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my husband and i both have herniated discs. i am going through physical therapy but it isnt helping. i am waking up hurting now and i have five children to take care of so i cant be debilitated by pain to where it is preventing me doing my job as a wife and mother and my husband has already had surgery and has another herniated disc to deal with as well as doin lawn care(self employed) so he s the bread winner so to speak and i know hes in more pain than i am. i only have medipass and none of the docs want to give us pain meds. i know y they dont like to but in both of our cases they are needed. me and my husband would not take them if we didnt feel the need to so i was wondering what can i do about it? they just think that we are pill poppers wantin quick fixes. its insulting. meanwhile both of us are suffering. im not gettin any housework done because of the need to lie down where im most comfortable and its unacceptable to myself and my husband. can anyone help?

2007-02-24 19:44:49 · 10 answers · asked by war 3 in Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

10 answers

You need a pain management doctor. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find one that takes insuracne, and they are expensive. First visits run about 500 dollars, with monthly maintenance vsists running about 200 where I live (Northern VA). However, it is WELL worth it. Pain docs geinuinely care about your pain and want to help. I have pelvic congestion syndrome... the doc that diagnosed it told me there was nothing he could do to cure it except a hysterectomy, which he wouldn't consider because I'm only 25. He put me on Percocet and told me I had to go into apin management.... but then when I asked for more meds to get me through to my clinic appointment, he made me feel likea junky. I wasn't asking for a refill early, I made th original scrip last as long as I could... more days than it was supposed to last, actually... and he was a jerk about it. So I was really nervous going into pain management, that the doc would act the same way... but he definitely doesn't. He's fabulous, and I am now pain free for the first time in years. I'm on Oxycontin and Oxy IR, and they help amazingly. Sometimes strong narcotics are necccessary. Try this website, my doctor is a diplomate member. Its will help you find a member doctor in your area.: http://www.aapainmanage.org/search/MemberSearch.php

2007-02-26 01:31:48 · answer #1 · answered by Mandy VZ 4 · 0 0

The best thing I would advise is to apply for Medicaid, and you should qualify if there is only one income with a family of seven! I don't know what region of the country you live in, but your husband certainly must have a hard time finding work maintaining lawns with the freezing temperatures! If you don't qualify for the Medicaid, try to find a physician's office that goes by a sliding scale, they will base the billing on your income. Once you find a physician that will empathize with you and your husband, he will most likely prescribe Vicodin, or another type of pain med, and this should help you to get back to your life comfortably. I have 3 small children of my own, and have experienced back pain, (nothing like what you have described though) and may i just say, you poor thing! I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you and your husband find the help you need so badly.

2007-02-24 19:56:48 · answer #2 · answered by Klum 3 · 0 0

Chiropractor (one who uses an activator or wedges not manual manipulation) and Massage Therapist

Much pain is from muscles below is an example of what may help (based on headaches).
Begin with a couple swigs of molasses or a couple of bananas daily - magnesium (which regulates many things in the body) and potassium (a needed building block for muscles).
Drink at least 1/2 gallons of water per day. Running a body low on water is like running a car low on oil is the analogy the head of neurology at UCDavis told my husband about 10 years ago.

Now to the cause - muscles - your back, neck shoulders and head have tender spots. They are knots in the fibers of the muscles called trigger points. It makes the muscles tight which makes them press on nerves and other things causing the pain.

The cure - start with a professional massage, you will also want to go back over any place you can get to 6-12 times per session up to 6 times per day rubbing (or lightly scratching on your head) every where that is tender until the knots go away. The place where the skull connects to the spine press up under the edge of the skull (to get to those muscles).

For more information read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies. It teaches what to do and where the pain comes from.

2007-02-28 11:22:39 · answer #3 · answered by Keko 5 · 0 0

Pain management is a big problem in the US because doctors and the government are so scared someone might take too much pain medicine. Call the doctor tell him flat out you need something stronger. If the doctor does not heed you pain then get another doctor.

2007-02-24 19:49:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes Pain Meds are hard to get. Because people get addicted to the pills. They got have it.

I know a product that been helping pain.
Take a look at the link below

Take Care

2007-02-24 19:53:49 · answer #5 · answered by Incomestorm 2 · 0 1

Try Naproxen Sodium. (Generic Aleve). Its over the counter and pretty cheap. I have arthritis and when I feel it flaring up I take 3 pills to start and then 2 every 8 hours. It does the trick and takes the swelling down.

2007-02-24 19:51:25 · answer #6 · answered by kwilfort 7 · 0 0

Ask to be seen by a pain management specialist!

2007-02-24 19:51:11 · answer #7 · answered by Kenner 3 · 0 0

i would request to be seen at a pain management clinic, they will do tests and give you medication needed to fix ur pain.

2007-02-28 04:12:08 · answer #8 · answered by brandi g 2 · 0 0

i have had that problem & used grass when in a lot of pain it helps BUT ONLY USE IT WHEN THERE IS NO OTHER WAY

2007-02-24 19:57:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I live in Canada and we have 2 doctors in my city for 1.5 million residents plus the other million that come from the country areas. We have 2 PAIN doctors. And they don't take new patients. So people are stuck with tylenol.

It's much easier to get pain meds in the U.S.A you just have to go to a pain clinic, and then if you are not wealthy you can get the pain pill companies to pay for your medication. Some of them have programs that give you your medication for almost free or free. The pharmaceutical companies help people when they don't have enough money to pay for their meds. It doesn't always happen but i know people who get meds from pharmaceutical companies for free because they are not rich enough to afford it.

Can't you pay for the pain clinic out of pocket? And then maybe get the drug company to pay for your meds?

We have free healthcare in Canada which is nice but no doctors to deal with pain or other needed things. But you have TONS of doctors who give out things that are stronger than morphine on a regular basis to people who need them. They aren't scared that's b.s if they are a pain management doc they will give you narcotics for your pain if it's legitimate.

You just have to pay for it or find a gov program to help you or get the drug companies to help.

There is a legal herbal thing you could try. It's called Kratom. I haven't tried it but among the drug abusing population it's VERY popular. It's a narcotic painkiller that is basically the leaves on a tree and it's from Indonesia and Thailand and it has a stimulant/narcotic effect. Depending on the person.

You could also try something else. I would HIGHLY recommend this. You can go on Ebay and look up dried poppy pods. Okay? And if you can buy these and make tea out of them. It is the same as taking morphine pills almost. It's just as strong as morphine.

If you and your husband can crunch of the pods in a blender and make a tea out of them it would act as a pain killer but you would feel sedated and just like you were if you were on morphine pills.

And if you take it for a long time you become dependant and you will have to take it all the time or you will feel sick and unwell.

It's the same as if you are on narcotic pain pills if you continually use them, you become dependant and if you stop taking them your body goes through withdrawal. I know many people who swear by these Papaver somniferum (poppy) pods.

They buy them off of EBAY and they come to your door and you make the tea. First you try smaall amounts maybe 2-3 pods max and see what happens. And each time you get a different batch they could be stronger or weaker so it's the luck of the draw you have to be CAREFUL you can overdose on this stuff just like pills. So you would make a tea out of say 3 pods, crunch them all up into tiny pieces almost a powder. Use a food processor orblender for it. Then you boil water and put the crunched up 3 pods in about 400ml of water and you let the alkaloids extract with the heat and you put some LEMON juice into the tea as well and the acidity will help extract the morphine from the pods and then you STRAIN IT and squeeze the remaining powdery crunched up stuff to get every last bit out of it and throw it out. Then you drink the liquid that has all the alkaloids in it. And it works like morphine or opium.

It really does work. But you have to find a good source of strong pods. Check out these sites I will leave at the end of the message for you okay? And look into this if you are SERIOUSLY in pain and willing to take the risk of becoming dependant just like you would under the care of a doctor.

Keep in mind you have to find a good source so ask people on these sites that i'm suppplying and see what vendor they buy it from off of EBAY and which person is good and find out what to do okay? IF YOU REGISTER on the site www.opiophile.org and become a member you can go into the forum and ask people what to do okay?

Go to www.opiophile.org and join and go to their forum and say look. I'm in serious pain here, I am not a drug addict, but I need some advice and help finding a good vendor for papaver somniferum poppy pods. And say can somemone please send me a private message telling me what to do, and people will help you out. And if they dont message you keep asking okay? Take the advice of people who have been there long you'll see how many posts they have made it lists it on the side beside their name and it will show you they have made alot of posts on the site and they are the more experienced. Don't listen to a person who has 1 post if someone with 1000 posts has an opinion you listen to the person with the most posts and most points okay?

Just go do what I said, ASK AROUND! and they will help you i'm sure of it. And you'll get some poppies from ebay and it will be your medicine if you like it. And if it doesn't work out, and it doesn't make you feel better or if you get too drowsy and you and your hubby hate it, just don't order them again and keep persuing the doctor and try to find some way to get seen by a pain specialist okay?

Good luck i know how horrible it is to have nothing. It's not nice at all. I'm not pulling your leg, these poppy pods really work! Go to the site i said and join and ask people which ebay vendors are good for the poppy pods and if you get a good source from someone you'll get good pods and your pain will be helped alot if you are tolerant of morphine and codeine and those type of painkillers.

It is illegal to make anything out of the pods but it's not illegal to order them. They are for DECORATIVE purposes only. And if the police come in and your making poppy tea it is semi-illegal because there is morphine in the poppy pods. There is none in the stems, only in the pods so use the pods only. And be discreet dont tell everyone how your ordering pods and consuming the tea to get pain medicine out of them okay?

Make sure the pods you buy are not lacquered and don't have any shiny finish on them cuz some places paint them with shiny clear paint to make them look prettier. 90% of the places on ebay doint do that. And if you get ones like that they are not fit for human consumption. So ask the people on opiophile.org which EBAY store to buy them from okay? Cuz they will tell you the places that don't put clear paint on the pods. They will only send you to places that give you pods that are untreated and natural.

LEARN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN ABOUT THIS IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT! okay? It's a drug just like any other drug. It's just as dangerous as morphine! Sorry about the length i just have to tell you it's serious stuff.

And also try KRATOM too maybe but try the poppy pods first. Kratom might work too but it's not as good a painkiller and doesn't contain morphine. Kratom contains another narcotic which is a painkiller and a stimulant. www.phytoextractum.com sells good Kratom thats where everyone i know goes to get it. But try the pods too! Find out what works for you. Make sure to post in the opiophile FORUMS! okay!!! bye. Kratom is also called Mirtragyna Speciosa thats what the plant is called. okay? If you are buying Kratom buy the regular LEAF and make tea out of it and you have to EAT the kratom too. You have to actually eat the kratom and drink the water that it's been sitting in. You GRIND the kratom just like you do with the poppy pods, then you boil water, put the Kratom in the water after it's done boiling and it's nice and hot and then you let the alkaloids come out into the water then you drink it and swallow all the leaf.

IT TASTES HORRIBLE!!! so i hope your strong. Poppy tea and Kratom taste like crap!

If you EMAIL me i will give you ANY information and help you need. I'm more than happy to help you and I will help you with the Opiophile.org forums cuz I know the people. I can find out some good places to get the poppy pods for you? I don't expect anything back from you i'm not doing it for a benefit I just want to help. I'm sick myself I have an autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia I can't work or go to school. I'm a young man too so it's hard for me watching everyone move forward and all I do is sit in bed and struggle to get by. I'll help you with anything you need okay? I'll explain it better for you if you need explaining.

Here is my email. pumpkinking85@yahoo.ca

I'm here to help anytime! These natural things I am suggesting are 100% legitimate and they work. It's not like one of those things that people say works and has no effect. These poppy pods will put morphine into your body and keep you pain free for 8 hours or so. And Kratom is strong and a painkiller as well. But the pods are more suited for pain relief than Kratom. I'm not talking about stupid herbal stuff saying ohhh this will help you when it will really have no effect. This stuff I mention HAS EFFECTS. Real effects. You'll see that if you look it up people use it to get high because it gives them a morphine buzz. But people use it for pain when they can't get doctors to help them out too.

THE GOOD THING IS. YOU CAN GROW THE POPPY PODS IN YOUR YARD! THIS SPRING! So if you buy some good seeds you can grow this special type of poppy in your own yard and you won't even pay for it! and you'll have free pain control for as long as the poppies last. So grow a lot of them! I'll give you a great place to get seeds too okay? Or you can find your own place but this place i'm gonna give you izmir poppy has the BEST seeds it's in Canada and they grow their own poppies up here and they are strong. So you can grow your own poppies, then dry them and use them as MEDICINE. PAINKILLERS! Now wouldn't that be alot better than not having anything? It's free! I'm gonna do it this spring once the snow is gone. Take care okay! EMAIL me if you need help! my mom has herniated discs too I know how hard it must be cuz my mom really struggles! www.izmirpoppy.com for PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM seeds (poppy seeds). Only papaver somniferum works as medicine. They are opium poppies.

2007-02-24 21:37:47 · answer #10 · answered by Thomas G 1 · 0 0

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