Israel becoming a nation. Jews returning home from all over the world. The UN being a world governing body that no one wants to make a move without its approval. Eurodollar and a new currency being talked about for North America are paving the way for one world currency. islam wants to be the one world religion and some of its members are working towards that. Changes in the weather, which some people refer to as global warming. Oh there's a lot of signs but still more that need to happen.
May God Bless you.
2007-03-09 08:23:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"It just seems as though through every generation, going back to jesus' time, everyone thought that the time was near."
It was. Taken the history of man, they were, and yes, we are very close. In fact, every man is less than 100 years away from being in front of the judgment of God. Once we die, time is irrelevant and the end times have come and gone in an instant.
"A lot of people now talk about the time being near, but the hints in daniel and revelation can relate to pretty much any time."
Incorrect. The existence Israel is the key here. Yes, the end times clock stopped when Israel was thrown out of the land in 70AD, but now that Israel is once again a nation, the clock has restarted. -
"Could there be a hidden meaning that maybe the end means that even though the world doesnt end, your life can end at anytime?"
As I said before, we are all just 100 years from that final day. But there is a greater plan regarding the earth. God had absolutely NO intention of letting evil have its way with the earth forever. Satan was given 6,000 years of worldly reign over the world, but God will bring it to a halt. Whether we are here to see it is immaterial. It will happen.
2007-03-09 08:18:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The complete Chapter 24 or Matthew tell us what to look out for. We see these things going on today more so now than ever before.
But the exact time and hour, no one knows but God himself.
2007-03-09 08:21:02
answer #3
answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6
Christianity is not the first religion to incorporate the motif of global destruction.
There's nothing confusing about this. People make up stories; some of them are about a certain subject. That is all.
2007-03-09 08:19:00
answer #4
answered by eldad9 6
The only time that I confirm that is near is quitting time. 1.5 hours until I pop the first cold one of the weekend.
2007-03-09 08:20:25
answer #5
answered by ? 5
“Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matthew 24:7) Millions of people have been killed in wars during the past century. One British historian wrote: “The 20th century was the most murderous in recorded history. . . . It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organised armed conflict somewhere.” A report from the Worldwatch Institute states: “Three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century AD to 1899.” More than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914. Even if we know the sorrow of losing one loved one in warfare, we can only imagine such misery and pain multiplied millions of times over.
“There will be food shortages.” (Matthew 24:7) Researchers say that food production has increased greatly during the past 30 years. Nevertheless, food shortages continue because many people do not have enough money to buy food or land on which to raise crops. In developing countries, well over a billion people have to live on an income of a dollar or less a day. The majority of these suffer from chronic hunger. The World Health Organization estimates that malnutrition plays a major role in the deaths of more than five million children each year.
“There will be great earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11) According to the U.S. Geological Survey, since 1990 alone an average of 17 earthquakes per year have been powerful enough to damage buildings and crack the ground. And on an average, earthquakes strong enough to cause total destruction of buildings have occurred yearly. Another source states: “Earthquakes have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the last 100 years and improvements in technology have only slightly reduced the death toll.”
“There will be . . . pestilences.” (Luke 21:11) Despite medical advances, old and new diseases plague mankind. One report says that 20 well-known diseases—including tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera—have become more common in recent decades, and some types of disease are increasingly difficult to cure by means of drugs. In fact, at least 30 new diseases have appeared. Some of them have no known cure and are fatal.
Aside from identifying certain world developments, the Bible foretold that the last days would be marked by a change in human society. The apostle Paul described what people in general would be like. At 2 Timothy 3:1-5, we read: “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.” In part, Paul said that people would be
▪ lovers of themselves
▪ lovers of money
▪ disobedient to parents
▪ disloyal
▪ having no natural affection
▪ without self-control
▪ fierce
▪ lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God
▪ having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power
Have people become like that in your community? No doubt they have. There are people everywhere who have bad traits. This shows that God will soon act, for the Bible says: “When the wicked ones sprout as the vegetation and all the practicers of what is hurtful blossom forth, it is that they may be annihilated forever.”—Psalm 92:7.
“The true knowledge will become abundant,” the Bible book of Daniel foretold. When would that happen? During “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) Especially since 1914, Jehovah has helped those who truly desire to serve him to grow in understanding of the Bible. They have grown in appreciation of precious truths about God’s name and purpose, the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the condition of the dead, and the resurrection. Moreover, worshipers of Jehovah have learned how to live their lives in a way that benefits them and brings praise to God. They have also gained a clearer understanding of the role of God’s Kingdom and how it will set matters straight on the earth. What do they do with this knowledge? That question brings us to yet another prophecy that is being fulfilled in these last days.
“This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth,” said Jesus Christ in his prophecy about “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 24:3, 14) Throughout the earth, the good news of the Kingdom—what the Kingdom is, what it will do, and how we can receive its blessings—is being preached in over 230 lands and in more than 400 languages. Millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses zealously preach the Kingdom good news. They come from “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” (Revelation 7:9) The Witnesses conduct free home Bible studies with millions of people who want to know what the Bible really teaches. What an impressive fulfillment of prophecy, especially since Jesus foretold that true Christians would be “objects of hatred by all people”!—Luke 21:17.
2007-03-09 08:46:15
answer #6
answered by Alex 5
The time is in the bottom right of my computer screen.
2007-03-09 08:17:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
of course not. No one will EVER see the "Rapture".
2007-03-09 08:17:39
answer #8
answered by ? 6
there is no evidence that ANYTHING is the bible is real, actual or concrete.
2007-03-09 08:18:41
answer #9
answered by jen1981everett 4