Lust is a deadly sin which reaches all sexual orientations.
Cheers and have a nice day.
2007-03-09 03:32:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Christians are not the only ones who focus on homosexuality. If it were only the Christians, then you would not hear all that much about it. This issue goes way beyond that. Homosexuality is an act that stirs feelings even in the non-Christian community. Most of the abuse is from those types of people. The reason homosexuality does this is because it goes against our built-in nature. It is accepted only when we become seared enough for it to break down our inhibitions. For Christians the awareness is even more pronounced. People who see homosexuality as being OK want everyone to accept their behavior or actions as normal. Those who don't bend to this are made targets. In the US it is only recent history that the pressure has been put on because it is only in recent times that homosexuality has become an accepted behavior. This act has always been considered abnormal in the hundreds of years prior. Even 50 years ago.
I make no distinction between deadly sins or sin. They all eventually lead to death.
2007-03-09 04:00:08
answer #2
answered by JohnFromNC 7
No sin is any greater than any other - except one. The Bible says the only unforgivable sin is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
However, everyone seems to be hung up about sex so that seems to make it more important that people do things right. Sex before marriage (fornication) is as big a no no as anything else in the Bible but its played down these days because it's acceptable in our culture.
Perhaps the big fuss about homosexuality is the thought that if it became the norm and heterosexuality was the minority act, the population would dwindle and we'd become extinct. Ludicrous, I know but perhaps that's the screaming heebijeebies buried deep in the minds of some.
Personally, I try to get to know each person I meet and make my mind up based on what kind of person they are. If I find them hard to get on with then I try even harder (without compromising my own principles) as it can't be a one-way problem.
2007-03-09 06:21:31
answer #3
answered by elflaeda 7
I just wrote a whole long answer about Christianity being a cover or excuse for this response to something that is really just a personal preference (like types of food you don't like or types of clothing or maybe types of personalities and other personal habits) and then accidentally erased it : ( So I'll just say that some things we don't like, but have no real basis for that dislike beyond personal preference. Since society doesn't really accept such a strong response against homosexuality, people have to find another excuse, and religion is the easy way out.
So that fact that it comes up under religion is secondary.
2007-03-09 03:43:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are preachers who preach against homosexuality using the vilest and most disgusting stories they can find. A lot of the people who take in these preaching don’t even know any gay people. Well, they probably do, but they could never conceive of the possibility that this nice, normal guy who lives down the street or works in the office is actually gay. I mean, he’s so normal!
I think there are a lot of Christians who accept whatever they are told to think.
This has to change. Too much damage is being done to young people who face physical and emotional abuse from their own intolerant families.
There is certainly sexual behaviors that no Christian should accept. This would include any kind of sex that is physically or emotionally damaging to another. Heterosexual or homosexual. It’s not who you are attracted to that should matter nearly so much as how you treat the one you are attracted to.
2007-03-09 03:43:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
even a step further, in the past this wasn't such a big deal, if you choose to live your life in a different way, more power to you, but the problem that arose is how the homosexual agenda is pushed into your face everywhere you turn,.. you don;t hear about straight people saying they deserve this right, they deserve this etc... you don;t see a parade marching down the street holding signs announcing, we are straight blah.. blah... Not all Christians are condemning everyone and everything.. If you want to get technical, Jesus destroyed Sodam and Gomorrah for deadly sins, he even mentions do not have sexual relations with same sex, your brother, mother father... you get the picture.. It;s freedom of choice, but don't abuse the freedom.
2007-03-09 03:41:20
answer #6
answered by dadknows 4
No idea. Nothing wrong with homosexuality or lazy or fat or vain. We are what we are. Our life choices. No one is going to Hell. We should all be able to live as we see fit without guilt. Only religion and the pressures of society make us feel bad about who we are. What a world it would be if everyone was happy being the person they truly want to be.
Me included.
2007-03-09 06:38:45
answer #7
answered by ? 5
Human nature being what it is, most people are interested in the sex lives of others. The sex lives of other people, both straight and gay, has always been a big deal. Tho some may not admit it, most people want to know 'who's cheating who, who's being true, who don't even care anymore' as the country song goes. Most adulterers and "fornicators" make some semblance of being discreet and are not out there "in your face". To be openly promiscuous gets as much gossip as homosexuality. But the promiscuous and cheaters at least acknowledge that their behavior is wrong, whereas homosexuals want Christians to lower their standards to accept what to them is immoral.
2007-03-09 03:45:58
answer #8
answered by Fruitcake 2
The hang-up, in my opinion, is that even the best Christians commit many of the deadly sins, on a regular basis. Few among us doesn't have some vanity. Few among us don't get angry, have moments of laziness, or aren't lustful.
However, few of us are gay. So, it's easy to pick on the homosexuals.
2007-03-09 03:35:10
answer #9
answered by Jay 7
Hi Pangel,
The Bible does come down quite heavily on homosexuals. But in the Bible God also says "vengeance is mine". This means it is not up to us to punish people for breaking his laws, but lot of Christians do not see it this way. As you have pointed out, there are plenty other sins and I'm sure all of us have broken one of them at some time.
It is not up to us to decide who should be punished for what and how they should be punished. That is for God to do. The instruction we have been given is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" & "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Sorry, this has been more of a rant at other Christians than an answer to your question.
2007-03-09 07:29:28
answer #10
answered by dm300570 2
There is no such thing as the 7 deadly sins, there is just sin, and all sin is deadly. Or rather all sin leads to death. All us Christians, those that represent Christ in a somewhat decent manner, and those who do not, are still human unfortunately. What this means is that we still make mistakes, and put our feet in our mouths more often than we would like to admit. We as Christians are still sinners just forgiven ones.
The problem many of us fail to realize, and it might be by the impression some of us Christians give to the world, is that becoming a Christian doesn't make you a different person. Oh it does begin to change you from the inside out, causes you to start viewing things differently, and hopefuly alows you to begin living for someone other than yourself. But for the most part, if you were a weirdo before coming to Christ, you'll still be a weirdo after Christ. If you were an abrassive person before, chances are you'll be one after, and so on and so forth.
Too many people who call themselves Christians, and may not really understand what Christ taught about loving God and loving others, are the ones who are overly eager to get out and be heard by everyone. Usually it is at the cost of the Christian cause, and quite frankly makes us all look like a group of ignorant, uneducated people.
There are alot of us Christians who discuss anger, lazyness, excessive living and of course vainity. We talk about their impact in our lives, and how these things can be a damage to our health and our spirit. Problem is that some outside the Christian camp love to throw stones at us and call us hypocrites (sometimes with good reason) because of some of the other issues we discuss. It is really easy to focus on the negative things that people do, generalize it and call it the norm. Please don't allow what some have done in the name of Christ to cause you to have a dissdain for Him that we are named after. Most of us are really poor represenitives of Christ.
As far as the hang up you claim we have. Understand that homosexuality is not singled out in this list of sins, I think that it is just focused on more. The problem today lies not in homosexuality or in a list of Christian do's and don'ts, rather it is an issue of what is right and what is wrong. Things have changed in this day and age and there is no longer absolute truth in society. Truth has become an individual dicision. "What is right for me may not necessarily be right for you. It doesn't make it wrong or right, it just makes it different." People want to be their own judge and don't like the idea of anybody telling them how to live their lives. This type of attitude has created a society where right and wrong are decided by individuals instead of a righteous, loving Creator who is looking out for our best intrests by setting perameters of what is benificial for us and what is not.
No one can say that there is no such thing as absolute truth, there is a line for everyone that they do not want people to cross. For some it is homosexuality, for others it's rape or murder, and for an even smaller group of individuals, that line is drawn up by God Himself and is not brought into question by the day in which they live.
2007-03-09 04:25:29
answer #11
answered by disciple 2