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'cause it scares the **** out of me, and the end is all I can see!

2007-02-24 17:38:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

Through your eyes? Yes, I am afraid. But having been placed into Jesus Christ and He in me, my sins have all been washed away thanks to His blood. God puts much value on His blood, and cleanses all who ask Him. So I have been promised by God to have a place in Heaven, a mansion.

2007-02-24 17:47:11 · answer #1 · answered by Jimguyy 5 · 1 0

Looking through your eyes, i am afraid.
But looking through mine, i'm not afraid.

Cause i know that i'm going to have a eternal life with Him after i died.
And have you heard about a ship called empress that went down in 14 secs? There was this girl onboard and she had a lifejacket. Then a man around the age of 30 was also onboard, but he didn't have a lifejacket. Then the girl did a amazing thing, she took off her lifejacket and gave it to the man. The man refused, but the girl told the man "Take it, i will die better than you." That girl know that she might die, but she's going to heaven after that.

In my eyes, dying is just an ending of my limited life on earth and going to an eternal life with Him in heaven.

2007-02-24 18:31:52 · answer #2 · answered by Joycelyn 1 · 0 0

No. I'm not afraid to die. I'm not saying that I want to die soon, but I don't fear it. I know that when I die God, through the sacrifice of Jesus will account me worthy of Heaven. I don't deserve Heaven but by the love, death, resurrection, of Jesus I will receive it. Heaven is a free gift to us. It takes faith, asking forgiveness, and living like we mean it to get there.

2007-02-24 17:48:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, I am not afraid to die. To die an earthly death, for me, is to go to live with Jesus Christ in heaven. So, why don't I just commit suicide? Because I trust God and His timing. I'll go when He believes I am ready.

2007-02-24 17:43:10 · answer #4 · answered by janejane 5 · 0 0

I would rather not die. In a big way!!!

But, unfortunately, there is no reasonable alternative. There are a lot of amusing and comforting theories. But not a single one of them has a shred of evidence to support it.

2007-02-24 17:51:52 · answer #5 · answered by Alan 7 · 0 0

You are lost in darkness and are afraid.

2007-02-24 17:47:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need to consider christianity. It's the only religion that gives you assurance of salvation. None of the other religions do. Your fear of death is not uncommon. Most people have it and have to live with it all their lives. That's a heavy burden. What do we know for sure. We know we are going to one day die. The death rate in this world is 100%. So we're going to have to face whatever is on the other side whether we like it or not, not knowing what's on the other side unless you have some kind of assurance.
Hebrews 2:14,15 says " Since the children(namely, mankind) have flesh and blood, He(Jesus) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—
and free those(again, mankind) who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death". That sounds like it is talking about you and many others that I know.
But 1John5:13 says " I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life". Notice it says KNOW. It doesn't say WISH,HOPE OR THINK. It says KNOW.
You can be sure of eternal life. I am. Christianity is open to anyone. John3:16 says"For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". Mathew 11:28-30 says "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
"Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.
"For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."
The only question is "What do you think of Christ"(Mathew 22:42).
What is Christianity? Christianity is not a works religion like all the rest of the religions. It's not a bunch of rules and regulations and do's and don'ts and if you do more of the good deeds than the bad deeds then you go to heaven and if you're heavy on the bad deeds then you go to hell and God just sort of grades on a curve. Good deeds(according to the bible) can never get anyone to heaven. Only sinless perfection gets a person to heaven(not practically but legally). Practical perfection is impossible. But legal perfection is no longer impossible since Christ has paid for our sins. From a legal standpoint we are perfect because every sin we ever have committed or ever will commit has been paid for by Christ. The only real question is will you accept what He has done for you on the cross. Christianity, unlike all the other religions is a supernatural religion. It says that if you acknowledge that you are a sinner and need a savior and you accept what Jesus did for you on the cross as your savior and ask Him to come into your heart, He will come into your heart. Also, He sends the Holy Spirit to live inside you. He gives you spiritual life so that you can have a personal relationship with God. In Christianity, God is not unknowable and distant and infinitely unapproachable. God wants to have a personal relationship with you. It is a dialogue. You speak to Him in prayer. He speaks back to you through His Word(The Bible) and also through your daily experiences. You come to know Him and trust Him in your daily walk. . What Christ did on the cross was to open the way to God to anyone who really wants it enough to turn their life over to Christ. 1Peter 3:18 says "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might BRING US TO GOD, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit".
What does it mean to come to Christ? It means to have faith in Jesus Christ as the one who paid the price of your sins and saves you. Faith is more than just head-belief. It means you stop trusting in all the things you trusted before and put your trust in Christ Jesus instead. It means that you admit that you are a hopeless sinner and that you can't get back to God on your own. It means that you say to the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, "Jesus, I'm sorry....Please forgive me....Make me right inside...Mess with me....Do whatever you have to....Don't stop until I'm the way you want me to be.....Help me to follow and obey you....I trust you, starting now".
You can't even mean such a prayer unless the Holy Spirit helps you, but He will. That's part of what He does. Start with the help He's given you already. What ever it is except it and ask for the help for the next step. If you aren't really sorry for your sins, at least be sorry that you are not sorry.....and ask and trust Him to make you sorry for the rest of your sins. If you don't really trust Him for your salvation, at least start wanting to trust Him...and ask and trust Him to enable you to trust Him more. If you don't want to let go of your old life. at least desire that He would help you to do so....and ask and trust Him to pry your fingers loose from your hold on that old life.
Why should you believe that christianity is the true way to God?
The Bible has the signature of God attached to it in many ways. One of those ways is Bible prophecy. The old testament has 333 prophecies about the first coming of Jesus Christ and 456 specific details about his life(all written between 400 and 2000 years before he was born). The 4 gospels in the new testament(Mathew, Mark, Luke & John) tell the story of Jesus. Had those 4 gospel writers chosen to not write their gospels, we could still have re-created the whole life of Christ just from the old testament(all written before he was born). In fact, that is how the christians preached the gospel in the first 20-30 years after the death of Christ. They preached it from the old testament because the new testament had not yet been written. The story of Christ is all there in the Old Testament including some details about His life that are not even mentioned in the New Testament. Man sees history like a person sees the Rose Parade sitting in the stands. The floats that have already gone by him are like the past. The floats in front of him are like the present. The floats still coming are like the future. These prophets in the old testament who wrote about Jesus Christ seemed to be able to see history the way you would see the Rose Parade from a helicopter. They seemed to be able to see the end from the beginning. That tells me that though they were writing these things down the info was not ultimately coming from them but from a higher source because man simply doesn't see history that way. Also, the bible has amazing knowledge about many scientific principals long before these principals were discovered. Seventeen times in the old testament the bible says that God is "stretching the heavens". For thousands of years bible scholar struggled with what that could possibly mean. Then in 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding. The bible told us that long ago.
No other religion or Holy Book has this kind of knowledge. All this tells me that these prophets in both the old and new testament were not nutcases but true prophets of God.
God loves you. At least examine the possibility of coming to know Him in a personal way. He wants to know you that way.

2007-02-24 19:29:03 · answer #7 · answered by upsman 5 · 0 0

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