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26 answers

i swear i think this person is making fun of christians

2007-02-24 16:40:46 · answer #1 · answered by kitty is ANGRY!™ 5 · 2 0

First of all I would like to state that in monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) a human being is composed of a material body and immaterial soul. According to these religions, when a human being dies, the material body dies and the immaterial soul leaves the body, and continues to survive. As for torment in hell, you are making an assumption that the body and the soul are somehow reunited again. How do you know this to be the case?

2007-02-24 16:46:01 · answer #2 · answered by Khoren H 1 · 0 1

i am sorry, can you explain the meaning of "satheist"? is that some kind of tropical fruit?

but seriously, i have never been forever tormented by someone who loves me boundlessly. and i believe in God. and just how important do you think you are to us, or to Him, that you should be allowed to judge everyone? some powers are reserved to Him, and no matter how good a christian you think you are, you are not God.

2007-02-24 16:44:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Thy house doth fall in disrespect.
Thy words do spew of offal.
Thy body fills with thy Rot.
Thou art a Troll.
Thou art a bigot.
Thou art a apostate of thine own religion.
Thy God doth abhor thee.

You have denied the ability of your God to control what he does and imply that he must torment Atheists because YOU believe he must.

2007-02-24 16:52:09 · answer #4 · answered by Terry 7 · 0 0

Fascinating notion that someone with boundless love would torment someone forever.

Paradoxical, don't you think?

How do you reconcile those two ideas?

2007-02-24 16:48:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The torments of Hell were described by Dante's "A Divine Comedy". So is Dante a prophet or God, or is God also playing the part of the devil?

Live well.......


2007-02-24 16:46:50 · answer #6 · answered by illuminostic_1 3 · 0 1

I'm NOT a Satanist by any means. I guess they will know that they passed up and said no to Gods love while here on earth and now they are getting what they paid for.

2007-02-24 16:49:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would at least accept God's existence at that point. Once we can see evidence or proof for something, then we can believe it. Is it that hard to understand? I'm not going to look at a can of Coke and deny that it's really there.. But if I've never seen a can of Coke and its only been written about and passed down in stories from generation to generation, why should I think it exists?

2007-02-24 16:41:55 · answer #8 · answered by juhsayngul 4 · 1 3

Because God's kid didn't get enuf props? I don't know what props means! What about if God's kid(s) or anyone was tortured? Should the person torturing or making someone else's life miserable (especially for entertainment sake) be rewarded with Heaven? Come on! In our seemingly civilized society, we sentence people to prison without parole. We think it's okay to keep some locked up as they have given up their right to be with civilized society. So, if we were such good, loving people like some don't believe God to be, we should have no prisons, no deterents, no lifetime sentences without parole (regardless of how uncivilized the person is) & definitely no death penalty. ??? Most of the time I wish there was an alternative to he11, too. What if someone tortured, abused, & oppressed your loved ones, never felt bad about it & didn't relent? Do you think Heaven should await that person even though they made your loved ones lives here on Earth a living he11 and given a chance would do it over & over again, not caring that they made some suffer? And I'm talking about holocaust type of stuff (relentlessly trying to make sure some people don't get to enjoy life freely like they do.)
I'm just speaking hypothetically to answer & ask how come some would call Him unloving when they think unloving things should happen to some who commit certain offenses. (Some people think unloving things should happen to others just cuz they don't like them.) Should there not be any type of deterence said to get others to back off from doing onto others what they wouldn't want done to themselves?
Some people want the terrorists stopped at all cost, cost to innocent civilians, etc. Kids are getting caught up in it & hurt. But the terrorists started it & are trying to put people between a rock & a hard place. What if they brought the war over here & we had to be like some in Baghdad? For years they are being held hostage in a city/country of violence. Afraid to come out of their homes, seeing people they care about getting killed & maimed when they go to the market for bread. What if that started happening over here? You had to fall asleep to random fighting & see & hear distruction daily. The mental & emotional abuse of knowing they were out there & still attacking. Day in, day out. Month in, month out. Year in, year out. And they think it will be of no bad consequences to them for putting people what they are putting them through. Actually, they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife. Even if they didn't think they were going to be rewarded, it's okay for them to think it's of no consequence for what they are senselessly putting people through? They have a choice to live & let & enjoy each other's company. But that's not good enough, they have to be blood thirsty towards someone or about something. Then, there are people out there that are more concerned about being hateful to & concerned with Christians who are not out there physically hurting anyone. Go figure.
According to some, they think anyone who threatens anyone or throws stones should be going to confession or repenting. Hmmm. (Wondering if leaders in my country has made threats to the terrorists & Sadam & his sons, etc & then carried them out. President Bush said that the evil-doers need to be stopped. Wasn't he judging? He's a confessing Christian. Okay, I see, it's the one-way street again that some think they are not on or that they are one of the few that has the pass. Aren't Christians being judged by the ones that are saying, "you shouldn't judge people?")

2007-02-24 16:56:29 · answer #9 · answered by Nocine 4 · 0 0

first off, isn't it SATAN who does the tormenting in hell? i didn't think that was in God's job description. and i'm sorry, i'm a christian.... i'm mormon in fact..

but i can't stand it when christians bible bash people who don't believe. get over it. christianity isn't for everyone.. learn acceptance. to be truely christlike you should learn acceptance and tolerance.

sure, suggest, offer to go to church, offer advice from scripture etc, but don't shove it in their faces and act like a freak about it. that just turns people away from christianity.

based on your question... i think you should be repenting and asking forgiveness for judging others. that is gods job.. not yours.

"he that is without sin may cast the first stone"

remember that

2007-02-24 16:42:34 · answer #10 · answered by MnKLmT 4 · 3 2


P.S.: your question is irrelevant, if he has boundless love he won't place us in hell in the first place.

2007-02-24 16:39:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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