What I'm guessing is that religions have to claim that science does support their faith since the world has long ago moved past the need for blanket trust in the "answers" of the holy books.
Now they have to either work with scientific discovery, or be left in the dust. To that end they use every obscure verse they can find to show that their particular faith is grounded in real life logic and rational scientific thought... while at the same time maintaining that that same logic and thought are just plain wrong when it doesn't agree with them.
I.E. the book of Job and the coexistance of men and dinosaurs is put out a lot... but they still throw out the staggering amount of evidence against there ever being a world wide flood.
2007-03-07 17:30:06
answer #1
answered by Eldritch 5
1. My faith is neither Fundamentalist, nor Creationist. I do, however, believe in the BIBLE's account of creation!
2. True science & Actual Biblical teachings really do go hand in hand. I haven't the time or space to go into detail here, but these articles cover a lot of ground in doing so:
Where Can You Find Answers?
- A Common Problem With Scientists
- A Common Problem With Religionists
- The Genesis Account Appraised
- Weighing the Evidence A Basis for Morals and Values
- Learn About the Creator
A Nuclear Scientist Tells , "Why I Believe the Bible"
"Science and religion [are] no longer seen as incompatible." --The Daily Telegraph, London, May 26, 1999.
Reconciling Science and Religion
- An Enduring Quest
- - Accept the Limits
- - Let the known facts speak
- - The Creative Days--24 Hours Each? [No.]
- - Faith, not credulity
- - Respect science; acknowledge belief
- - Has Science Taken the Moral High Ground?
There is Honest science, dedicated to fact.
However, there is also Dishonest science, dedicated to selfish fame & fortune.
This special magazine is about Creation from cover, & contains quotations from Professor of Biochemistry, Michael J. Behe, & 5 other scientists who believe in Creation.
You might be able to get a copy, on request.
Advanced On-site Search
(In case a link becomes modified, this can be used.) http://watchtower.org/search/search_e.htm
2007-03-08 01:55:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"I certainly don't have any faith in the nonsense of religious teaching and I don't think that there are very many scientists who could...."
Read up on George Washington Carver. He did not share your view that science and faith are incompatible.
"He would testify on many occasions that his faith in God was the only mechanism by which he could effectively pursue and perform the art of science"
By the way, it was wrong of you to insult my intelligence when responding to my question. For your information, I am an avid reader. A while back, I read a book entitled, "Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism." Good night.
2007-03-08 01:46:10
answer #3
answered by job_32787 1
I look at a watch, with all of it's parts, each one having a purpose to it's function, or even something simple, like a mouse trap and (I think) logically and reasonably conclude that these things were designed, because I see different parts arranged to perform the function of telling time or catching a mouse. When I look at a computer, I do not understand the way all of the wires and chips and such work together, but I can see that a designer was required for it to come together into a funtioning computer. And, I can see that someone more technically advanced made the computer than the watch, or the mouse trap. Then I look at pictures of cells, read the explanations of what we understand of their inner workings, the precision in all things in the eco system, the solar system, the oceanic currents, the water cycle, the human brain... and I see different parts, arranged to perform function which, you do not have to agree, but I conclude that there must be a designer and someone or something that put the parts together and set them in motion. Someone or something that conceived of these systems and then put them in place. When I consider how much more complex a single cell is than a calculator, it seems reasonable to me that a more technologically advanced being designed and produced the cell than the one who designed and produced the calculator. It defies logic, in my mind, to say "it just is" or "it just happened that way". I would never look at a watch and say "yep, somehow, it just started to be a watch, with all of those moving parts, with function and purpose- but there was no designer, or watchmaker- that is silly- that would require faith in the existance of something for which there is no proof". I know the watchmaker exists, even though I have never seen him, even though I have never met him and even though nobody furnished me with film evidence of him making the watch. I know the watch maker exists because I can see the watch. Likewise, I know that a designer exists who made cells, and the solar system, and the laws that govern it all because it exists and because, in everything, I can see the very complex parts coming together with function and purpose.
Science has, actually created a dogma of it's own, and many believe it "because scientists said so" - But, there are many, many respected scientists who believe in a creator because science supports the idea very well. Careful, critical examination of things like "macroevolution" (believed by many)reveals that there is no scientific support for it- in spite of all of the scientists who "believe it"... that faith in something that has not been proven to ANY degree, is, by definition, dogma - and it requires faith my friend.
2007-03-08 01:37:09
answer #4
answered by Val W 4
The Big Bang Theory by Albert Einstein and a group of other scientists, traced time all the way back to within the first few seconds. Everything used to be one solid mass, they knew this as fact. Someone created some type of explosion, they just didn't know who or how. Einstein was smarter than you, smarter than me and smarter than pretty much everyone else. I have also listened to lectures by astral physicists with some excellent theory's on how and where God exists. The truth is the laws of science and nature are man made laws and God defies those laws.
2007-03-08 01:32:43
answer #5
answered by Angelz 5
I was an atheist for 30 yrs, believe all school taught me, evolution, dinosaurs, you name it.
But awhile ago when I was digging into the 9/11 stuff. I went deep, and I mean deep. I went through Illuminati, Mason, JFK, Oklahoma, Cole, wars, Ancient Egypt, Mayan, my Native Indian, looked at the Quran and even the Bible.
Over weeks of doing these studies, night after night. I came to realize I was always coming up with.....huh...the Bible was right on that one. Huh...Bible knew that one too. Over n over again. And this comes from a HARD CORE skeptic.
After more n more research, reading up on Noahs flood and cutting it into pieces and figuring out each step, size, amount of water, how it could be, etc. I realized.....science was showing me the answers, plain as day, right in front of me.
But due to school, text books and the TV....I was taught to look at it all another way. Almost like those trick pictures you see....look one way and its a young lady, other its an old hag.
Once I saw the flip side, I kept digging and comparing items. Like big bang and Genesis, how water could be parted. Even got into all the UFO accounts in the bible. Some 362 of them for any that say there are none...there are a LOAD of them.
The more I used my atheist thinking, along with my new findings and all my research....I came to realize....the Bible is true, what is speaks of is 100% fact and truth. But....man himself, has totally be shown a different view of it compared to what it really is. I think that is where the "until you believe in it, you won't understand it" line comes from. Its just like the old hag and young lady picture again.
Just like the text books, we were fed a way to view them and all.....and we also we fed a way to look at the bible n all.....and both are wrong. We all have been duped, litterally since birth.
I hate to use this as an example, but it really hits it home......watch the Matrix.....for reality as we know it, is being in the matrix.....real life, the truth, understanding the bible....is being the caves...not hooked up and hard wired to the system anymore........to actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Since pictures speak a thousand words yet a word speaks but one word. It is really hard to get past the images used for hte bible for its screaming thousands of words at you for what it wants you to think.....when the truth is written right there, in single words.
Did I make sense? Notice no quotes....no bible thumper here....just a man who is on a mission for the truth...the REAL truth, and I believe nothing but my own findings on this mission...for too many lie I have found out.
2007-03-08 01:36:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, I dun think it gives proof to my faith, but it does to faith in general. And here's one way.
We all use chemical energy to move around, right? Well, that chemical energy comes from animals. Those animals get chemical energy from other animals, which get chemical energy from plants. However, the plants get chemical energy from solar energy. The sun gives off solar energy after making it out of the chemical energy it has in its' core. However, that's where the chain we know of stops.
SOMETHING had to give the sun, and the universe as a whole, the first burst of energy. Even if you say the Big Bang, what caused said big bang to happen? It had to be something supernatural that at LEAST started us off, universally.
Also, there are way too many things that work out fairly nicely, such as F always equaling MA, and D3/T2=D3/T2 always being true in terms of AUs and any given time. Hopefully you know these equations, since you asked how science proves that there had to be some form of religious something to start this all.
So those are my theories. Thanks. ^^
2007-03-08 01:30:41
answer #7
answered by Maddy 3
science by definition can't really lend support to faith. it's religion that you mean. science has generally proven religion wrong, but faith only exists without the certainty that comes with true science. it's possible to have a scientific discovery enhance your faith that something is true (science proving the tomb of jesus being fake would enhance some people's faith in his resurrection), but this isn't very rational.
2007-03-08 01:33:36
answer #8
answered by ajj085 4
It is rather difficult to explain to someone who does not know what science is, and thinks it is something it is not. That person being you. How do I know this? Well first of all you start talking about science in a way that is ambiguous, what on earth is science apart from human's? Or apart from some specificity? Such misuse of language demonstrates lack of comprehension.
2007-03-08 01:30:44
answer #9
answered by Socinian F 3
The more I read into the Qur'an, the more I wonder off into the creation of the world and lead myself into some amazing conclusions.
The more I look into the world, or learn about something in the environment, the more I see it mentioned in the Qur'an.
Simple as that... science only leads me to the fact that I should hold on stronger to my faith, and it only draws me closer and closer to it.
Take a look at this...
2007-03-08 01:29:23
answer #10
answered by ? 4