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...abortion? I had some moron telling me today that I'm evil because I don't believe in sucking unborn children apart and torturing them and killing them. I'm going to burn in hell for my anti-Christ, pro-life beliefs. What say ye?

2007-03-08 14:46:38 · 55 answers · asked by Fotomama 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks to all of those who have provided "good" answers. Unfortunately when you entered this question, you enter my universe....and good answers in my universe start with "abortion is murder". So two points to everyone, but 10 points to...

2007-03-09 11:48:12 · update #1

55 answers

He was a moron, plain and simple. The Bible teaches that we are to respect human life and not take it unjustly. That pretty much makes it "case closed."

Brianna V: You need to get a bit educated before speaking. First, unborn children CAN feel, and very sensitively. Second, adoption is the best thing you can do for such a child. We adopted our daughter, and it is definitely the best thing for her and for us.

Girl Wonder: Aren't you tired of that old saw by now? Nobody's telling people what to do with their body. But the baby is not part of the mother's body. Study up on your first year biology.

2007-03-08 14:50:34 · answer #1 · answered by Gary B 5 · 2 0

Abortion is completely incompatible with Christianity or anything remotely resembling morality for that matter.

Abortion is murder . . . PERIOD. Case in point, if you were aborted while you were in the womb, you'd be dead . . . end of story. And I've never heard of a woman giving birth to a head of lettuce or a tomato, so it's definitely a human being in there.

I understand why women want abortion to be left open to them as an option - having a baby is a big deal, and they are probably really scared. But there are plenty of loving parents that can't have children that would gladly adopt them. That's not a mistake that you can just erase, like a wrong answer on an exam. We are talking about a life.

I think that everybody should SEE what an abortion looks like. They should hear the bones cracking, and watch the baby struggle as they are being murdered (that's what happens.) It's simply the TRUTH, and you should base your decisions on the TRUTH. But pro-choice (anti-life, pro-death) types don't WANT you to see the TRUTH; they don't want you to see those images.

Essentially, people that believe in abortion are either ignorant of the facts, brainwashed, of just really really really SICK.

2007-03-08 14:57:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Unfortunately, the biblical does not discuss abortion that was practice by surrounding cultures. Either it did not come up or it was left to the individual (the mother) to decide You will see this option with the Rabbi's; the Rabbi's are not in favor of abortion, but they believe a woman who has had an abortion has suffered enough. That is the biblical answer.

As for the political answer: One group wanting power opposes the other having power. The "pro-life" movement was caught up with abortion clinics: They decided to block entrances trying to stop abortion at its source. This was well and good until some of their more radical members started killing clinic works. On the other hand, “pro-choice” movement merely states that woman’s body is her own which means she has right to choice. Abortion should be a matter between a woman and her doctor.

To support the political cause, many make claims quoting the bible. When these claims are examine in context, they are just plain wrong. For example, the bible never states that life starts at conception, in fact its states life is determined by blood. Moreover stating that abortion is murder does not follow from the description of murder.

As a Christian, I believe that the bible is the word of God as spoken by the prophets. The prophets are silent about abortion. As a male, I frankly do not focus this issue. My political belief follows the teaching of the Rabbi’s (Jesus was a Rabbi): Woman have the right to choice as painful as that might be. I wish that I could claim that I am anti-abortion, but since I biological cannot choose, I too remain silent. When asked about this by this question, I will ignore any male position and listen to a woman’s dilemma, hoping by my silent, she will make right decision for her.

It would have been easier if God said something about abortion, but He did not. Since abortion is never discussed in the bible at all, we need to answer this question ourselves. Maybe as a guideline, we can listen to Jesus, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone….” John 8:7 NIV

2007-03-09 01:15:50 · answer #3 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

Wow, how can anyone be FOR murder? The liberals complain bitterly about the lives lost in Iraq & everyone is horrified at the 3,000 lives lost on 9/11 yet there are more lives than that lost to abortion EVERY DAY! The innocent life that is taken with abortion HAS no choice and life does begin at the moment of conception. Pro-choice believers say it doesn't begin until the baby can live outside the mother's body. I say why can you charge someone for double murder if they kill a pregnant woman but the pregnant woman can murder her own unborn child? Doesn't make a bit of sense to me!

2007-03-08 15:15:52 · answer #4 · answered by Judy 2 · 1 0

I was adopted myself and am a pro-life Christian.

I too am against murder. By God's grace, I was given up for adoption before mass murder of innocents became such a fad.

Years ago I was tested on my beliefs. I convinced a pregnant woman to avoid having an abortion. I was succesfull.
The woman was my wife,who was with child, as she had been involved in an affair.

Though the child is not mine..I love her very much. She is a beautiful little girl named Sarah and Is a special needs child.

To even think, that she may have been discarded like trash....


2007-03-08 15:00:35 · answer #5 · answered by bonsai bobby 7 · 1 0

I am against abortion. It's killing and can cause great suffering to a defenseless human fetus. Most of the time it's a matter of convenience for a soon-to-be mother that didn't welcome pregnancy.

I might be in favor only if the life of the mother were threatened, but then again maybe not.

On the "moron", many do not think clearly.

You're not going to burn in hell if you believe in Jesus and especially if you keep believeing in HIm. Period.

2007-03-08 14:54:26 · answer #6 · answered by Bill 7 · 2 0

I had an abortion 30 yrs ago. I know, now, it IS wrong.

OK, for those who believe it's OK to abort, let me give you something to think about.
When we pass laws such as abortion on demand, they always mutates. So it has already escalated to late term abortion - on demand- of perfectly health, fully developed babies. There has been a lot of discussion about 'mercy killing'. If laws are not changed, it will one day be legal to kill the sick, those in comas, those who are old and unable to care for themselves.
The next step? Kill the weak, mentally retarded, high maintenance, high cost sick and elderly.
If we go fully socialized medicine, there is no doubt we will be offing the high cost, sick, elderly, comatose...
Look at the past; at the 'sounds good' social programs we have started in the US and see how they have mutated. Will our law makers ever learn from the past?
Not as long as we -the people- look to the government to take care of us, politicians love that stuff, it allows them to further their career and self importance and power.

2007-03-08 15:11:02 · answer #7 · answered by howdigethere 5 · 0 0

I'm not saying that anyone's feelings on this issue are wrong or right, I just want to throw out something to think about......

Is it better to have children brought into this world by parents who don't want them? Parents who are drug addicts, parents who abuse and neglect?

Some people are just better off not having children , in my opinion. I think that it takes a huge person to realize that they cannot provide for and care for a child. I'm talking about only a small percentage of those who have abortions though, not the ones who use it as birth control.

2007-03-08 14:54:12 · answer #8 · answered by KJ 5 · 0 0

I am so against. They say the "fetus" can't feel it. It is discusting. Those people have a chance at life, just like all of us have been given. It's like going to a crib and shooting the child in it. They say that child doesn't deserve to live because the pregnancy was a mistake. Mistake or not, God intended for that child to live. To supporters: I don't care if the child "ruins" your life, but give it to someone who cannot have children, to someone who has a heart, to someone who will give that child love, instead of just vaccumming the problem, the easy way. Life isn't easy, but at least you have a chance.

2007-03-08 14:51:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a Christian and I'm against it because its murder, but I also believe that if it was outlawed people would do it in back alleys and we'd find more newborns dead wrapped in a garbage bag. Whats worse, aborting in the womb or killing after birth?

If someone doesnt want to be a mother and refuses to go through with adoption then who am I to make them have a baby they dont want so they can possibly abuse, neglect or do only God knows what

2007-03-08 14:55:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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