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I have searched islam for a few years now, but still I am not a muslim. Do you think there's a problem? I just can't seem to believe in islam.

2007-03-09 04:26:58 · 13 answers · asked by Deep Sky 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

1 - Because to me, muhammad is inferior in every way compared to Moses and Jesus. No miraculous birth, no righteous life and no sacrificial death nor burial by God nor being brought up by God. Only a life of murdering, lying and speaking for the devil as admitted by him in Ishaq 166 and pedophilia by sex with a 9 year old Aisha.

2 - Allah cannot be believed because it has been proven beyond a doubt that allah is a name of a moon pagan idol. Of course, you don't believe this, despite your mosques having crescent moons, you observing lunar calendars and even worshipping in like manner to ancient moon worshippers. You simply don't care to find out!

3 - Q'uran has been proven to be NOT 100% arabic, therefore muhammad lied. Plus, many of the claims in the q'uran goes against logic and history. Again, you don't bother about finding this fact either.

Muhammad(pibuh) was a fako, and we can prove it.




2007-03-09 04:29:16 · update #1

Before you submit yourself to islam, open your mind to the world around you and do some research on historical facts and read up on the other religions before you even take in without question the claims of islam.

Simply put, don't jump down without first determining what is below. You'll die for sure.

2007-03-09 04:30:22 · update #2

Adia Arek, for someone like you who have openly admitted that muslims do not need to follow the q'uran, you are UNQUALIFIED to comment.

Why? Cos you're not even a practising muslim to begin with and neither are you a submissive servant of allah. You're just someone caught up in his own fallacies.

2007-03-09 04:31:47 · update #3

Mikael, you missed the point, I understand islam better than your imam does.

2007-03-09 04:32:38 · update #4

Counci, you can only claim something as a lie when you can counter it with FACTS.

Otherwise, anyone, including myself can say that your mother gave birth to you after sleeping with your uncle, can you call me a liar? No right, unless you can prove me wrong. Otherwise everyone here can similarly accept what I say here as FACTS.

Get the point?

2007-03-09 04:35:14 · update #5

Before you can call that website as a lying website you must first prove yourself as believable.

Problem is, neither you, nor your religion, nor your allah, nor your muhammad can stand up to scrutiny.


2007-03-09 04:36:41 · update #6

13 answers

we will blame you for being anti-Islam. not non-muslim.

hopefully one day you'll understand Islam.

2007-03-09 04:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by Mikael 4 · 4 1

Hmm... a non-intelligent attempt to attack a faith based on your own misconceptions and biased research. Your simple words and little body-shots to Islam have much in common with a high-school drop-out attempting to sound wise and righteous in assaulting advanced education...

I'm sorry, did I not make myself understandable? I beg your pardon... You are NOT intelligent. You do NOT make valid points worthy of the slightest discussion.

Unfortunately, your insults and so-called 'research' do NOT stand up to scrutiny. How have you searched Islam, I ask? Internet? Books?

Nice job... Not good enough. The first key to knowledge is impartiality. If you truly 'researched Islam', you would've searched for the pro- arguments and not just the rebuttals and refutations. But you didn't... So you lied...

Seek more knowledge because you aren't ready for higher understanding just yet. Let me tell you what you ARE ready for... 1+1=2... Take it slow... Just take it ONE STEP at a time...

May Allah guide you from your ignorance... For you don't even follow your own prophet's advice... 'Judge not lest ye be judged'...

Breathe easy or drown deep in your sea of loathing and self-righteousness... It's all an illusion, my little monkey...

2007-03-11 16:37:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OK, the reasomn your not muslim only Allah knows your intentions. Allah only guides the sincere or maybe your time for accepting islam hasn't come yet Allah knows best!

Allahs says in the wuran even if you show the the proof ayahs and verses they wont believe. so you have to be sincere in your asking God for guidance.

i refute what say about Allah being a moon God, your just going to websites that have too much hype over islam!

im finding it incredibly hard to believe that you see our beloved prophet peace be upon him in this manner, Jesus and Moses peace be upon them were not the only prophets so you cannot really compare them that's not fair. what about all the other prophets why not compare them... who else had a miracle birth apart from Jesus? so why did mohammed pbuh need one in order for you to believe that his a prophet?

If you dont believe you dont, but i dont see how we can help you with that. and you say it goes against histort the quran tells us history that matter and i am more likely to take my eviedences from the quran then some man who claims to be a historian or books written by man.

If your looking for guidance to the truth form almighty God ask him and be sincere!

2007-03-09 13:45:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I'll give you a pass on this one based on our country's freedoms of Speech and Religion. But please, be a little more considerate of others.

Also, don't even list www.prophetofdoom.com as a source. That site is filled with nothing but lies. I'm sure if you searched the web about Jesus (pbuh) you could find just as many malignant sites about him as there are about Muhammad (pbuh).

Here's a few examples:

Edit: For Siccmade420 below me. I'm sure you are just as considerate towards others who attack your beliefs as we are towards those who attack ours.

Edit again: I'm claiming that www.prophetofdoom.com is a lie AS WELL AS the sites I listed. I'm not attacking your belief, I'm actually supporting my claim that not everything you read is the truth.

Final Edit: If they can't stand up to scrutiny, then (a) why is Islam the fastest growing religion in the world and (b) why does Islam have the second highest following in the world with 1.2 billion followers?
And yes, I understand Christianity as a whole has more followers, about 2.3 billion at last count, so don't tell me I don't understand that fact as well.

2007-03-09 12:33:01 · answer #4 · answered by Maverick 6 · 4 1

muslim never blame you to be non muslim. islam never force someone to convert to islam. i have read the two websites are clearly it's not true and it's insulted islam. there is no use to talk to you because your heart as hard as stone, as black as ...

how about you refer to the real islamic websites and ignore that two websites. don't criticize islam if you only read an article from that websites.

there is no peace if a people like you exists.

2007-03-13 03:57:41 · answer #5 · answered by Tia 3 · 0 0

for those of you that are bashing this guy, are you saying the things he wrote arent true? are you saying that these things are inaccurate? it seems to me that he is questioning what he seems to be wrong, and you all dont like it. of course thats seems to be a theme with muslims, extreme nontolerance for those that dont agree with them.

i dont follow ANY religion. I believe in science and fact, which no religion has enough of to convince me. that being said, every religion is critical of the other, but....we dont all blow up one another, and im not stereotyping, because whether you would do it or not, you are more sympathethic to the insane muslims that do, than the innocent christians, or jews, or buddists or whatever that are effected.

2007-03-09 12:34:27 · answer #6 · answered by siccmade420 2 · 1 2

All I say to you, if u had read the Quran u shld noe that God always reminds mankind this,

For He Wills whom He guides and whom He guides not!

2007-03-10 09:35:56 · answer #7 · answered by aw_farid 2 · 1 0

i don't care about ur opinion about islam and i really doubt that u have searched it , may be the problem u don't search to understand and searching a trueth rather u search to bash!!

i don't blame u and it isnot my problem!!

2007-03-09 13:04:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Whatever, you're just embarassing yourself right now you know.

Edit: You're the one who confuses Hadith with the Qu'ran, and I'm a muslim and you're not, who has the correct idea right now?

Re-Edit: http://www.answering-christianity.com

Real hard FACTS.

2007-03-09 12:29:27 · answer #9 · answered by Adia Azrael 4 · 6 1

You'll be blaming yourself on the day of judgement!

2007-03-09 12:47:06 · answer #10 · answered by Sweetpea 2 · 2 0

It's your choice if you don't want to follow Islam.

2007-03-09 12:45:16 · answer #11 · answered by Wanderer 5 · 2 0

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