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Experience 1

During a debate, a Christian asked me a question, prevented me from answering it, told me what my answer was and told me I was wrong about an answer that she made up

Experience 2

A Christian started a debate, became disruptive and rude and accused me of making him disruptive and rude

Experience 3

A Christian approached me while I was wearing an Atheist T-shirt, tried to convince me that God exist, failed and accused me of forcing my disbelief on her

Experience 4

A Christian told me that he was raised in church but God caused him to commit felonies just so he can go to prison to pay more attention to Jesus

So many pastors accused of commiting felonies
So many evil people seem to be so into God
So many crazy people be so into God

2007-02-24 15:49:25 · 25 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Experience 1: they dont want you to answer because theyre trying to make a point about you and your beliefs. if you get a "no i dont" in there then youve thrown a wrench in what theyre trying to pin you with.

this tactic is usually used in trying to make you look bad. i dealt alot with it in yahoo chatrooms. theyd try to make you look bad then move on to a different subject before you get a chance to respond to it.

Experience 2: thats normal. happens more times than you an imagine. in the end theyre convinced you (as an atheist) are the source of the trouble simply because you have a different view.

Experience 3: Also happens alot. this usually happens as a last resort. theyve failed in what theyre trying to do so to win the argument (in their own mind) theyll credit you with trying to do something bad. this one hanst happened to me before. at least not in public.

Experience 4: religion breeds violence. thats a give-in. if that person wants to credit god with his situation then let him. just remind him what kind of person he might have been if he himself chose to stay on the strait and narrow.

in the end he CHOSE to do all those things. if he beleives that his situation is a result of god doing things...well...then hes just a moron.

hope that helps!

2007-02-24 15:52:01 · answer #1 · answered by johnny.zondo 6 · 1 1

Okay, you know how terrorists can claim to be Muslim, but do not obey Allah? Same thing here.

In their spiritual quest, they are so adamant in their views, they cannot see how their actions contradict their faith. On a some level, they react to anything they do not believe in as a personal attack on their religion. And some believe so vehemently that they consider any other view as a threat.

What it all boils down to is that these people are not actually Christian. They might love it, believe it, and study it, but they do not live it. Maybe someday, they might learn.

Evil people can use scripture to manipulate and exploit others. This is nothing new. Just look at the witch trials. But it isn't something that is exclusive to Christianity. Terrorists twist Islam, and that is evil, too. And horribly wrong.

And most people can see right through this.

And while it is easy for me to condemn clergy who commit crimes, I try to remember that these people are no less human than I am. I expect more of them, but I'm not sure if it's because I think they're supposed to be better than me, or if it's because they should know better, or the violation of trust that angers me.

And crazy people? Yeah. That part's true. Can't argue there. But then again, hasn't history indicated there is a fine line between crazy and visionary?

Well, that being said, I hope you have better luck in the future. Baiting Christains can be a fun passtime for some atheists though. But it's better than lying, right?

2007-02-24 16:29:16 · answer #2 · answered by mithril 6 · 0 0

For the life of me I can not figure out why these religion and spirituality answers board are bombarded with Christian hating aethists! I am a Christian (raised Catholic) and have NEVER pushed my views on ANYONE! Maybe you have run into the wrong Christian.

As a Christian, we are suppose to accept EVERYONE. The problem is Christians got a bad wrap. I do not know why. Maybe some Christians think they are perfect and know the answers to everything, but then they are not true Christians. Real Christians will not judge or degrade you.

As I reread alot of your experiences, I do not understand all these crazy encounters. I was not raised in a box, and I have never experienced any of this. The most I have had is a woman handing me a flyer to join her church. But some of your accusations are really off the wall. This world is full of all different kinds of people of all different religions and beliefs, why do you try to generalize one group? And by Christians, are you including Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Evangelists....and the list goes on? because all who believe in Jesus are Christians......

2007-02-25 04:34:23 · answer #3 · answered by Cortney N 3 · 0 0

I would say this...

Most christians are people with the same faults and flaws as everyone else has. They feel the same temptations as everyone else, and sometimes give in to those temptations. The big difference is that christians are under more scrutiny for their beliefs system than most people. Christians are supposed to believe and act a certain way, and when they don't act as those around them feel they should, they are labeled.

As to your experiences...

The rudeness you were faced with was as simple as those people believing so heavily in their own beliefs that they were ready and obviously willing to fight you over them. I don't understand why some christians feel they need to try to force others to have faith. I am a believer, a follower of Christ, and I know this... when God comes knocking at your door, you won't need me or anyone else to tell you who he is or what he wants.

As to the pastors...

They are human. If a crack head out on Beale Street goes out and robs someone, well, it's ok, that person is a crackhead and its expected. Give them a three month sentence and let em out. Let a pastor embezzle, though, and its a major crime worth ten years. What I wanna know is-- whats the difference? They both stole money... Let a mayor or president hire a prostitute, and its ok, it is expected, but a pastor does it... and , well, it is a much worse thing because of his position in life. It is a double standard we have. We feel that pastors and other christians should be above reproach.... we feel they should somehow be perfect because they claim the belief system. The fact is... they are not. They have the same feelings and thoughts as everyone else, as I said, and sometimes they act on those thoughts and feelings.

Finally, you spoke of evil people and crazy people who are "so into God". Keep in mind that not all people who claim to be christians are. For starters, a lot of people claim to serve god, but only serve themselves. Others attempt to use the faith as a catalyst for gaining some type of control or gaining some sort of leverage over others. So be mindful and wary of people doing this. Just because someone claims to be a servant of God, it doesn't mean they are. Only God can judge that.

Hope this helps...

2007-02-24 16:18:00 · answer #4 · answered by Simple Man Of God 5 · 2 0

It seems that you want to think that Christians Are perfect and once they act human you are ready to point the finger and say "look what you did!" Also understand that not all people who say they are Christian really are. You will not find God if you only look at Christians. God is real big on forgiveness. Plus, most poeple don't understand that the whole world is in a spiritual war and even Christians can fall under demonic attacks and influences. Look for God and learn for your self how HE wants people to act. God says that He wants man to trust Him and to love all people, and the devil is hard at work trying to made sure that does not happen. The word of God says that HE is more into saving souls from hell and that perfection comes when we get to heaven. If you break down the 10 commandments all that God is saying is to love HIM and each other. Don't hate the sinner hate the sin. I ask you a question now. In you heart, do you really want to know if there is a God, or do you want to think that there isn't. If in you heart you really want to know all you have to do is ask if there is a God.

2007-02-24 16:14:42 · answer #5 · answered by TYRONE S 3 · 1 0

No one is perfect. It sounds like you have been trying to get into debates with Christians to me, then pick out the bad experiences. None the less, Jesus would not have debated about the Gospel he would have stated the truth and left it to your choice to believe or not to believe. That is the way all of us should act also, as followers of him. You have your free agency to decide where you go for eternity. Remember when you think of the pastors and others that commit sin's against the truth and light that it is worse for them that know than those who do not. The more that is given the more that is expected.

2007-02-24 16:04:48 · answer #6 · answered by saintrose 6 · 1 0

Many Christians feel threatened by people who disagree. Not all of them, obviously, but a lot. I think it's because many of them were raised in environments where the existence of God was an unquestioned fact -- they went to church, everyone they knew went to church, and everyone they knew believed in God. And then they come on sites like these and see atheists posting entire essays containing arguments against Christianity, and they're just totally shocked. And that leads some of them to do all the things you mentioned.

2007-02-24 16:07:49 · answer #7 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

Hmm...I think you're on to something, but my advice is try and avoid generalizations. Some people are screwed up, some aren't. Same goes with believers. Some need to constantly declare their beliefs, others do not. If I talk to you, I would like to be seriously considering your beliefs, but I have to admit, it's rather hard. It's like if you liked the Steelers and I liked the Browns, I could hear your arguments for which team is better, but you best be ready when I start to get passionate about my beliefs. Same goes with religion, obviously. So while I would like to hear your opinions in a serious manner, I'll probably lash back with a few of my own. Not to disrupt your train of thought, only because, well, it gets me riled up.

2007-02-24 15:58:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I cannot answer for all Christians, but the only way I can explain your experiences is ignorance on the part of the persons with whom you were speaking. Keep in mind, all Christians are people and we are not perfect, just forgiven. As far as your comments about pastors, evil people, and crazy people being into God, just because they are "into" God does not mean God is in them.

2007-02-24 15:59:35 · answer #9 · answered by Nicole C 3 · 3 0

Well, put yourself into their shoes. If you really buy into this stuff, then someone arguing against you is fighting the creator of the UNIVERSE. You, as his faithful soldier, ought to do what you can to stop fight the good fight. Religion is one of the most devisive ideas ever created, its not really that hard to understand why when you put yourself in the theist's shoes.

Of course not all are like this. Some because they are not certain of the their faith, and others probably just because of their personal dispositions. In any case, the point I am making is that when you get people to believe something whole heartedly, they are going to go to great lengths to defend it. They probably don't even realize how boorish and rude they are being.

2007-02-24 15:59:06 · answer #10 · answered by mattrob3 2 · 0 0

Since January, you have asked 72 questions. Of those, only three were not asking about Christians, God or Christianity. It's obvious that you are seeking the truth. Satan hates this.

Don't let him keep you from the truth - it will set you free. Get a Bible. Ask God to reveal it to you. Read.

2007-02-24 16:44:15 · answer #11 · answered by teran_realtor 7 · 1 0

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