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1 What happens after death?
2 Why people are scared of death?
3 Why death is unavoidable?
4 Are they any life after death?
5 What makes death special?

2007-02-24 20:26:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Human being when alive in the world is endowed with five layers of sheath's namely the physical flesh sheath, the sheath of mind, the sheath of vital air and electricity, the sheath of intellect & knowledge, the sheath of joy, Death is a change in the state of how we experience the awareness of consciousness. There is two states of awareness of consciousness one with the human brain mind and body which involves the sense organs, the other is soul awareness of consciousness which uses the sheath of mind, the sheath of intellect & knowledge, the sheath of joy these three sheaths go along with the soul when it leaves the body, it carries with it the memory of the birth, present and previous. Yes we can experience it, only if we can raise the mind & intellect to the appropriate level of consciousness.
1 What happens after death is that the change of level of consciousness is experienced after a time lapse when the intellect accepts the change of state until then it continues to think that it still lives and is in a state of confusion if it is not developed. Then when it recognizes the state by the grace of its linage superiors and sages or god's grace, it can or go to sleep, this is when it will dream (this dream actually the replay of memory makes it feel the dream as if where real), the experience may be that of hell or heaven depending on the acts (Karma) in the birth. When its dream is over it finds another body depending on the merits of all the births, this is enabled to be able to balance the acts (karma). This will continue until the balance is achieved or nullified by the acts (Karma) in the new birth or pacified by the grace of God.
2 people are actually not scared of death but they pain inflicted by the process of dying.
3 every thing in this world under the influence of time is in a continuous flow of flux what ever is stagnating will decay and wither and perish. As we grow older the physical strength is not capable to under go the same stress thus death is unavoidable for the weak body.
4 Yes there is life after death. This will depend on the last thought we have at the time of death, we will take that birth.
5 death is special as it enables the soul to rest after the toil of the life, just like the way we go to sleep &rest after a tired day

2007-02-24 21:23:24 · answer #1 · answered by mr.kotiankar 4 · 1 0

1 What happens after death?
2 Why people are scared of death?
it's what happens before or after resurrecting.
3 Why death is unavoidable?
Yes, resurrect!
4 Are they any life after death?
When you resurrect, you either live on or are judged and die by fire, ceasing to exist, never to resurrect again.
5 What makes death special?
No more existence, it's merely the opposite of life. Although when you die, you're mind won't just off until it has run out of oxygen (little oxygen left ca cause hallucinations).

2007-02-25 04:45:15 · answer #2 · answered by Cyber 6 · 1 0

1. This is based on personal faith & religion, although I believe right after death, a soul either goes to heaven or hell. If you're Catholic, then purgatory before heaven, unless you become a saint.

2. First of all, not everyone is afraid of death, like me, for I am a Catholic, and most Catholics see death as a pleasant thing, because it is when one will see God (if you go to heaven). many people are scared of death because it is a moment they will never predict and it leads people into a mysterious path of unfamiliarity. Basically, death is a very mysterious thing.

3. Because death is a part of life, or technically, the mark of the end of life & God makes it so.

4. No. Unless you mean life as in spiritually.

5. It ends your whole life on Earth, everything you ever loved or everything you ever had.

2007-02-25 04:34:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. what happens after death?

we die..death happens...life ceases in us.physically we cease to exist. but soul has no death is wht the learned say.

bhagawath geetha says the same too...it is like getting rid of an old costume and adorning ones self in a new attire...the soul takes a new bodily form.

2. why are people scared of death?

people are scared of death bcz it forces them to part from their precious materialistic worldly possessions and attachments.

it sepeartes them fromt heir near and dear ones.

the affections..the bonds..the relationships which we build during this life time make us fear death for our very own selfish reasons.

3.why death is unavoidable?

it is a cycle. and it starts and ends and starts afresh again. and we r mere mere mortals who cannot stop death happening . it is destiny when we die or hw we die.

4.is there life after death?

yes . the theories prove that there is life after death.
so many proven stories of reincarnation wherein people do remember their past life's details establish the same.

but there are some theories which rule out life after death. try the below links.


5. what makes death special?

well..we live only once and physical death also happens only once? hence it is a special one time unavoidable occurance in everyone's life?

2007-02-25 11:35:56 · answer #4 · answered by ☆| raji |☆ says let's make life beautiful! 6 · 1 0

well, to answer your first question, I dont' think any LIVING person has that answer, only because they've never DIED before!

I think people are only scared of death because it's about 'fear of the unknown'

death is unavoidable, because we are moral.

Who knows if there is life after death...no living person has ever been there, technically speaking...

death is special because it's the 'crossing over' from one life to possibly another, or the end of one chapter (and onto the next, according to some theorists)

2007-02-25 04:30:58 · answer #5 · answered by argamedius 3 · 1 0

1. Well as a Christian I believe you either go to Heaven or hell based on your faith
2. Because its the end of life on this earth kinda ironic sometimes cause some people hate their life but are so scared to lose it and it's leads into the unknown (I mean unknown as in we cant imagine what it's going to be like exactly) which people are always scared of
3. because if something happens to you and your body shuts down or you die of old age
4 yes... question 1
5. pretty much the same thing as the latter part of question 2

2007-02-25 04:33:23 · answer #6 · answered by Soonerfootball 3 · 1 0

I believe it is vertualy impossible for your spirit/ soul to live without the body and therefore also impossible to exist in death. Death is the lack of life, the END, like all things begin and end, so do we. Perhaps the greatest phobia for death emanates from the fact that non of those that have gone have returned and therefore we are in ignorance about it. I don't fear dying but the nature of my death!

Enjoy your life while you still have it.

2007-02-25 04:43:06 · answer #7 · answered by Another face in the crowd 3 · 1 0

1. There is no reliable evidence to indicate anything happens besides decomposition.
2. Conscious interpretation of the instinct for self-preservation.
3. Entropy.
4. There is no reliable evidence to indicate there is.
5. Nothing.

2007-02-25 04:30:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. Your divine energy while leaving your body takeup new form.. none knows!
2. B'cause life experiences are dearer and feverishness worsens libration!
3. B'cause divine energy believes in transformation otherwise it stinks!
4. Yes! Matter can't be created or destroyed yet it takes new form..whatsoever!
5. If life was meaningful and helpful.. death gets it purpose!

Get to know LIFE more! As true seeker should be eager to live it.... to its FULLEST!

2007-02-25 07:44:57 · answer #9 · answered by kauly 1 · 1 0

death is a myth thing.. no 1 can surely confirm what isit....
I'm not saying that some god .. heaven hell thing is fake... but who can really confirm it exist...
ppl scare of death is because we didnt known what will happen next , juz some ppl are scare bout future ...

every ppl must face new life , old , sick , death... there the rule of this.. none of us can skip it or delay it .. whn it come it come it wont stop ....

wat make death so special... coz is juz only once u can feel it... and after feel it u cant tell it... and that's make it so special so mystery

2007-02-25 04:38:40 · answer #10 · answered by Casey Kc 2 · 1 0

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