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Well, here is a menu of what i eat, i cut down all my fatty foods but still cant lose weight.......
here is what i eat on a daily basis...

mcdonalds mcMuffin with an orange and skim milk
low fat minoli cookies (2 packs) & a diet coke
subway sandwhich
bag of dorritos
diet coke
large cookie

less sodiom chips
candy bar

kentucky fried chicken
col slaw
3 scoops chocolate icecream
5 or 6 wafers
diet coke

PLEAAAAASE help me, i have tried so hard, and this is barely any food for me, based on what i had before just be kind and help.

2007-02-24 19:24:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

ps: im not really morbitually obese...im just a bored person with nothing to do...but if and when i become a whale, i will definitley call you up...HOLLA!!

2007-02-24 19:40:07 · update #1

16 answers

i think you need to go see a doctor...you should proably get your stomach stapled

2007-02-24 19:28:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2016-08-16 07:51:53 · answer #2 · answered by Sofia 3 · 0 0

First cut out the large cookie, the candy bar and the ice cream. Then stop eating fried foods like fried chicken for dinner. Look at the website kentuckyfriedcruelty.com and you will never eat fried chicken again. Also, cut out both your mid snacks and dont eat anything after 7 pm. Get a full eight hours sleep at night. Do some sort of exercise everyday, like walking down the street and back. Find a new hobby to do when you are bored, like sewing or painting to occupy your mind so you dont think about food. Hope this helps, good luck.

2007-02-24 19:41:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Did you notice that almost everything you're eating is high in carbs, sugar and fat? There's the problem! Not only do you need to choose healthier foods rich in nutrients, but also in their proper proportions. You also need to include fiber in your diet because this will keep you feeling fuller for longer and you won't be so tempted to overeat between meals. And it keeps the food moving through your system faster so that more calories keep getting extracted from it. Here's a sample of a day's worth of healthy
Breakfast: 1 cup all-bran cereal
1/2 cup low fat or fat free milk
1 packet of sugar free sweetner
12 of a banana

Snack: 1 orange, banana, pear or peach

Lunch: 1 small skinless chicken breast with herbs
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 slice multi-grain bread with 1 bat butter

Snack: 1/2 cantaloupe, honey dew or 2/3 cup grapes
4 melba toasts with 1 Tbls. low fat peanut butter

Dinner: 3 oz. of broiled or baked white fish
2 cups dinner salad, 2 Tbls light dressing
1 cup asparagus tips with lemon juice

Snack: 1 low fat yogurt
1 small box of raisins

Snack: 1 cup sugar free jello

Can you see the difference in menus? With vegetables and fruits, you get fiber and that will fill you up. You can go online and
find hundreds of free menus for dieting. Look some up and pick
a plan that appeals to you. If you're a woman, you'll need about
1,200 to 1,400 calories a day. A man needs about 1,700 to
1,900. At first when you make these changes, it's going to be
tough because you'll be cutting carbs and sugar. These things are addictive so you'll be getting some serious cravings for them. But hang tough. After about a week, your body will adjust to the healthier diet and you won't actually want junk food anymore. You'll feel so much better and have so much more energy! If it proves too hard for you to lose on your own, please visit with a
nutritionist so you can have some personal support. You also want to exersise and drink plenty of water, both can curb your
appetite. If dropping down to only 1,200 calories a day is too much at first, eat 1,600 for three or four days. Then drop to
1,400 for a few days, then 1,300 then 1,200. You may still get
some hungar pangs but ride them out, it will get better in time.
Also, between meals and snacks, drink herb tea! Pepperment
really helps curb the appetite. Use sugarless sweetener or a bit of honey to sweeten. Well I hope this is of some help to you. I wish you the very best in your weight loss goals! You can do it!

2007-02-24 19:51:33 · answer #4 · answered by Gayle 4 · 0 0

You have to cut down your calories FAST!!! Are you a stress eater, does this run in your family, do you have diabetes and heart disease?

You need to really want to loose weight and have the motivation to do so. Instead of saying you want to and still keep putting all this food in your house. Choosing to go to McDonalds, KFC, Ice Cream, cookies...etc, are really bad choices. What about fruit and vegetables. I recommend you see a nutritionist to put you on a regimented food management routine. You NEED to exercise! Even if it's lifting small weight in your chair and using small weights on your ankles. A start is a start! That's what you need to acknowledge. There is always a start somewhere.

You can NOT immediately stop your calories in half as this will be s shock to your system. But know that you consuming

Always have gastric bypass or any surgical procedure as a last resort.

Also you can seek a therapist to maybe find out what is making you choose those foods, eat so much. This is not healthy and you are slowly killing yourself!

I am being serious, seek a nutritionist, a personal trainer, therapist and seek friends who can motivate you to do this. This is life changing and you need all the motivation and support you can get. It can be done and know you have to want it!

Ok, to help you I wanted you to know how many calories you are taking in if this is what you are eating.

For calories it is...4,608 calories
For fat grams...198.5 g of fat

If you are morbidly obese you should only be taking in 1000 -1400 calories a day. As for fat grams, it should only be 10-15 grams of fat. I hope this is eye opening for you. I went on this web site to add up your calories and fat grams, you can also figure out carbs and sodium which is very important since fat is converted to sugar coverted to fat. Sodium affects your heart...increases your blood pressure!

Please get help before its too late.

Good luck, I wish you all the best!

2007-02-24 19:34:19 · answer #5 · answered by egomezz007 4 · 0 0

Considering what is on your list, your weight is not surprising. At a rough guess, it adds up to about 3,000 calories a day. Try this: Breakfast, cold cereal with milk, or a scrambled egg, with orange juice. Snack, a banana. Lunch, half a sandwich, with water or a diet drink. Supper, grilled chicken, with vegetables, a green salad (limit dressing to one teaspoon), and a dozen chocolate chips for dessert. Before bed, a glass of low-fat milk. That will give you enough calories, vitamins, and minerals to survive, but it is far fewer calores than you are eating now.

2007-02-24 19:33:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you need to eat healthier! mc donalds and kfc are not going to make you any thinner. and 3 scoops of icecream a day and wafers ? are you serious. I noticed yo also asked like twice if you were pretty and if your friend's pretty... you might be somewhat depressed or have some kind of emotional problem(s) and eating is your comfort. you should find someone to talk to and know that everone feels like this when they're young, but you can't let it consume your life. excersice (walk or jog for atleast 30 minutes a day) and eat healthier. that's the only way you're going to lose weight and feel better about yourself. you have to sacrifice and just do it! it might be hard and take some self discipline, but if you don't do it now, it will only get harder. our bodies are much more resilient when we're young.

2007-02-24 20:47:32 · answer #7 · answered by L-Boogie 3 · 0 0

1st step is to stop eating out. Fast food is very fattening as we all know. The less fast food you eat the better, and try to cut out fast food completely. Secondly, cut out pop(even diet), candy, and any other sweets completely! By doing this you will force your body to make changes, and shock your system. Don't worry, your body will adjust and you might even loose 5-10 lbs alone doing this. Third, any meal be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, eat smaller proportions. Eating smaller proportions will train your stomach to not need so much food and it will get fuller faster. Less food = less calories.
Fourth, exercise regularly if you can Resistance training is best, in my opinion. Use weights only to tone, not build muscle. This will keep your body metabilism going with momentum, thus you will loose weight and tone muscle the same time. And lastly, keep your mind strong, and build up will power to control your appetite. It will also make push yourself to get to your goal with persistance. Again, stop eating out completely, eat less at each meal, try to exercise if time permits, and get will power.
This is just a brief summary of a good diet plan I've successfully used before to loose weight. Try it out. But give it time to see results beacause loosing weight we all know doesn't overnight. Good luck.

2007-02-24 20:30:59 · answer #8 · answered by Tedd L 1 · 0 0

first of all like it or not you are eating way too much and in you menu i dont any vegetables or fresh fruit. you think you have cut down but you are still eatin pretty bad stuff and quite a lot of it also. try to eat 6 small meals a day because the content and amount you are eating is very wrong. you are still eating fatty fooda, eg srite candy bar, cookie, kfc. your body cant burn fat if it doesnt have time to use up the energy form the food you have eaten. its not going to be easy but instead of eating all that bad food , eat healthy food. you may be hungry but rather eat more vegies and fruit than cookies and wafers. once you start eating healthy you will drop all the fat like a joke. . you also need to eat healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids because you need health fats to get you digestive system going. ill give u a simple menu to try, it still is a large amount but you will learn to slowly cut down.

1 cup of special k with fat free milk
one slice whole grain toast with thin spread of jam
1 small apple and tea

4 snack biscuits with low fat cheese or cottage cheese
fruit smoothie

2 slices whole grain bread with 1 small tin tuna fish or pink salmon with lettuce salad
diet coke

1 orange or fruit of your choice
1 fat free yougurt
1 cup tea or coffee

1 cup boiled broccoli, cauli or any vegies you prefer
1 cup brown rice or pasta and sauce
palm size pice of meat or chicken or fish.
diet coke

after snack
half a cup low fat icecream

aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day, it cleanses your body and try to eat dinner before 7pm at night. its better to prepare your own meals so you know you are cooking low fat. try to stay away from sugar and fruit juice. i will be hard but try and start walking around and slowly build it up. rome wasnt built in a day and this will take time but you will so so happy when you start to feel healthy with more energy.

2007-02-24 19:46:14 · answer #9 · answered by Nobody 2 · 0 0

check out LA weight loss centers.. my parents did that and it worked really well. and my mom tol dme what to do based on her own plan and it helps me too- it's about what you eat, how much you eat and when you it.... it's not a diet but a life style change and if eating less is really hard for you- think of some motivators and take up a hobby.... guesses are you eat out of boredom habbit or stress/ emotions instead of for fueling your body.... if you're morbidly obease think about what that really really means for you- maybe there is motivation in that. i am sure fam and friends would be glad to support- nightly 20 min walks- slow calm walks- after dinner are a great start! good luck xoxo great job coming out and taking the steps to fix your problem!!

2007-02-24 19:37:51 · answer #10 · answered by calamity jain 3 · 0 0

To lose weight successfully,you should know the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!

Hope this weight loss site can help you.It will teach you to lose weight by eating Chicken,Fish Filet,Cottage Cheese,sandwich..

2007-02-24 22:37:09 · answer #11 · answered by Beautiful R 2 · 0 0

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