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to who leave all the religion, the biggest religion in the world which put rules in all fields of life "economics, politics, rights, duties, enemies rights.....etc.", they leave all this & ask a very silly questions related to a very small issues compared to the other fields of the ISLAM. they even didn't read the Quran or try to understand, what they want is to prove to themselves that it isn't a true religion from GOD. is this what you learn in schools?, is this a scientific logic thinking?. what's a stupid question, when a jew or a christian ask a muslim " from where do you know that the Quran from GOD?" really.... the normal answer that the muslim will say " and you from where do you know that the bible from GOD?" but the diffrence is that the muslim can answer this question scientificly & logicly but the non muslim can't. and i can prove that the Quran is from GOD"ALLAH".

2007-02-24 16:57:03 · 23 answers · asked by mariam 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

that is so funny that i can't connect to most of you. i respect christians & jews ofcourse, and believe in christianity and judaism, and i must believe in jesus & moses to be a muslim. ISLAM forbid to insult others and put rules for that, or we will be guilty if we vaiolat these rule. but what happen to a bottle if you put a great pressure that it can't stand? it will explore.... right, so, i am sorry for any word make you up set. there is two or more only ask me to prove, i will prove to them if i can connect to them. the Quran is not a science book, it is book from ALLAH, that he talk alot about his creatures, for the ones who think logicly by mind. he do so, bec. he know that one day there will be muslims who don't know arabic so why do they believe in it, except they found something in it make them believe in it. what is now the king of our world, the science. the Quran is from more than 1400 years, and Mohamed peace be on him don't know reading or writing, he live in the desert.

2007-02-24 18:39:53 · update #1

logicly, how did he know the stages of embryo for example?, from more that 1400 years, there were n't all these science that exsist now adays. the true and real religions can't be contrary to the science, bec. simply, the God who create the human and the mind and the whole sciences is also the one who create the religions. what do you think?!!.

2007-02-24 18:46:42 · update #2

In reality, scientists didn't tell the earth to be round, they didn't order the moon to rotate around the earth, they didn't create the Iron or any other element that they use in there space ships to go to the moon, they didn't order the baby to stay in his mother's abdomen for 9 years. the scientists just have the ability to think and discover. the science is not for a particular followers of a particular religion or a particular sex or a particular country. the science is for all humans, and can't be contrary with religion.

2007-02-24 18:54:56 · update #3

if you can e mail me, my e-mail is adoration_romance_princess@yahoo.com.
i know that even i prove that the Quran is from ALLAH, all of you or the most of you won't believe me, that is bec. a man can't believe in something until Allah wants. and Allah want the humans be different, so how he make them believe in one religion only?, he told us that he create humans different to know eachother, to live in a multi-cultural world or the world will be boring, but the one who won't believe in the true religion and the true Allah he will go to hell.

2007-02-24 20:14:47 · update #4

really, you don't want me to prove. i said before that i can't get in contact to most of you. so, if you want you can get in contact with me on my e-mail

2007-02-26 06:37:48 · update #5

23 answers

The official "religion of peace", where, in the Quran, every non-Muslim and Jew is found getting slaughtered like lambs at the end. A holocaustic bloodbath for those who don't forcefully "convert". Islam gives you two choices -- either submit, or die. "It's that simple."

2007-02-24 17:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by Loathe thy neighbor. 3 · 5 2

so what if you can prove that the qu'ran is from allah? so what if someone else says that they can prove that the bible is from jesus, or from g-d?

what is the "true" religion anyhow? what makes islam better than judaism, or islam better than christianity, or islam better than paganism? why should anybody care?

i ask you, why should we care, why should i care? the attitudes that people carry with them that tell them that one group of people of one faith follow "the true faith" and that others do not is an attitude that creates hatred and war.

let me ask you a question since you say you know so much about the islamic faith. why is it that quite a few muslims will place a belt laden with explosives onto their little children, or onto their wives and tell them to go into a bus, only to get blown to bits with others that may or may not be "true believers?" is that the courage that allah would preach to his followers? would a good prophet or g-d or son of g-d, knowing the glory of g-d, so it is said, wish for innocent people to become pieces of bloody flesh on the street, all in the name of that g-d? do islamics really feel that it's important to a woman (the wife) or to a child to go to live with allah and have 17, or 71, or 171 virgins? who cares?

if there is the g-d that is named in the bible, or the allah quoted in the qu'ran, or the mohammed also quoted by the islam people, or the christ who preached to love your enemies, or the "gods" of rain, sun, the sea, the earth, fire, and all that other stuff, why would this g-d want for people to suffer needless and horrible deaths in his/her name? why?

and i want to know this too: why are you so strident in your efforts to get us all to agree with you and your faith? have you got no tolerance that different people have differences in the way they worship, or of what they worship? the intolerance is what leads to the bombings and what leads to the wars that destroy our innocent and beautiful sons.

what makes you the judge of what is a silly question and what is not? if everyone thought that a question was silly, nobody on this forum would bother to answer it, correct? so just what is your mission?

stop trying to change everyone else. instead, why don't you try to communicate with each human being as your equal, one that has the same rights as you do, no matter what his beliefs are? why don't you really get down to trying to respect each and every person that you meet, every day, so that in turn they feel welcome?

don't try to shove your beliefs down our throats: we don't want them. if we choose to believe the way you do, then we do, and if not, then we don't. try to learn the tolerance and peaceful living, living to live, that buddhists practice without having to show the world that a "g-d" or "allah" is the master.

2007-02-25 01:19:38 · answer #2 · answered by Louiegirl_Chicago 5 · 3 1

Maybe because non Muslims think some of Islam's many rules, regulations and prohibitions are silly, backward and infringe on basic human rights we were brought up with.

And we also get tired of hearing how superior and "scientific" Islam is. And you offer no proof scientific or logical that the Quran is from Allah. It was written by men same as the Christian bible or any other religious text.

It wasn't Islam that gave you the technology to use the internet to spread your propaganda or for humans to go to the moon; it was American science and logic that did that.

2007-02-25 01:03:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Being from Texas, I have to equate this with stupid questions I get, like..."Where is your belt buckel?", "Do you have electricticy?", "Do you get attacked by Indiands often?" I grin and bear it and think to myself..."They are asking questions to LEARN the truth ( because when they meet me they are suprised that what they have heard or learned is a misconception). And I try to be patient. I will say as an ignorant American, I know nothing about Islam. But at the same time I know nothing about Judism or Morminism....I don't think (if your questioners are American) that you are being purposely offended. I think ppl are asking because they don't know and want to learn and can ask stupid questions on the net without anyone knowing. So answer and try to be tolerant.

2007-02-25 01:17:52 · answer #4 · answered by beth l 7 · 1 0

I was with you until I got to the end where you just erased everything you said and started insulting them. Is this what you learn in school?

How presumptuous of you to assume Christians can't answer the same question scientifically and logically or that they can't prove their bible is from God "Jesus". They can do this just as well as you can so get over yourself.

2007-02-25 01:17:06 · answer #5 · answered by me 6 · 0 0

Well Mariam, sorry to burst your bubble, but you cannot prove that the Quaran is from God. It's the same way I cannot scientifically prove that the Bible is from God. You have faith. Faith is the belief in something or someone when you don't have actual scientific proof. If you could prove what you say, then we would all be Muslims because we would know its the truth.
And to answer your question, people ask silly questions because they just don't know better. You should educate them and not get upset at them for their ignorance.

2007-02-25 01:07:25 · answer #6 · answered by mmatthews000 4 · 2 1

I never had asked a muslims or question a muslims but I have had muslims question me all the time because alot of them have gas station and i go to buy somthings or just fill gas and then their always ask me. Can you ask muslims why do their question other peoples bevieve. I am interested to know to.I dont think this muslims who questions my religion havent read bible.or any other hoily book.Just remember god is one. Remove the difference and you will be o.k just like me.

2007-02-25 01:09:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NOT! There is no allah. there is only the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. allah was part of the name of some made up Deity who never even existed. and as for "very small issues", the rest of the world does not consider be headings and homicide bombings a minor thing. those of us who really do value peace know that it is wrong for any ppl group to try to exterminate another because the one won't convert. your leaders are always pumping their hateful propaganda down even the throat of the most innocent among you , the little children. I have seen them on Al Jazerrah TV singing about becoming mar tars and blowing themselves up for your allah. This is WRONG!!!! the blood of those children is on the hands of all who encourage them into such barbaric thinking.
As for asking "stupid" questions I don't see how any other kind of question could be asked of islam because there is not one thing about it that makes any sense in a civilized world!

2007-02-25 01:08:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

If you can't be bothered to put breaks between paragraphs, I can't be bothered to read it. Big blocks of text give me a head ache.

But to answer just your direct question.........given the position of Islam in the public opinion...I'd be grateful they're even asking.

What do the moderate Muslim majority, the tooth fairy, and tolerant Arab countries all have in common?

2007-02-25 01:01:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Mariam, sorry, i'm in a bit of a hurry so i didnt read the whole thing, but ya - thats a GOOD QUESTION!!

all those silly questions tire me out.....jobless ppl....... and they call US extremists??!!! sheesh...

wish the'd just mind their own business and go sort out problems regarding their OWN religions for once..


2007-02-25 11:48:07 · answer #10 · answered by mArYaM 3 · 0 0

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