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Do you miss the taste of things like steak on the grill, bbq ribs, a big ol' bratwurst at the ballgame, etc? And have you found any vegetarian substitute that tastes like those things? I'd be interested to know and try something like that if it does. Most times I've tried my friend's wifes cooking (they're vegetarians) I had to add a lot of ketchup and/or hot sauce to make it more flavorful.

For those of you that are vegetarian/vegan because of animal cruelty, I know where you stand, and I agree with your decision to a point. But I'd rather not have that discussion on this thread.

2007-03-07 23:48:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Beebs, I am aware of what is allowed in the food industry, and I am lucky enough to get 95% of my meat from my farmer friends. I know how these animals are raised and treated, and often times take care of the ones that end up at my house. I appreciate the honest answer and you're welcome. :)

2007-03-08 00:21:25 · update #1

11 answers

I absolutely miss steaks, burgers, chicken, sausage - I miss it all. But it gets easier to abstain from meat the longer you don't eat it. It's like your tastes change as you become accustomed to eating other foods and accept the fact that meat is no longer an option. But if a veggie tells you they do not miss meat at all, and don't sometimes crave it when it's coming hot off the grill, then that veggie in most instances is being less than truthful. But I'll tell you something that is totally true - Eating a healthy vegetarian diet (there are alot of junk food vegetarians) really does improve the way you feel both physically and mentally. I didn't feel poorly before I went veggie, and I was simply amazed at just how much better I felt shortly after going veggie.

There are alot of tasty soy products that can serve as meat alternatives. They are really pretty good. But I won't kid myself and say they are as good as the real thing. Nothing beats the taste of a good old all American bacon cheeseburger, a juicy New York Strip steak, some Kentucky Fried Chicken and what not.

I've got to go. My carrots will dry out if I leave them sit out much longer. Cheers!

2007-03-08 01:46:25 · answer #1 · answered by nice guy 2 · 0 1

I was a meat-aholic who gave up meat 17 years ago, after seeing my father have a major coronary. I was 24 at the time and was told I was on pace to have a coronary in just four more years.

I kicked red meat that day. I gave up chicken and fish within two more years. I have five brothers, all have had heart problems, but they don't listen and continue living as they choose.

I do eat a lot of substitutes, i particulary love gardenburger's barbecued ribs. They are very good. Gardenburgers "chicken" patties are pretty good also, although I find most "chicken" patties to be the same. for veggie burgers I like the Franklin Farms products. And I just discovered Veggie Patch gourmet veggie sausages, these kick butt.

when i make chili I prefer frozen veggie "hamburger bits" over the refrigerated options. they seem to stay more composed in the chili.

As for major chains - Red Robin offers a few veggie burgers that can be made just like any of the other burgers they have.
TGIF have a few options, but nothing outstanding.

BTW - never did keep that date with the coronary, and haven't had one yet. I won't go back to eating meat because my heart means more to me than any burger ever will.

Good luck to you friend.

2007-03-08 14:54:38 · answer #2 · answered by Toph 4 · 0 0

I became a veggie by shear force. I developed an allergy to meat protein. Since going veggie, I have recovered from crippling illness and pain...I was wheelchair bound before, diagnosed with everything from lupus to rheumatoid arthritis. In the many years I have been veggie, the only time I experience pain is when I cheat on my diet. Otherwise, I tend my garden, growing all of my own food, keep a cow, churning the milk into butter and making homemade cheese, I skate, I jog, I am totally functional. Do I miss other foods? NO, not at all any more. In fact, I am so repulsed by meat that I cant even walk past it in the store. Keep in mind I am a gourmet chef who always relied heavily on the meat dish. Knowing what I know now, I could never consume animal flesh again-not just because of the cruelty, but the nastiness of the process of farmed meat. If you take the time to get properly educated about it, it is astounding what is allowed in the food industry. As for bbq, ballgames, etc. I enjoy a grilled portabello mushroom burger far more than any beef. I use a food smoker to make smoked corn, salt (super nice stuff, smoked salt) smoked eggplant, potato, etc. Lots of flavor, no hassles. My young daughters friends LOVE to eat at my house, because it is far more interesting than what they get at home. We have fondue parties, bbqs, etc. and no one realizes they are not eating meat.
Thanks for asking an intelligent question as opposed to the many absurd posted here

2007-03-08 08:11:27 · answer #3 · answered by beebs 6 · 0 1

I stopped eating beef, then pork and finally poultry because of health reasons... IBS is a real bummer. The greasy diet was giving me too much trouble. I even have to watch things like pizza.
Now I rarely suffer from any symptoms, and I don't mind not eating some foods.
I've never really liked mushrooms or eggplant, so at some restraunts, I have trouble finding something to eat. Because of that, I have not taken seafood off my list of choices, yet.

At home, I can deal with the Morningstar Farms beef or chicken strips, or the ground beef substitute. These items mix well with anything, and I can just throw them in a pan for a quick and easy meal.
When I'm out, I have eaten a number of places with friends where I might have a stray thought about eating meat, but then I remember the consequences (running to the bathroom) and I eat something better.
I just found out that there is a place in Philadelphia (where I live) that serves Vegitarian cheesesteaks... I'm going to make a trip there soon...

2007-03-08 09:04:06 · answer #4 · answered by Brian H 4 · 2 1

Most probably their food would be bland and boring even if it was meat, no insult, but a good cook can make everything taste marvelous.
Apart from that, personally I don't like meat substitutes and see no point in them, since I don't like meat. But there are some products on the market even people who like meat can't easily tell apart if they are prepared the right way. My suggestion: give a nice present in form of a cookbook to your friends' wives.

2007-03-08 09:50:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hi, i turned vegetarian about 10 years ago, nothing to do with health reasons or animal cruelty, i was a rebellious teenager wanting to be different, turned out very well for me though, i am much leaner then my meat eating friends even though we consume the same quantity of food. i don't have any problems with cholesterol or high blood pressure. I'm really healthy, rarely gets sick with colds/ flu in winter and my complexion is radiant, thick shiny hair and glowing skin. i have to admit that the smell of a steak on the BBQ is mouthwatering and i do sometimes take a bite, but because i never eat it my body doesn't cope well with it, it doesn't digest properly and i feel queasy after wards, because my body is used to other proteins like beans and pulses. your taste buds also gets used to it, the less salt and ketchup you use, the more your taste buds will adapt and be very sensitive to flavors, and after a while you will not need all the condiments anymore. there are healthier options to flavor your food, check out eastern cuisine (Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean) i make Delicious veggie burgers with tofu patties and soy sauce, even my non-vegan friends love it. it doesn't have to be boring. have to admit my one weakness is cheese i could never give that up? and sushi of course! : )

2007-03-08 08:16:23 · answer #6 · answered by nirak 1 · 1 1

That's a good question. I stopped eating meat b/c of health reasons - both sides of my family have histories of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, high cholesterol, etc. My mom has quite a few of these issues and I don't want to go down that road.
Everyone else in my family still eats meat and they are probably never going to change...when we have cookouts, I eat my veggie alternatives and I am quite grossed out by the sight and smell of meat. (raw or otherwise)
So, to answer your question, no I don't get nostalgic for brats, hot dogs, ribs and the like. I'm just really used to not eating it and I'm sure I'd get ill if I ever went back.
BTW - thanks for posting a question in a kind manner...some of the meat-eaters who post over here are just....well, as a Christian, I can't say it out loud. :-)

2007-03-08 09:12:48 · answer #7 · answered by YSIC 7 · 3 0

hmm do i miss it?...not really, my aunts have shoved meat in my face and try to tease me about it. along with my family joking with me being vegetarian. asking if i want to eat meat.
but truly there is nothing to miss, since there are tons of alternatives now and just thinking of eating mean makes me kinda uneasy. quite recently i went to this restaurant and my aunt had some meat dish and she told me to try it. so i was like ok (i don;t know why i said yes) but afterwards i felt uneasy and disgusted that i ate it. and plus when you haven't eaten meat it a while your body has some hard time to adjust back to digesting something more complex.

2007-03-08 12:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, I don't miss any of it. There really isn't any substitute that is going to actually taste like meat.

2007-03-08 13:07:38 · answer #9 · answered by lovely 5 · 0 0

Sometimes I crave a tuna fish sandwich, unfortunately there's no substitute - but, veggie sandwiches are good too!

2007-03-08 13:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by sunshine 4 · 0 0

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