nutrients are removed.
And there are different types of flour between these two main types. It is commonly called “brown flour” and has a higher extraction rate than white flour. It contains more bran and this gives the flour a darker colour.The wholemeal flour contains all parts of the grain, the fibre-rich bran (outer layer), endosperm (middle layer) and the nutrient-packed germ (inner layer). The bran provides fibre, B vitamins, minerals, protein and other phytochemicals.
The Endosperm contains carbohydrates, proteins and small amounts of B vitamins. The Germ is packed with minerals, B vitamins, vitamin E and other phytochemicals.
2007-03-09 10:58:39
answer #2
answered by Mystic Magic 5
whole grain bread uses 100% whole grain flour.grain bread is usually white flour or a mix of white and 100% flour with whole grains added during the mixing process.
2007-03-09 12:02:04
answer #3
answered by dale s 1
they both taste like sticks and leafs
2007-03-09 15:53:26
answer #4
answered by Demetrios 7