never skip meals.
eat 6 small meals day. consisting of fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. If you eat any thing in the poultry or meat department very lean, Stay away from bread(carbs) and soda(salt, and more sugar)
find a strict and one to make you sweat, routine exercise and do this 4 times a week.
Ignore the first 4 weeks,'s actually the 6th week when all your friends will see the difference.
jumping jacks,sit ups, push ups, and jog/run a mile and a half, after stretching exercises. this is the air force regime every morning!
2007-03-09 04:15:37
answer #1
answered by iroc 7
If you can limit your carbs and stick with vegetables and fish, some low fat meat too, your body will start to adjust itself. When your'e hungry try to load up on non starchy vegetables, like tomatoes and all kinds of greens. Limit fruits too, especially bananas. There's ways to get your body to burn fat more efficiently. Very small amounts of flavoring too, since they contain lots of corn syrup and other stuff that adds calories. Discipline is the key, which also means that you should try to get some more exercise each week. Walk more, run a little. Once you see the improvement you'll feel better and be on a roll. Stay away from all the sweet stuff and processed foods. But have a small treat once a week or so just to reward yourself.
Good for for you can taste really good if you just find a way to spice it right.
2007-03-09 12:15:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hello! Don't expect to look like Lindsay Lohan in three months, but here are some things you can do easily and that are FREE!
#1: Eat sensibly. Have breakfast every day...don't skip it. Have lowfat milk, lowfat yogurt, fruit, wholegrain cereal, orange juice...or similar for breakfast. Have a low fat/low sugar snack, like vegetable sticks or an apple in the middle of the morning. Eat protein, like a chicken breast or a ham sandwich for lunch. Have a huge salad with lots of veggies and low fat dressing for dinner. You are allowed to cheat once a week and have an ice cream cone. Drink water, low-fat milk, non-sugar added fruit juice, green tea or low-calorie soft drinks. Stay away from energy drinks.
#2 Exercise. Do two kinds of exercise: something aerobic like jogging, dancing, playing basketball or burn calories and help you lose the weight. Also do some sculpting exercises and stretches to shape your hips, thighs, tummy and calves: squats, crunches and leg lifts are good ones and don't take any machines or classes to do. Don't forget your upper body: lift a couple of heavy books over your head and do some pushups to strengthen and shape your arms and shoulders.
Good Luck! You'll be gorgeous!
2007-03-09 12:25:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
At thirteen years old you should not be taking advice from strangers on the internet. Turn to your parents or guess what?....your PhysEd teacher!!...You need to learn how to eat a PROPER, BALANCED DIET...DIET is not a bad word, its taken out of context in most cases. Diet doesnt mean eating less, diet doesnt mean losing weight. Diet is what your meals and drinks are. A koala's diet consists of eucalyptus(I said bamboo earlier but that Pandas lol), a lion's diet consists of meat and offal, a human's diet consists of Grains and Cereals, Vegetables and Fruit, Milk and Meat. Learning how to balance these is not that hard, its takes TIME to READ and LEARN and taking ACTION and EFFORT. But again I am a stranger.....If I were you I would talk to my parents or my Phys Ed teacher.....My PhysEd teacher was an EXPERT in nutrition.
2007-03-09 12:31:24
answer #4
answered by Blackfly 4
You just need to watch how much you eat and get some execise. Walking is a great start. Anywhere you want to go that is with-in 2 miles and safe to walk to you should try to walk to. Try to drink water instead of pop or other beverages. Drinking ice water with meals will also help you to burn more calories.
When you set down to eat pay close attention to when you no longer feel hungry. Don't eat till you feel full, rather just not hungry. You might be surprised at how much less you eat when you do this.
2007-03-09 12:17:31
answer #5
answered by justweird_sodeal 3
hey hon, for your age you need to be careful of any diet you start. You need to get all the protein and iron that you need! For girls your age, you need more iron in your diet than that of a full grown man! So I would stay away from the 'fad' diets that tell you to cut out carbs, as that involves most veg and fruit!
The best way to lose weight all over is by running. It sounds terrible, and believe me, it ain't easy! I am 'big boned' too, and I have recently started to run, and the pounds To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume, and muscle burns fat - so run you behind off, eat a well balanced meal, drink LOADS of water, and tell your family so they will support you! Good luck!!!!!!
2007-03-09 12:20:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I gave, I think, a sufficient piece of advice earlier today about this very same subject. I have provided a link to the post, as well as a link to a height-weight chart.
Good luck to you.
2007-03-09 12:13:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
hi carbo diet
2007-03-09 12:14:39
answer #8
answered by J 4