in italy the primo is always pasta, the easiest is pasta pomodorro with meatballs.
Just cook the spaghettie like they say on the package but let them be al-dente.
Get some ground beef and roll them into ping-pong sized balls, fry them in a little oil until they are done then buy this ready to use spaghettie tomato sauce (with all the spices in it) and put the meatballs in it and boil it and then put some spaghetti in each person's plate and some sauce over it. can have grilled meat or chicken breast with steamed veggies (potatoes, mushrooms, aubergines, zuchinni) and put some balsamic vinegar over the veggies (if they like)
salad: buy some mozarella cheese balls, get some tomatoes and cut them into slices and cut the mozarella balls the same way and put one piece of cheese over a piece of tomato...arrange the whole thing in a large plate and put some fresh basil on them and some spicy olive oil....delicious
italian chianti wine
desert is hard to make...tiramisu, or tartuffo...but you can get an ice cream flavored timramissu and tartuffo which will be great.
Good Luck
2007-03-04 06:19:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have the perfect, yummy treat...but since you are a good baker I would use this recipe as a secondary treat to a more fulfilling desert like a pecan pie. Ritz crackers Peanut butter Chocolate almond bark Spread peanut butter on a Ritz and sandwich with another. Dip the whole thing in melted chocolate almond bark and let harden on parchment paper. These are so good! The salty cracker along with the sweet chocolate is addicting and because they are encased in chocolate they look good and the cracker stays fresh for several days. Good luck Darlin'! I'm going to make some too.
2016-03-28 23:21:30
answer #2
answered by Beth 3
Pesto sauce on pasta is one of my favorite Italian foods.
Basil and Mint Pesto
2 cloves garlic (I use 1 teaspoon minced garlic from the bottle)
3 tablespoons raw pine nuts
¼ teaspoon salt
2 cups loosely packed basil leaves
1 cup loosely packed mint leaves (if you don't like mint, use 1 cup basil or 1 cup parsley)
½ cup olive oil
½ cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
In the blender, add everything but the cheese. Put the lid on and put the blender on HIGH. In a minute, everything should be ground up (you may need to use a chopstick to shove the basil and mint to the bottom of the blender so it can be ground up by the blades). Stop the blender, add the cheese, replace the lid, and put the blender back on HIGH. After a minute, stop the blender and check the pesto.
2007-03-04 14:01:13
answer #3
answered by Moon Crystal 6
Antipasta, spaghetti bolognese, garlic bread and make them a lovely dessert. They will love the cold cuts and if you know they will go the step further with the peppers and olives, add them and explain it to them. Everyone loves spaghetti and garlic bread. It won't be too exotic and maybe this will give you an idea of what you can do. Have fun! Make some of your favorites. After all, they want to get to know you better.
2007-03-04 12:15:31
answer #4
answered by Diane T 4
Find out from what region of Italy their family originated. Then, go google foods from that region. Good luck.
2007-03-04 05:19:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
lasagna would be my choice with some hot sausage with peppers and onions a large tossed green salad and garlic bread would be good and a bowl of fresh fruit for dessertt to finish
2007-03-06 08:22:59
answer #6
answered by wildirishrose19522000 5
What's your favorite? Does your family have any special recipes? I think I'd start there. Good Luck! and have fun with it.
2007-03-04 05:42:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ciao Bella! Sei Italiana? Ma vivi in Italia o sei all'estero? Io abito in centro Italia ma adoro girare per gli yahoo answer del mondo. Comunque ti consiglio di cucinare al tuo ragazzo e famiglia qualcosa di tipico tipo la caprese, qualche crostone o insalate (tipo di mare) e poi un primo lasagne, fettuccine salmone e panna, amatriciana, carbonara o altro poi un dolce.. a me piace molto il tiramisù magari invece di farlo classico prova con ricotta e fragole ecco la ricetta:
100 g di ricotta freschissima
3 uova
100 g di zucchero
1 confezione di savoiardi
1 caffettiera di caffè
cacao amaro in polvere q.b.
Montare a neve gli albumi con un pizzico di sale.
In un'altra ciotola lavorare bene la ricotta con lo zucchero, fino ad ottenere una crema soffice, quindi incorporare i tuorli e lavorare ancora.
Aggiungere gli albumi montati a neve, mescolando dal basso verso l'alto per non farli smontare. A questo punto la crema dovrà risultare piuttosto spumosa.
Preparare 4 coppe con i bordi un po' alti, e sistemare in ognuna 2 savoiardi imbevuti di caffè, appoggiandoli alla parete delle coppa facendo in modo che rimangano "in piedi".
Versarci la crema e spolverare col cacao amaro.
Coprire con pellicola trasparente e mettere in frigo per 1-2 ore.
In bocca al lupo per la cena!! Un grosso bacio
NB: I have written all in Italian I hope you speak Italian.. If you don't speak Italian write me I translate for you. Kiss
2007-03-04 11:43:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
angnellino al forno, cotollette de vitella cerveiii impanati , trippa milanese, trota con acciughe, pere ripiene alla milanese
2007-03-04 12:39:54
answer #9
answered by a person of interest 5
alfredo its really good or make spagetti but everyone, well most people already had that ask your parents for recipes GOOD LUCK!
2007-03-04 05:56:19
answer #10
answered by baby cake 2