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We live in a 4 family home that was recently sold. The new landlord who moved in last month lives over me on the second floor. She loves to tell everyone that she is a born-again christian and asks everyone "are you saved" and gives out little pamphlets about Jesus. I do believe in Jesus but I do not go to church but I pray and live a good honest life with my family. SHE RAISED MY RENT FROM 950.00 TO 1,500.00. SHE PUT AN ILLEGAL APARTMENT IN THE BASEMENT FOR HER BROTHER WHO HAS HOOKERS DOWN THERE AND SMOKES CRACK AND USES MY WASHING MACHINE. SHE TOOK AWAY MY PARKING SPACE. SHE WILL NOT REPAIR ANYTHING. HER KID RAN DOWN THE STAIRS AND PUNCHED THE WALL AND AN ANTIQUE THAT MY WIFE HAD FELL OFF THE MANTLE AND SHE SAID "IT IS NOT HER PROBLEM". SHE WONT EVEN TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE. YET SHE RUNS AROUND WITH HER BIBLE. SHOULD I SHOW UP AT HER SUNDAY SERVICE TOMORROW AND GIVE A TESTIMONY ABOUT HER BEHAVIOR???

2007-02-24 13:45:57 · 33 answers · asked by Barbara 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Damn.. I would say definitely, but be prepared with another place to live.

2007-02-24 13:50:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It sounds like she needs to either live her life according to the Bible that she thumps, or else she would be better off shutting up.

People like that give all Christians a bad name.

I think you should confront her in private, not in her church service. (It's an appealing idea, though, isn't it?)

And this sentence of yours was funny:


The "and uses my washing machine" part makes me laugh. It should bother you, but the way you put that in the same sentence with hookers and smoking crack made it funny.

Good luck resolving that situation.

2007-02-24 13:55:47 · answer #2 · answered by writingalot 2 · 0 0

This woman sounds like she needs your prayers , all our prayers . saying whether or not some one is or isn't a Christian isn't for us to say . she has made a lot of mistakes . It is said " none is perfect no not one " meaning all of us .Only God is perfect . Judge not lest you be judged . we really need to be careful what we say to others in public meetings . Who will cast the first stone .Not me that's for sure . The Bible said You will know them by their deeds .
What has happened to your family isn't good & I think I would try to find another place to live . I really think being around people you feel uneasy around & don't trust says it's time to move .
But until you can if you can move , pray for her & her family ,She may not be able to controal her family any more then you can controal her .
I would ask why she made the rent highter . I know expences for us are getting highter just to keep our home fixed & still it needs more work . why did your old landlord sell & is the new one over her head in repairs & other expences , tax's , insurance . I sure wouldn't want to be in her shoes .
I would take your lease to some one & see if raising your rent was legel . Keep good records of all that is happening , take pictures, so if you need to get out of your lease you'll have grounds to stand on . Get a paper on renters rights in your aria .

Pray & keep praying , you need all the help you can get .
God Bless You.

2007-02-24 14:24:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wasn't it Saint Francis of Assisi who said, "Witness all you can, use words when you must"?

The Bible does tell us how to deal with this kind of behavior among believers. We are to approach them singly, tell them what's wrong, give them a chance to change. If that doesn't work, then we' re to go again with at least two fellow believers, confront them about behavior, give them a chance to change. When that doesn't work, then they're to be excommunicated. Pretty severe, isn't it? And that's what you're supposed to do in a fellowship.

For something like this, I have no good advice for you.. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek, forgive seven times seventy and if someone demands our cloak, we're to give them our tunic also. That takes a lot of humility, doesn't it?

I would say look for another place to move and soon. And keep praying.

2007-02-24 14:01:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hi there

read her this:

True religion must have substance,intergrity,and purity ,God will uncover and rebuke sin,especially when people minimize it or let it go unacknowledged. we can hide but not from the eyes of god tell her who is she kidding but only herself.

in terms of money: due to rent increase and greed:

If money is the gauge of the heart ,then this revealed that money is one on the heart of most people. In exchange for ten millions dollars:

25 percent would abandon thier family.
25 percent would abandon thier church.
25 percent would become a prostitute for a week.
16 percent would give up thier American citizenship.
16 percent would leave thier spouse.
13 percent woild put thier children up for adoption.
Even more revealing what people would do for ten million dollars is that most would do something. Two thirds of those people would agree to at lease one - some to several of the options.

Jesus had a word for that: greed
jesus had a definition for greed.He called it the practice of measuring life by possessons.

Greed got a lot = you are a lot
you got a little= you are little
The consequence of such a philosophy is predictable.If you are the sum of what you own,then by all means own it all. No price is too high. No payment is to much.
Greed is relative,Greed is not defined by what something cost; it is measured by what cost you. If anything cost you your FAITH or your FAMILY ,the price is to high.

hi again by law we have rent increase find out in your state the % of that increase. only to make sure that she did it correct.

if you think that her being your landlord is too much that you can not handle it try moving to a better place less rent you do have the right to live your securtiy. you know repairs illegal apartments hookers taking your parking space ( if your paying for it ) useing your washing machine I think it's time for court dates take pictures of how all the repairs that need to be fix in your home if your paying for parking space take pictures of his car in your space and proof that you paid for that parking space. do it by court let them handle her going to her church might get her and her brother very mad and who knows what this lady and her brother might do next you'v see her evil side do not let it get to you . you do not want to end up in jail for someone whose attitude is not from a former christian woman.

Do you think if the police comes to her home and sees what her family member( brother) is doing she can go to jail and you could be out of a home , a person that takes drug is not in thier state of mind it's not a good idea for you and your family to be living there I would move out for the safety of the family.

be safe be well god bless

2007-02-24 14:30:31 · answer #5 · answered by sugarlove_one 4 · 1 0

Do you have a written rental agreement?... if that kind of stuff is not covered you are SOL.... put up with it or move..... if what you report is acurate then I would make the comment that she is not of The True Christian Faith... but... being of The Faith dose not make one perfect... keep a very detailed log of all such behavior... date/time, who, what, where , how... start taking pictures... so you can have before and after... note any thing you think might be illigal in a criminal way and go to the cops... any other illigal stuff go to a lawyer... one who specializes in tenent rights if you can find one... I do not care if she is a "Christian" if you can get her legaly ... then go after her with all the law you can get on your side... landlords like that are benieth contempt.

2007-02-24 13:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 0 0

that is fairly favourite for a Christian to experience lust. i'm such as you.. properly.. different than that i'm a guy. Lust is a actual charm with out love. actual charm coupled with love is definitely a astounding subject. in fact, actual intimacy is inspired - interior of marriage. that is no longer something to experience embarrassment approximately, even nonetheless it rather is a few thing that must be dealt with. a impressive style of prayer and contemplated image will help. additionally, stay removed from gadgets and places that should incite hobby or make your concepts wander. God made the human physique right into a appropriate artwork of artwork; to be attracted to it rather is yet favourite. on the part of masturbation, i've got study in books that that is common, too. some say it rather is a grey section. yet i think of that it rather is a superbly favourite subject (via fact that adult males, with the intention to maintain a healthful sperm count huge style, could ejaculate a minimum of as quickly as each 40 8 hours). even nonetheless we've lustful concepts to handle, i assume that is rather lots an uphill conflict to do it on a similar time as preserving a clean concepts. Oh properly. that is impossible for a Christian to provide up sinning. that is our human illness. seek for a woman workers preparation and help.

2016-11-25 21:39:37 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Perhaps you should simply give her notice 30 days before your lease is up and move. That's what I'd do. And, if your lease was for $950, I think it's illegal to raise the rent after the fact, unless you signed a new lease, in which case you've put yourself in a corner. I believe what goes around comes around. She'll get hers. And maybe when it gets to a point to where she can't rent her apartments and can no longer afford her mortgage, maybe she'll wise up and realize what an *** she's being.

2007-02-24 14:02:42 · answer #8 · answered by swordarkeereon 6 · 0 0

There are probably as many hypocrites as there are true Christians. The Bible tells us this will be the case. Many love to act as though they are following Christ and try and place themselves above others in doing this. This is the first indication that they are hypocrites. Christians don't feel this way and don't act this way. It doesn't matter if these people attend church every time they open the doors, they're hypocrites.

2007-02-24 13:55:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now that would be a good thing to do-after you first confront her. Then if she will not repent, then take a witness and confront her in the presence of a witness. Then if she will not repent-go tell it to the church.
But---you are on the right track. Just be sure that if you do go all the way to the church, be able to prove what you say.

2007-02-24 13:54:07 · answer #10 · answered by Terrence J 3 · 0 0

No, don't bother about the testimony. Her sort believes she can screw the entire world over, but if she shows up for church on Sunday that entitles her to be a monster the other six days of the week.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that some of the biggest crooks out there are self-proclaimed Christians.

2007-02-24 13:51:15 · answer #11 · answered by castle h 6 · 6 1

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