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2007-02-24 10:33:24 · 10 answers · asked by jack_scar_action_hero 3 in Environment

And BTW everyone, Algores movie "inconvenient truth" has been shown to be such a farce and a conplete lie, you all should really stop try to use it as proof. It's a movie made in hollywood, it's made up. No facts were used in the movie.

2007-02-24 10:53:29 · update #1

10 answers

the y2 k bug and the ozone layer=histria,it is bogus science/ there is nothing on earth that can measure the thickness of the ozone.the ozone is poison to humans,it cotains no compounds made from earth.the science is; that global warming is a natural phenomenon,scientist took core samples from both poles, 3000 years of data at their fingertips. they found every 150 to 200 years the earth goes threw a warming proccess that last 50 to 75 years.
it also is a given that b4 man became famous, half the earth was on fire at the same time.there was far more green house gases then there is now.

2007-02-24 11:37:22 · answer #1 · answered by d_h_o_r_n_s 1 · 1 3

Oh, come on, doesn't anybody read their newspapers or watch the news??

Do you honestly think that more than 2000 scientists would declare in the UN report on global warming that the likelihood of humans contributing greatly to it is 90-99%, the Australian government would think of such drastic measures as banning the old type light bulbs, and Richard Branson would donate 25million dollars as a prize for a scientist who could come up with a solution if it's all just 'hype'?

I think people are denying the truth because they are scared, but we have to face it and do something.

2007-02-24 19:19:43 · answer #2 · answered by Amelie 6 · 0 3

First, instead of effected your question should read AFFECTED. Second, there is A LOT of proof that it is caused by human-caused carbon emmissions. It is not that there wouldn't be global warming if we weren't here; it's that we are making it a lot worse.... Watch "An Inconvinient Truth" or look it up you'll find a lot of information and facts about Global Warming. Please don't be affected by this administration's ignorance. I mean think about it even if it's not true and there's only a slight chance that it could be true would you still want to stop it or slow it down?

2007-02-24 18:45:26 · answer #3 · answered by Lucia 1 · 1 3

the media and the politicians have exploited the subject. They want to point the finger and make it look as though they are doing something about it. It is all about what will sell the papers, and who will get the votes.

2007-02-24 18:44:16 · answer #4 · answered by Erin 3 · 3 0

It is Al Gore's movie that made it into a big political issue. I am not saying it proves it, only that it has made a political issue out of it.

2007-02-24 19:08:05 · answer #5 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 3 0

why would any government risk losing money telling you to cut down? i would assume they want the money to go round. if gov wants you to stop doing co2 generating activities, something must be up. ever think it may be a lot worse than they say. we couldnt have a global panic now could we.

2007-02-24 19:47:48 · answer #6 · answered by Wattsup! 3 · 1 2

EVERYTHING IN HIS MOVIE IS TRUE---we just learned every scientific matter behind it in environmental science. Maybe you should think about taking the course before opening you mouth.

2007-02-24 20:32:50 · answer #7 · answered by tutorgirl 2 · 1 2

Can you prove you have a nose on the front of your face? I know it hurts when someone punches it, but that is not proof.

2007-02-24 18:39:36 · answer #8 · answered by Robert A 5 · 1 3

Man is guilty of almost all climate changes in the last thousand years or more

how i envey the bliss of ignorence enjoyed by so many ,
but for how long can one have his head in the sand ,before noticing that your a**s is on fire

some are natural changes

but the Effects of mans existence cannot be ignored

the sahara is growing by 7 kilometres every day.
two major desserts in northern china are growing together making one giant dessert and,causing dust storms so making thousands of people refugeese
the planet is drying out at an alarming rate.
in the days of the dinasaurs this planet was under an aquiferus manta ,a mist that covered the entire earth ,and there were no desserts .
Count how many there are today,and all of them are as a result of mans actions.
the sahara used to be forrests
arabia ,irak ,iran used to be fertile lands in biblical times
Ghengas Kahn burned all the forrests here and filled the well with water and so turning vast lands into dessert.
the Spanish Armada deforrested Spain
the Phoenician fleet created the desserts of Lebanon

Bad agricultural practises is turning vast teritories into desserts ,because of over grazing and the exessive pumping of carbon aquifiers ,the surface aquifiers already having been depleted.
And the use of fertilisers and heavy machinery that compacts the ground which raises the salt in the soil.
Modern agriculture today is doing the same as ghengas kahn but in much bigger territories.

And because agricultural lands are lost, farmers are forced to cultivate highly erodable lands, to keep up with the growing demand for food.an extra 70 million people each year and this is increasing
the world population has doubled in the last 50 years the fasted increase ever since the first homo sapian.

soil erosion is almost always as a result of human intervention.
the trees are cut down and these trees existed to provide a cover against the rays of the sun which now dries out the soil ,and the wind can than easily blow away the dust that is formed ,------this is wind erosian

because the trees are no longer there, whose roots bound the soil together ,and because their canapies of foilidge no longer exist the rain now has easy acces to the unprotected ,now dry surface and the rain waters wash away the top soils ,------this is water erosian

farmers plow large plots of land to plant maize or wheat or what ever and as happened in the 20s in the USA,they plowed in straight lines.when the winds came they blew alonfg the straight lines and picking up speed removed millions of tons of top soil(wind erosian) turning vast teritories into dessert deprived of arable soil

today the farmers plow in circles and curves to prevent this building up of speed by the wind,

but still vast sections of land are exposed to the sun which kills the micro biotic life ,that builds the black and rich top soil and tons of water is evaporated by the sun.,
in Mexico in the mountains the increasing
populations of indigenous peoples are cutting down trees to plant corn ,this land is productive for a few years before it becomes poor and useless for farming.
the roots of the trees that have been cut down rot and tunnels are created with their diaaperance ,with heavy rains these tunnels fill up with water and the soil lifts and moves down wards .

mudslides are caused and large parts of the mountains are exposed to the rock.

the mud destroys the lands beneath and the exposed areas NEVER recover leaving the area with out vegetation forever

to recover eroded soil is a lenthy process ,which involves planting, bushes ,grasses and trees under difficult conditions to hold the soil and to create bariers to stop further movements on the surface and trap any organic matter that ends up there.we can help by adding mulch(chopped organic matter and plant leafy plants to be chopped down for this purpose,.
each year 70 million more people are consuming water but this is ,but a small part of what agriculture uses.

so our consumption of water is ever increasing and our drinkable water supply is shrinking because of polution ,and the production of potable water is less all the time because of deforestation.

in Tasmania one can already exchange one litre of water for 2 litres of petrol.
it is predicted that the wars of the future will be for water.
the water we got in most populated places must be treated or purified before it is acceptable for human consumption.

in Portugal and soutern Spain ,as in many places, wine is cheaper than water.Which would explain the many drunk people there

we are living in a bubble economy and when the bubble bursts
food prices will sky rocket,and so will the price of water.

the wars of the future will be for water


because of the green house effect and the desertification this planet is heating up
Each degree rise in temperature signifies 10% crop loss

The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.
this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.

Green land,the melting glaziers and the south pole are another matter.
this is ice above the sea ,on the land, and melted water will return to the sea .and so duely affect sea levels.the sea has been rising for a long time.
in portugal remains of Roman villas have been discovered 3/4 of a mile in the sea,

in California and Florida rising seas have flooded arable land that has been lost
so far only a few millions acres in total globaly ,but this will speed up with the increasing global warming.
And in Antartica arms of ice that even had names because the were so permanent have broken of into the sea.

and we are witness to the first mass extinction of animals since the days of the dinosaurs species being lost by the hour ,to put it conservatively Source(s) i am a Permaculture Consultant for the department of Ecology for the regional government in Guerrero Mexico

Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has
come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,
his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into 50 languages and won the best book award in 2003. a must for environmentaly conscious people

2007-02-25 00:02:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Then who is responsible of that.

2007-02-24 19:05:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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