There really is no other way to contract genital herpes other than sex (vaginal, oral or anal) or direct skin to skin contact with someone who has the virus.
It's always possible (highly unlikely), but possible, that she was born with the virus if her mother has it. Herpes can be passed from a mother to infant, but this is REALLY rare.
It's also possible (more likely) that she has had the virus and never realized it. She most likely got it from a previous relationship and has just never showed any signs of it until now. Some people can go months and even years sometimes without ever showing any symptoms of the virus, like an outbreak.
And, she might have even got it from you. Have you ever been tested? You might actually have the virus and have just never showed any signs of it. It's probably a good idea that you get tested, that way you'll know if you have the virus and may have possibly passed it to her. Good luck!
2007-02-25 17:45:41
answer #1
answered by Alli 7
Ways To Contract Herpes
2016-12-12 16:17:31
answer #2
answered by ? 4
2016-05-02 18:20:09
answer #3
answered by June 3
2016-09-02 16:24:55
answer #4
answered by ? 3
You can contract it from protected sex too. Condoms only offer a protection factor of about 40% - in practice, due to the differeces in male and female genitalia, this is near 100% protection for the woman but near 0% protection for the man. Quite a lot of men catch herpes while using a condom. You can also contract it from oral sex, from a partner that has oral hepres (the cold sore virus). 80% of adults have oral herpes, but only a few of these know they are infected - the rest never get cold sores/fever blisters, which are what we call an outbreak of oral herpes. The cold sore virus can easily be passed to the genitals through oral sex. In fact, or-genital transmisison of hsv-1 from the mouth accounts for over half of new genital herpes infections. Funny, isn't it, that it is acceptable on the mouth but not the genitals when it is the same identical virus? Very rarely, you can also transmit your oral herpes (normally caught through being kissed as a small child/adult) to your genitals - it is called auto-innoculation. It doesn't usually happen once you have had the virus in one place on your body for a few months because your body builds up antibodies to protect you against a second infection, but it can happen, rarely, in the first weeks of an oral infection, and for some people later. That is why you should never touch your cold sore and then touch your genitals. It doesn't seem to happen to the vast majority of people, and the most common place to transfer oral herpes to is actually the eye (ocular herpes). Since herpes is a skin infection, rather than an infection passed through bodily fluids, it is also possblie to pass it through rubbing up close without actual penetration, if the genitals are touching. No, herpes won't kill you. If you are a woman who has herpes, there is a small risk to your baby if you give birth vaginally, but that can be eliminated by use of anit-viral therapy in the run up to the birth or giving a c-section. Genital herpes, just like cold sores, is a minor irritating skin infection which doesn't do you any other harm. Like cold sores, some people have them badly and some people are infected with no symptoms. In fact, 80% of people with it have it so mildly they have no idea they are infected. Up to 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men, now have genital herpes.
2016-03-16 01:02:22
answer #5
answered by ? 3
2016-10-06 11:20:18
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Ways To Get Herpes
2016-10-03 10:02:32
answer #7
answered by ? 4
scroll down look up herpes..
she could have been exposed to the virus, and carried it w/o any symptons.
It flares up under stress, eatting nuts, too much caffine, sun/heat.
She could have been exposed from her previous partner.
and is a carrier of herpes. YOU must have an immunity to it.
Perhaps you were exposed, by a previous partner, and never got it and are a carrier. *i'm not being mean*
But this happens.
It takes 10-14 days for a breakout if you are going to have a reaction. Just cuz you don't have them now, wait 2 weeks.
There are wonderful suppression drugs that help keep this virus in check.
I only get a cold sore on my lip, or chin from time to time.
I know to be very, very careful with my spouse, cuz it can be transmitted by touch!!
**I even got a cold sore from the dentist, the receptionist had a herpe on her lip, and i used the ink pen she had in her hand to sign my check, and guess what?? I got an outbreak!
My niece and I are both get these things. If one of us gets one, even if we don't touch, I swear just breathing the same air!!
Please be supportive of her.
I'm sure she has a low grade fever, is in a lot of pain, and needs to see a doctor to get zovirax*, generic is acyclovir*.
You both are probably wondering who's been with who, or what the **** is going on. It's a virus, that can hide. You can be exposed, and it can lay dormant for years.
Use condoms, and take her to the doctor.
I'm sorry the both of you are having to deal with this virus.
Be supportive and loving.
NO ONE who KNOWINGLY HAS HERPES, and LOVES YOU-- would hide this from you!!
2007-02-25 17:33:02
answer #8
answered by Lilly 5
She could have been exposed to the herpes virus while having the other relationship. The virus can lie dormat without showing any signs until stress can cause it to manifest itself and show a breakout sometimes years later. The partner she got it from may have had it and not have been showing any signs when he exposed her to it. It happens, and her doctor should have told her that. No, she didn't get it any other way than sexual contact. You should be tested also, as you have probably been exposed as well. You also could have had it all this time and be a carrier and exposed her to it if you had unprotected sex with other partners. There is a herpes blood test that you can get to see if you have been infected.
2007-02-25 17:27:53
answer #9
answered by Sparkles 7
You say that you don't "seem" to have it. 90% of those who have it do not know it because they either have no syptoms, or their symptoms are so mild they do not notice them. Unless you have had a blood test you cannot assume you did not give it to her. Genital herpes is VERY common. 25% of the population has it. Most who do display symptoms do so 2-10 days after exposure. Was she with you during that time? If so, there is a good chance you gave it to her.
In addition If you have oral herpes, and you have had oral sex you may have passed it on to her.
Herpes is very easily transferred. You could have it on your hands and touch the genitals to spread it, you can do so by oral sex, or by rubbing up against each other.
It is not correct that you can only get one type orally and another in the genitals. They both can cross over.
You NEED to get tested.
2007-02-27 09:22:20
answer #10
answered by mutherluv 3