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in many industries such as farming and factory work, why are Americans suddenly against it?

2007-02-24 13:55:37 · 16 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

type 2: Is it neglect or encouragement to hire a nanny and forget to ask her if she's legal...
Is it neglect or encouragement to hire a contractor foreman and forget to ask him who he hires...
Is it neglect or encouragement to hire a landscaping crew where you know nothing about them except their low fees???


2007-02-24 14:02:20 · update #1

Sqwirlsgirl- you get it!

2007-02-24 14:21:53 · update #2

Puzzled- thank you for such an honest answer. we all need to think about who, really, will do the jobs nobody else wants?

2007-02-24 14:40:00 · update #3

16 answers

YOu know what LM the majority or these people who are all of the sudden against illegal immigration, are the most poorest of all Americans. These are the ones that dont get benefited by them, and have an hourly paying job with low benefits. Because if they would be wealthy enough the wouldn't even complain of these people who work for cheap labor, trying to make a better life for themselfves and their family. THESE ARE THE BROKE AMERICANS WHO COMPLAIN. That's the same thing I tell all this gringos who are anti-illegal immigration make to " make sure when you buy a HOUSE research and see who built it, when you go to the grocery store and buy VEGETABLES research and see who plucked them from the ground, next time who drive in the HIGHWAYS investigate who were the CONSTRUCTION workers, and also next time you say " I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" investigate and see who are SOME OF THE PARENTS OF THESE KIDS FIGHTING FOR YOUR OWN FREEDOM KEEP THESE IN MIND. Where's the proof illegal immigrants raise taxes?

Eight million illegals pay Social Security, Medicare, and income taxes.

The fact that illegal immigrants pay taxes at all will come as news to many Americans. A stunning two-thirds of illegal immigrants pay Medicare, Social Security and personal income taxes.

In reality, the 1996 welfare reform bill disqualified illegal immigrants from nearly all means-tested government programs including food stamps, housing assistance, Medicaid and Medicare-funded hospitalization.

Close to 8 million of the 12 million or so illegal aliens in the country today file personal income taxes using these numbers, contributing billions to federal coffers.

What's more, aliens who are not self-employed have Social Security and Medicare taxes automatically withheld from their paychecks. Since undocumented workers have only fake numbers, they'll never be able to collect the benefits these taxes are meant to pay for.

Additional Details

1 hour ago
Enough of this Republican propoganda. Illegal immigrants do not raise taxes. Period.

2007-02-24 14:24:16 · answer #1 · answered by Sabrosura 1 · 5 10

superb submit. each and every thing the college instructor stated is extremely actual. What replace into not suggested is the certainly value to the taxpayer of this largess to the undocumented. that's a minimum of $a hundred thirty five billion and particular closer to $4 hundred billion each year. The irony is employers in combination save no extra advantageous than $one hundred billion by skill of hiring unlawful immigrants. awaken usa

2016-10-16 10:27:44 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

We are sick of having to hear on the phone " press 1 to hear instructions in english", We are tired of our children having to learn spanish to communicate with the 13 kids living next door. We are sick of the Mexican flag being flown- If they are so damn proud of Mexico- GO HOME!!. We are tired of celebrating Cinco de Mayo, We are sick of having to worry about TB that immigrants carry over, We are sick of seeing 13 welfare checks go to the same house and all of the vehicles they drive are brand new,
Is there anywhere else in the world besides The United States, you can go and collect free money and have everyone speak your native language?

2007-02-24 21:35:22 · answer #3 · answered by JNS 5 · 4 0

A MAJORITY of americans NEVER encouraged it. If i were you i'd be very careful what i say. The matter of pushing the North American Union began HARD but silently in 2003. I know, that was when i noticed it first beginning to take shape. Also the massive amounts of nonpays in our company were from proponents for illegal immigration, The Kansas city smartport initiative, and the North American Union. Be careful what you say, alot of ppl are going down on this one. They just haven't realized it yet. But do not fret, there are actually honest individuals out there chomping at the bit to open a legitimate business operation as soon as these corrupt ones are put down to take their place. Don't think so? Watch and see. You know there are consequences? The PHYSICAL EVIDENCE DOES NOT LIE. That and i'm a stickler for paperwork. Get ready for a very rude awakening. You might then ask, "Why didn't you fight this earlier.?" First find out the players and their game. Then wait. Never go into a fight blind. Also most ppl don't know what to ask for from ppl when hiring them. in2003 i began a program in my field to let customers know EXACTLY what to ask for. It's definitely had its effects. And also made it harder on my business and I. But then again, like i said, i'm a stickler for paperwork. And i'm only one. TWO IS ONE AND ONE IS NONE.

2007-02-24 14:55:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Where I live farmers are going out of business because they cannot find workers to harvest their crops. The ones that are still trying to keep their farms going have already advertised in the paper for anyone needing a job to come out they have plenty of work for the up coming planting and picking season. I hope Americans will step up and take the jobs if they don't I don't care if illegal aliens from Mars take the jobs these jobs have to be done for us to survive. I don't think people realize that farms belong on the endangered list. Do Americans realize what will happen if we cannot produce our own food do any of you think the rest of the world that hates us so much will feed us?

2007-02-24 14:33:10 · answer #5 · answered by puzzled 5 · 3 3

I don't think Americans have a problem with the cheap labor. I for one have known many hard-working, intelligent, kind illegals who even pay taxes via their fake ss numbers. I think Americans enjoyed being oblivious to it and reaping the benefits. Now that Americans are seeing high numbers of Illegals in their school systems, hospitals, and neighborhoods they are starting to have a problem with it. It's one of those "not in my backyard" situations where they don't consider it a problem untill it hits home. I for one don't have a problem with illegals coming over here to work. What I do have a problem with is the illegals who come over here to commit criminal activities, those who go to prison on my tax dollar, those who flood the hospitals for free health care, those who have 5+ children that they cannot support and end up in our educational system without knowing a lick of english (there are a number in my daughters k class), etc, etc.

2007-02-24 14:40:39 · answer #6 · answered by ☼Pleasant☼ 5 · 4 2

The issue has begun to assume massive proportions. The numbers of illegals are increasing at a rapidly increasing rate, many municipalities and schools are having the budgets ripped apart by the drain from illegals. As their numbers increase, so does the financial crisis they cause. For example, one town in Pennsylvania had an annual budget for English as a second language of about $500 less than 10 years ago. Now that budget is $1.5 million. This is where it is headed. The illegals are sucking America dry.

2007-02-24 14:00:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 10 3

actually many people have been fighting this issue for many years i read a news article the other day about how much these companies benefited from this cheap labor even so much so that they had profits to buy luxury homes cars boats etc , so you can see why these companies are fighting so hard to keep them but even so once they are legal they can demanded more and more so its kind of redundant at this point . and think of all the Americans and legal people who have got cut out of their jobs and more jobs will be cut in the near future when the NAFTA super highway goes through read up on its a terrible thing that will cut out a lot of American truck drivers and port workers and when you simplify it why cant they just get in line and mexico is not a poor country they have enough resources to take care of their own but because of corruption they don't and you and i get to foot the bill for all those corrupt people in mexico wow do you want to foot the bill for another countries corruption i don't when will it end ? no its not a new fight and i think Americans have been very kind and tolerant but with major masses of people coming . its a situation that needs attention one that is long over due and a situation we did not ask for !

2007-02-24 14:10:17 · answer #8 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 10 5

Americans have always been against it, but it has only been recently that the jobs being effected are those who have a higher "status". America has always taxed the poor and middle class, now their is no Middle class, and the "Shot Makers" have to step up to the plate and they don't like it. but it is to late, they made their bed, now we all have to suffer.

2007-02-24 14:16:16 · answer #9 · answered by silver lining 4 · 6 2

Don't include me in that traitor class sis! I turn in the scum bags every week, But it's going to take more drastic measures.

2007-02-24 14:02:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

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