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behind me. I have been heavy my whole life and have tried numerous diets and nothing has ever worked. Do you think that i should try more diets, etc.? or should i go with the surgery? I am not the kind of person who just sits on the couch and eats all day... I am active and I do have friends and all that good stuff...... but I just keep gaining the weight... and when i do loose weight, I always gain it back...

people with stupid answers please dont respond.. I've been through enough pain without the rude people on the internet...

2007-02-24 14:44:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

26 answers

DO what makes you happy and if that makes you feel good about your self do it. who cares what anyone says only you know how you feel about your self GOOD LUCK!!!!

2007-02-24 14:49:31 · answer #1 · answered by christina b 2 · 1 0

Have you asked your doctors what could be a cause for this? Maybe you have abnormal metabolism or something. Gastric bypass is something to be considered ONLY as a last resort. Most diets don't work for several reasons. Sometimes the person doesn't follow through. Sometimes the diet itself is flawed. Have you tried exercising? If so, what kind do you do and how often? By exercising you would be able to BURN fat. Try joining a gym or have a gym room at home. Try eating LOTS of salads. They can be very satisfying. Add some eggs, some chicken, anything you like. I would also highly recommend that you get a Fat and Carbohydrate Inhibitor, such as the one from Transitions. It will help your body flush carbs and fats out of your system, so you don't absorb as much. You can get them here: www.marketamerica.com/americhoice (americhoice) Try to avoid chocolates, sweets, ice cream, cakes, fried foods, anything fattening. Instead of eating three large meals a day, try having 5 smaller ones. Do it GRADUALLY. The stomach gets bigger as we out more food in it, but it gets smaller as we stop eating as much. And in the process, sometimes you might feel like you can't handle the hunger because the food amount is being reduced. That's why it's important you do it gradually. Whenever you feel hungry, grab a bar and a shake such as the ones from Transitions. They taste great.The brand you get is very important because actually some brands out there are really fattening; but they won't tell you that. (You have to read the labels and know what to look for). It's not about just loosing the weight; it's about loosing the fat and gaining or retaining muscle. Every time you try a diet, what goes first is your muscles, but the fat stays. If you don't exercise while dieting, that's what happens. You need muscles in order to burn the fat. If you don't have much, then guess what, you can't burn the fat. That's why everytime you gain back the weight, it becomes harder and harder to loose it again. I don't know what it is like to be 300 lbs. and maybe you r thinking that my advise doesn't apply to you. But if I were in your position, I would try EVERYTHING before committing to gastric bypass. You can always go back and have surgery after all else fails, but you cannot go back and undo the surgery once you have had it. I really wish that you can loose the weight and feel better about yourself. I really think that you can do it if you will commit and try hard. If you need anything or someone to talk to, you can always email me. Good luck and God bless.

2007-02-24 15:09:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I work in a doctor's office and we see a lot of patients who go for the gastric bypass surgery. First of all, if the diets, exercise, diet pills haven't helped then surgery is the next step. Second of all, the gastric bypass surgery is a really dangerous surgery, not only can it be deadly but people who have it done cannot get the full benefits of medications should they need it. For some reason your body doesn't absorb the full effect of medications. If you are interested in having surgery- ask your surgeon or doctor about the lap band surgery. The lap band surgery is less risky and better for you. They actually put this little band around your stomach to make it smaller instead of cutting away part of your stomach. With any surgery like this, exercise and diet should still be a part of your lifestyle because you could always gain the weight back. It's not like it will just go away with surgery and you don't have to worry about it. Good luck to you. And maybe if your family isn't behind you then what about your friends?

2007-02-24 14:54:06 · answer #3 · answered by jewels 1 · 1 0

The side effects of gastric bypass surgery are profound and irreversible.
Try rather than a diet, a lifestyle change.
First cut out all soda from your life, permanently. Then when you are accustomed to that, cut out pork entirely, then beef, then when you are accustomed to that, cut out something else until you are eating a healthy diet. And if you have a craving for something that you are cutting, only allow yourself to indulge in those craving on Saturdays. Before you know it, you wont crave these things anymore.
Using this method will get you to eat healthier without the agony of "dieting". You will only miss out on one thing at a time, and within 2 years you can be living a whole new lifestyle without much effort. After a few months without something like soda, you wont want it anymore, it will have a terrible taste. Your palate will crave healthy foods and be disgusted by fats and sugars.
In contrast, if you go ahead with the surgery, you will be on a forced diet that begins immediately and never has an end.
Don't throw yourself into something that drastic when you can take the easy road and follow my recommendation.

2007-02-24 14:55:25 · answer #4 · answered by Murry 2 · 1 0

I would hope the surgeon doing this has already did an extensive history and physical. Many places require you to go thru some classes, get down to a bit lower weight and counsel you prior to the procedure. In essence your not going into this lightly and your well informed. Why feel worse about yourself by trying some new yoyo diet. Even at 17 your doing this for you, nobody else, so why do others opinions matter so much. At this point your on your parents insurance. To quit now means you would probably have to wait until your full time employed with insurance that would cover bariatric surgery and the reality is many will not. I understand your scared, this is a lifestyle change. Think it through carefully, you will do fine with the surgery. Is it roux n y or lapband?

2007-02-24 14:52:45 · answer #5 · answered by mahler1987 5 · 1 0

I've always been overweight as well but I've decided to go on a diet and excerise. which I've never done before! so wish me luck!

However you need to do what you feel is right and sure some will say you have no will power or you're too weak to diet but who cares.
you know your body and if nothing else works and you aren't happy with your weight than do what you must.

If people are going to judge you than you don't need their support. your family is probably worried. surgery at 17 is pretty crazy.
I'll be 20 in a couple months and I'd be so scared to do what you're doing so I think it's great that you are doing it.

Also do you eat a lot of carbs? A lot of people are allergic to bread and don't even know it. That could be a major factor in gaining.

Well I hope this helps and I wish the very best for you. I hope you get to a weight you feel good at and don't lose anyone in the process!

2007-02-24 14:50:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My dear, I am sorry that there are so many insensitive people out there. Pay no attention to them. If your weight loss doctor thinks you really need the surgery, then your next step is to learn as much as you can about risks and benefits and what to expect before and after the surgery. This operation is only a tool for you to use to regulate your weight. It should not be looked upon as a quick fix. It is possible to gain the weight back if you do not comply with the plan. You have to be very sure in your mind that you will do as the dietitian and your doctor tell you after this surgery. You will need to exercise also. I hope I have helped you in some small way and the very best of luck to you.

2007-02-24 14:55:54 · answer #7 · answered by common sense 1 · 0 0

I'm 16 and I'm 240 lbs - (I've lost about 70 in one year from LA Weight Loss). I used to want to get surgery but I'm still too young and really, it's not a good idea.

If I were you I'd get a second opinion from another doctor. This is a very drastic descision. I've known people who've had the surgery that wish they hadn't. 1 in 50 people die from the operation, the surgery knocks 10 years off your life, and you can only have 1 ounce portioned-meals and soda is a definite no-no (your stomach can explode from the acid) I'm serious.

My mother has a co-worker that has had the surgery and whenever she overeats - she throws her food up. You may be in a desperate situation, but surgery is a very drastic measure. The best way to lose weight is naturally. Eat the right sized portions, exercise, drink plenty of water.

I truly believe you can lose weight without surgery!

Please contact me if you need to talk to someone who knows what you're going through, I want to help.

2007-02-24 15:09:46 · answer #8 · answered by sam r 2 · 0 0

I would definitely sit down with your entire family and get their thoughts on it. They're probably really concerned about your safety and the safety of the surgery. Learn what they think and tell them what you think, and then make a new decision. I wouldn't go into this conversation with a closed mind because having your mind already made up before would be really bad. I can't imagine all that you have been through. It must be really tough. I think that with all the diets you start, they might even each other out and your body will become "immune" to it. I've noticed that with my body. But everyone's different. I genuinely hope that your talk and surgery (if followed through) goes well. Good luck!!

2007-02-24 14:55:31 · answer #9 · answered by Brian S 2 · 1 0

If you feel like gastric bypass is right for you and absolutely nothing else works, then go for it. I would try going on a regular diet and see if that helps first. Don't try to lose more than a pound or two a week though. And don't go on a "fad diet" (look what happened to Anna Nicole!). Decrease the amount of calories you eat, and substitute a meal a day with a salad and water. Good luck!

2007-02-24 14:49:57 · answer #10 · answered by ღღღ 7 · 1 0

Well, I'm vegan and I noticed that I dropped a lot of weight when I went "cold tofurky" (vegetarian joke). Sorry, I know I'm kind of promoting this, but that's what happened.
At one point before this though I was overweight, but that was because I was eating very greasy foods and not getting much exercise. When I cut a lot of the grease out of the diet I slimmed up.
I think at that point I'd go for the surgery and then just maintain with constant exercise and a steady diet. But it could always be genetics.
Good luck to you on whatever you choose to do. ^.^

2007-02-24 14:55:53 · answer #11 · answered by pokemaniac_386 2 · 1 0

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