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I am a single mom with three kids...2,3, and 8. Sometimes they mind but a lot of the time they walk all over me. I love them and want them to become the best they can be. I feel that I am doing them an injustice by not disciplining them enough. I dont spank them hard...sometimes I dont even think they feel it :) We went out to a restaraunt today and they were OUT OF CONTROL! I see other parents with kids who actually mind and it makes me realize I must be doing something wrong. I am very close with them. The only time they really seem to mind is when they have pushed me so far that I FLIP. I spank them hard enough (on the bottom) to shed tears and they become angels for awhile but then I feel terrible for the rest of the day. HELP!

P.S. I was spanked and I turned out just fine (except for being a pushover with my kids)

2007-02-24 17:20:18 · 37 answers · asked by Jen 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

37 answers

I don't have kids, but I know when I was little and was misbehaving I got spanked. It didn't happen for very long. I realized if I was bad I got a warm bottom and I stopped being bad. I don't think telling you kids not to do something is always a good thing. I see parents in the store all of the time saying stuff like "oh you shouldn't do that its not good" or "stop that crying" and then ignore them. That is so frustrating, because they continue to wail and wail until their parents give in or until they leave the store still wailing. Please for those parents out there give everyone else a break and spank their bottoms every now and then. It works.

2007-02-24 17:38:48 · answer #1 · answered by schs_spartan 3 · 7 6

You have two different age groups here and that is the first challenge. The 8 year old will act out because of jealousy or just to be defiant. Is there anyway you can take the eight year out just the two of you. I had an 8 yr old daughter and a 3 and 1 yr old. Believe me the 8 yr old needs alone time with mom. When you get the one on one time with the 8 yr old explain that you are having a difficult time with the 2 & 3 yr old and that you would really like any suggestions from the 8 yr old as to how to handle it. Then before you know it you have a very grown up 8 yr old helping you. The 2 & 3 yr old will see the good behavior of the 8 yr old and go from there. This may sound crazy but have rehearsal meals at home for days before and explain and show proper behavior. When the kids exhubit good behavior tell them with hugs and kisses how proud you are of them. Spanking is not always the answer. Do not show frustration or weakness. The kids want a strong mom a leader not someone they can walk all over. Do not compair yourself to other parents nor your kids, who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Hang in there.

2007-02-24 17:38:43 · answer #2 · answered by Happy and in l love 2 · 6 1

when u say a angel for a while how long do u mean? a few days,a week of just for rest of the day?
i don't think spanking them is wrong at all i think kids need discipline it never done me any harm.

The 8 yr old u could also try stopping him doing things he likes IE no PC games, Sweet's or TV for a week and stick 2 it don't give in the last few days just because he's been good.

Instead of playing his games or watching the TV say he has to sit somewhere n practise his writing or reading when normally he would be watching his favourite program. he'll think twice about playing up again as a week without no TV or games will seem like a lifetime to him.

If he kicks off about it then say if u don't stop I'll add a extra day to it AND STICK 2 IT
If he still don't stop then warn him he'll get a spanking and keep to it he has to know Ur the boss

2007-02-24 23:56:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You already stated the answer in your question!! YOU said when you spank them they become angels. Isn't that what you want?

If they misbehave, spank them! It's obvious they already know proper behavior or they wouldn't become 'angels'. They are just pushing the limits because they are being permitted to.

Kids need limits and discipline. It is up to the parents to provide them.

This whole debate about spanking/not spanking is a little ridiculous. Spanking can be a very effective tool when used properly. Stop feeling guilty for doing exactly what your children need and respond to! You got spanked and turned out fine, so will your kids!

I am a father of three.

2007-02-24 23:55:59 · answer #4 · answered by Andrew 2 · 5 1

maximum people who communicate approximately bare backside spankings on listed right here are perverts/trolls with spanking fetishes. i don't understand every person who certainly does that. I do have confidence that spanking would be needed for toddlers at a definite age (approximately 2-5). for a newborn that youthful however, the punishment could be superb after the reality in the different case it is ineffective because of the fact they have this variety of short interest span, so taking time to undress them looks incredibly stupid. With an older newborn, i don't think of you would be spanking in any respect because of the fact they're sufficiently old to be self extensive wakeful approximately their bodies, plus they could comprehend the regulations and hear you for the main area of you have been consistent with self-discipline from the time they have been youthful. and that they are sufficiently old to lose privileges or get grounded. yet returned, by skill of a definite age it is totally humiliating and degrading to smack a newborn on the backside, and doing it bare would in basic terms be 10 circumstances worse. I agree that it is ill, yet that individual you're conversing approximately in all probability replace right into a troll.

2016-10-16 10:45:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Big debate here! I see nothing wrong with spanking. In most cases where the kids are out of control it's because they know they won't get spanked. I know lots of parents that are firmly against spanking and their children act like the spawn of satan, himself....No one can stand to be around them! So you do what you feel is best for your childrens future. All the people throwing heat about spanking will probably be visiting their kids in prison one day!

2007-02-24 19:41:21 · answer #6 · answered by Jenintn 5 · 5 0

any one who tells you that it is wrong to spank your kids is full of BS. over 85% of the most successfully CEO's in the US were spanked as kids. in fact EVERY president before the 1960's was spanked as a kid. spankings have worked for hundreds of years, and most (if not all) of history's greatest men and women were indeed spanked. why is it that so many want to outlaw it? in the last 20-30 years people started this idea of "no spanking" and look at the nation today. prisons are full, crime rates are sky high, more teens getting pregnant, the list goes on and on. as long as you are not beating the child, or leaving marks on them then a good old fashion spanking will do them good. you are the parent, you should have the right to discipline your kids.

2007-02-25 04:40:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I think that sometimes parents spank kids just out of frustration, because we don't make them do what we want them to do, and the worst thing is that instead of teaching your kids something good they are getting the message that you can resolve things with violence, even though is just a little spank in the b**t. But also there is a lot of lack of discipline in a lot of parents that their kids are just getting out of control, you should try to set rules and let them know that for every action either good or bad there is always a consequence, be consistent and try to give them rewards if they behave the way you wanted it, you'll see that you will not have to rely on spanking them to make them do what you want them to do.

2007-02-24 18:35:07 · answer #8 · answered by fun 6 · 5 3

I think you should spank them on the butt. Not so hard that your bruising them. But hard enough to let them know who is boss. Alot of people now days say "o god no, you cant spank your child" and alot of people count it as child abuse. And thats the reason alot of these children are running wild. The parents need to get a upper hand on there children, and stop being so scared of the law. If you don't start controlling them now, they will grow up disrespecting you, and think they can back talk you and do what they want. This is the perfect age to stop them. Good luck with the kids :)

2007-02-24 18:44:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

A lot of people say that you'd be abusing your own children by spanking them, but I am a firm believer in a swat on the butt if need be. I have 3 kids (7, 4, 2mo) and they are very well behaved. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments too, but they know when I mean business. Especially if we're in a restaurant. And when my 2 month old is old enough, I'll be spanking him too. My method of discipline is first a warning, then a time out, then a spank. My kids know that if I have to tell them 3 times to do something or not to do something, they will be getting a spank.

I think you feel so bad after spanking them because you let it go until you just can't take it anymore. If you stay calm and stick to a plan of discipline and are consistent with it, then things will soon be a lot better. I know how frustrating it can be at times, but you gotta hang in there.

Oh, and after I spank them, I sit down and have a talk with them. This is very important with my kids so they don't feel like they are just getting in trouble and that's it. This way they know that mommy was upset with their behavior, but mommy still loves them and they need to behave.

Hope I've helped. Good luck.

2007-02-24 17:41:53 · answer #10 · answered by impossiblemama 4 · 6 7

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