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And how did you resolve it?

2007-02-24 16:28:08 · 11 answers · asked by Grace1228 3 in Family & Relationships Weddings

11 answers

Lets see.....

1. My mother in law made sinde comments to me about each and every wedding detail or idea I told her.
Me: We want to have an out door ceremony at about 6pm
Her: That's when all the bugs come out and it will be too hot in August.
Me: I'm sending the invitations out 8 weeks before the wedding.
Her: When I was the wedding coordinator for our church we told brides to send them 4 weeks (this was 30 years ago!)

2. My MIL was upset that I didn't "include" her (her words per my husband) in wedding planning or ask her to go dress shopping with me. Why would I ask her to go when she criticized all my plans and ideas?

3. My husband's aunt (MIL's sister), who was a divorce attorney, took my husband to lunch and tried to talk him out of getting married.

4. Due to a scheduling issue with the church we were orginally told we wouldn't be able to hold our rehearsal on Friday, but would have to hold it on Thursday. My FIL booked the resturant for the rehearsal dinner and when we found out we could have the rehearsal on Friday afterall, he refused to change the rehearsal dinner to Friday even though it wouldn't have been a problem with the resturant.

5. A week before the wedding I called my vendors to confirm the time and location and the DJ didn't have any record of my wedding or my deposit. Appearanlty when I made my reservaton and paid my deposit they had a receptionist who didn't enter the info into the computer. By the time I called to confirm the details she had quit. The didn't have any DJs avialable so they were going to send their owner. Three days before my wedding they called to say the owner broke his leg and they'd be sending their second best guy. The day of the wedding a different guy showed up. He didn't have my top 3 choices of father/daughter dances (none of which were rare songs). I ended up dancing to Unforgettable. It turned out to be great because as we were dancing my father told me he'd never forget the moment because he wasn't going to keep the memory in his head, he was going to keep it in his heart.

6. Because we had to have our rehearsal dinner on Thursday instead of Friday, my husband, myself and our male attendants were late for the dinner because of the tux fitting. Once we got to the resturant my FIL took my husband downstairs and yelled at him for 10 minutes. His mother glared at me and said something to me about being late. I went to the bathroom and was tearing up when my sister came in to check on me. I told her that I didn't want to be there and I just wanted to leave. She offered to be my "get away driver". I calmed down and went back to the table. My FIL later gave a speach where he teared up and got all emotional. I didn't buy it. Oh, he aslo made a big deal out of the dessert-Cherries Jubilee.

7. My FIL didn't want to pay for the spouses/siginficat others of our wedding party or for my aunt who was assisting with my sister who has disabilites or my grandmother from out of town at the rehearsal dinner. He only wanted to pay for those who were actually in the wedding. The rehearsal dinner was the only thing he was paying for, and it was only 4 extra people.

8. My FIL called my mom and offered to pay for a wedding consultant/planner because he was "concerned that my parents were spending beyond their means." My mom found the offer to be offensive. She and I paid for everything in cash. If we couldn't afford it we didn't buy for it.

9. My FIL (are you seeing a trend here?) REFUSED to wear a tux. He only wore one on the condition that I wear heels under my dress.
Him: Why should you be comfortable if I'm not?!
Me: You can change at the reception and wear anything you want.
He did wear a tux, but not the same style as everyone else. He was going on a cruise and bought one for it.

10. The day before the wedding my husband and I were running around trying to get things taken care of before the rehearsal. We were both very stressed. We called my husband's parent's house to ask his brother, who was is groomsman, if he could go pick up the tuxes. My FIL answered the phone and said: I'm not going to ask him to do that. It's not his job! My husband had to run and get them.

11. One of our ushers had to get his tux last minute because he was sure if he'd be in town for the wedding or not. We met him right before the rehearsal at the mall to arrange things with the tux shop. This caused us to be 5 minutes late to the rehearsal. Unacceptable to my FIL. As soon as I arrived at the church I immediately went to talk with my aunt, mom, pastor and church coordinator aoubt how we were going to work the processional. My FIL thought all this should have been decided prior to the rehearsal (even though this was the only time I had everyone together).
Him: Can we get started!
Me: We're working on it. Just a minute.
Him: Some of us have other places to be! (this was untrue)
Me: Well, if you need to go you can. (I turn to my BIL) Jay we can give you a ride home.
I turn my attention back to the pastor and church coordinator. The next thing I know, my FIL is in my mom's face. Literally, in her face.
Him: Listen lady, I'm this far from walking out of here!
Mom, perfectly calm: I'm sorry you have to leave.
All I can think at this point is "Please don't hit her, Please don't her. I don't want to bail my dad out of jail..."
He says something else I can't remember.
Mom, still perfecly calm: I'm sorry you feel that way, but you can leave if you need to.
Him: Get your purse Margaret, we're leaving!
She follows, stopping half way down the asile crying, my BIL being the "good son" follows like an obiedent dog.
At this point things get a little fuzzy. My husband leaves the sanctuary and his best man and the usher mentioned above follow him. The talk out in the foyer. A few minutes later the phone exsition in the foyer begins ringing and I answer it. It's my BIL: This wedding is tearing my family apart.
Me: This wedding is tearing your family apart because your parents *want* it to.
BIL: I'm not blaming you.
Me: That's *exactly* what you're doing.
I think at this point he hung up on me. He called back several times. I answered the second time, but I can't remember what was said.
After hanging up for a second time my husband takes me to the back of the sanctuary and asks me to stay there while he goes up front.
Husband: I need to make an announcement.
Me: (to myself) Please don't call this off, Please don't call this off.
Husband, beginning to cry: I'm sorry for what my father did. I now know that he doesn't love me like I thought he did. He says a few more things I can't remember.
At this point everyone is crying. The pastor says that she thinks it's a good time for a prayer. She prays which calms everyone down. We had two ushers who we knew were going to be late due to work. The walk in right after the prayer is done, totally bewildered as to why everyone is crying, thinking it's because they are late. My mom welcomes them and lets them know, that it's not because they're late. The phone rings again and my husband basically told his brother that he doesn't care if they come to the wedding, that they are welcome to come if they behave themselves, and that he will personally throw his father out if his father acts up.

12. The morning of the wedding my MIL calls my mom and asks my mom to call my husband and ask him to call his dad. My mom tells her that she won't ask my husband to do that, and if she want's him to call his dad, she should call him. My MIL never called my husband.

13. I was late for my makeup appointment because my hair appointment ran late and I had to stop and put gas in my car. I wasn't that late, however, by the time I arrived at the Clinique counter at Macys their makup artist had left. I asked them what I was supposed to do since I needed to be at the church in an hour for photos. Luckly the Estee Lauder lady overheard what was going on and offered to do my makeup.

14. My grandmother got into a minor accident on the way to the church.

15. My inlaws showed up and did behave themselves. My MIL wanted my BIL to escort her to her seat instead of the usher. My mom, not wanting to risk them throwing a fit by saying no, just let them do it.

16. My FIL didn't say one word to me the whole day. As she was leaving the reception my MIL gushed about how beautiful I was, yada, yaday, yada... After we got home from our honeymoon we had our families over for cake and gift opening. His father didn't say a word to me then either. Six years later my FIL still holds resentment towards me regarding our wedding.

I swear to you that everything I said happned. Do I get the 10 points?

ETA: I forgot-It rained the morning of my wedding day, but after what had happened the night before it was the least of my worries.

2007-02-24 21:19:55 · answer #1 · answered by Just Jess 5 · 4 0

lets see, we were married by father hitler (hahah lol...the priest was a total jerk and had to have control over everything!!!) at the rehersal id had enough of him trying to control my wedding and sort of told him off, it rained the morning of, the dj came up with a lame excuse and sent someone else to the reception. the idiot had no idea what he was doing and kept saying the wrong last name, our reception site kicked us out an hour before the agreed time because THEY mest up and let people in early without prior permission, they charged our guests for soda and water which we specifically said we were paying for, our cake almost fell over, the lady set it up wrong. people saw her set it up and tried to tell her it was leaning, but she just left. oh and i forgot to bring a check for the dj, and he refused to take credit card. we had to give him our money dance money. nothing was resolved. i tried to get my money back for the cake, but the lady said it was our fault it was leaning. she tried to say the floor was uneven and made the table tilt, then she said people must have been bumping into it and it was too hot in the room. all that is a bunch of bs because for 1 thing the floor nor the table was uneven, it was cold the day i got married, and no one was near the cake table. there was nothing i could do about the dj or the reception site other than tell everyone i know not to use them. even though we had things go wrong it was a very sepcial and wonderful day!! i love my husband very much and am so glad i married him. things will go wrong, but just take a deep breath and remember why your getting married. good luck!!

2007-02-25 01:00:42 · answer #2 · answered by Awesome Rockin Mom 7 · 1 0

Things went well with totally everything regarding the wedding and reception.
However, for me, personally, the day started out really BAD. My glasses broke at the nosepiece when I picked them up to put them on that morning! Was in a small city, no where to get them fixed, and had no backup. Finally glued and taped them so I could at least drive, but went through the wedding "blind". It was not a great experience... but the day was wonderful, marriage-wise!

2007-02-25 05:30:24 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia 7 · 1 0

I am sorry to say but my wedding day went by without a hitch...that may sound wrong because of everyones stories of the horrors of there wedding day...but mine went just the way we wanted it to...the only problem I had at all was there was wasnt enough time in the day to enjoy it longer....I had a blast and wish it would have lasted longer....

2007-02-25 00:38:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I knew I was marrying a total stranger, knew each other 21 days. Met him on his army leave, in '71. I got drunk & a slight recollection of possibly having had sex with him. 2 mo.'s later I found that I had indeed had sex & was pregnuat. Parents were not to be disgraced in the early '70's. so I had to married him. Stayed married for 21 yrs. Then I left him after he cheated & beat us to the point that he went to jail. I got divorced & supported my 3 girls.It took a long time for all of us to feel safe & happy. Never to remarry again. Marie

2007-02-25 01:18:24 · answer #5 · answered by Marie 4 · 1 0

1. My husband got bored before the ceremony and kept running around the church. He almost saw me until my Mom saw him and YELLED at him!! She told him to get back upstairs immediately or she would hurt him! She's little, but she's put him in his place more than once, so he listened!
2. The stupid wedding co-ordinator at the church (I never liked her and I hated her after this!) lost my maid-of-honor's wrist corsage. She was going to carry my handicapped niece who was my flowergirl, so the didn't have a bouquet. At the last minute, my niece couldn't be in the wedding and we didn't have time to make bouquets. I had ALL my flowers (all silk) in zip loc bags with names inside the bags so I knew what flowers went where. The idiot co-ordinator took them out of the bags and lost one. I was furious and my maid-of-honor backed the co-ordinator in a corner and told her if she saw her again, she was going to punch her. She would have done it too!
3. At the reception, the company who delivered the food trays just put them in the frig. They never set anything up. When we got there, we thought the food wasn't there. I sat down and cried. My maid-of-honor pushed her way into the kitchen and found all the trays. She came out and YELLED that she found everything. Suddenly, without saying a word, my Mom, my sister, my future sister-in-law and a couple friends all ran into the kitchen and started bringing out trays.
4. Later at the reception one of the ushers put alcohol in the punch. We purposely made it with just juice and club soda because we had lots of children (all family) at the wedding and due to a medical condition, I can't have any alcohol. My husband was furious and backed the usher against the wall and reemed him up one side and down the other.
5. Finally, as I was going to change out of my gown into traveling clothes, my best friend and I were headed towards the bathroom. I stopped for a minute to talk to someone and when I started up again, I couldn't move and I heard a RIP! One of my flowergirls had stepped on the back of my gown and when I started walking, the loops holding my train up (I had it bustled up) ripped!

2007-02-25 00:50:38 · answer #6 · answered by loyerd6 4 · 0 1

It was my daughter wedding,and her great grandmother walked out of the wedding before it started because of my daughter grandfather girlfriend was there and was not where the great grandmother wanted her to sit! How did we deal with it? We laugh about it and to this day (1 and 1/2 years later) we don't talk to her! It was her lost! Enjoy your day!

2007-02-25 00:44:53 · answer #7 · answered by gracie4 1 · 0 0

My reception site got double booked. We reserved this place in October of 2006 but they screwed up and allowed someone to rent out half of our space in December of 2006 for May 19, 2007. They didn't offer to work with us hardly at all, so we said screw them and finally found another decent place. It's perfect for us despite the fact that it is slightly too small..... it really fits our theme. Screw the other place and if I can cost them business I will do everything I can!!!!! you know!

2007-02-25 00:44:19 · answer #8 · answered by Holly 3 · 0 0

my dad was drunk (typical) and walked me down early before my flautist was able to play

it was pouring rain on what shoulda been an outdoor wedding so i had to make my entrance from a bathroom

and some jerk decided to take a garbage bin across tile right behind the judge in the middle of my hubby's vows

my dress didnt fit right
and i started my period (be prepared for this as stress can make it happen early)

2007-02-25 01:45:29 · answer #9 · answered by squeaker 5 · 2 0

The fact that my mother-in-law attended...LOL!

Unfortunately never resolved the problem (she's still alive). Now the marriage is over. I hope she and her little mama's boy will be very happy together.

2007-02-25 05:08:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My mother-in-law couln't stop whining because we got married outside (in a beautiful park) instead of getting married in the church that she goes to. I just ignored her.

2007-02-25 12:39:24 · answer #11 · answered by jimbell 6 · 0 0

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