The New Indian Express, Chennai, have boldly exposed in the 90s, the serious corruption that plagued a University based in Madras at administration, admission and examination levels. It accused of plagiarism in thesis submitted by some candidates with the active support of the faculty. Bribes decided admission to technical courses. Even the candidates were visited at their homes with offers against payment. Answer papers were valued not by its contents, but by the cash tags behind it. In one instance I was told of strict vegetarians - at home only - taken to starred hotels to feed on cooked animal carcass with alcohol served to quench their thirst for what they were ethically denied. If there is now deterioration in human values and a rot in public life, Universities also can be lined up for Stoning, Shoe-ing and Shooting? If you value social morals do not fail to answer this question? Let the garbage be buried deep or fired. Any way our earth is polluted!
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