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#1. Bible has been historically proofed by archeology and old civilizations.

#2 There is plenty of proof that Jesus did exist. Bible, texts from roman and Jewish writes and the fact that chrisitanity exists is evidence that Jesus did exist. You may not have faith in him or his miracles, but there is plenty of evidence he did exists.

#3 in revelation there are prophecies about the end, world wars, hunger, youngster been disobedient to their parents, earthquakes, disease, etc....Again could be some evidence. These prophecies where written about 2000 years ago, some 3000 plus years ago.

#4 Atheists say they don't believe in God, but they sometimes mock him and even take admit to take sides with the devil. Some atheists I know like spiritual movies of demons etc. Evidence they are been blinded by the devil himself?

#5 There is many weird phenomenon that happens in this planet, African religion such a voodoo are based on evil spirits. Evidence Satan exists? yes.

on and on...

2007-02-24 10:29:41 · 22 answers · asked by sfumato1002 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I need no proof. I know God is real. The bible speaks loud and clear. There is TOO much knowledge in the bible to say it didn't come from God.

2007-02-24 10:34:26 · answer #1 · answered by GraycieLee 6 · 1 1

I think you have been listening to and read extremely biased information:
1) - The bible has not been historical proven by anything. Many, many archeological discoveries have in truth done a lot to disprove most of the bible.

2) - The bible is really the only 'proof' that Jesus existed, and even that is highly in doubt. There are no roman records, no jewish records. The most intelligent explanation of Jesus that I've read described him as a fictionized conglomeration of several characters of the time.

3) - Name 1 prophecy, just 1, that has actually and exactly come to past. The interpretations of these prophecies are so vague and misleading that the interpretors claim is laughable.

4) - As a atheist I do not believe in ANY god(s). That includes anything like angels, demons, or the devil. If someone you know claims to be an atheist and yet believes in the devil then they are not an atheist.

5) - Voodoo is evidence that satan exists? LOL . ... voodoo is just another religion and one of many variations on a theme....it proves nothing.

2007-02-24 10:52:08 · answer #2 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 1

#1 Ever hear of historical fiction? I can write a story of George Washington bedding down his maid in Virginia. So Virginia existed back when, and there is some evidence that he had a maid, so should you then believe my story?

#2 Jesus was a very popular name back when. How sure are you that roman texts are speaking about the same jesus as you are? There is actually some historical doubt that Jesus of Nazareth existed at all, since there have been no contemporary evidence or records that mentions him. And yet we know how meticulous roman record keeping was back then.

#3 The prophecies in Revelation are vague enough to fit any of the past wars, including the war in Vietnam. So why hasn't the world ended yet?

#4 Atheists do not believe in gods or devils. It would be strange to claim that atheists take sides with devils. Liking scary movies has nothing to do with beliefs. If I like to watch Jason kill people in the Halloween movies, it doesn't mean I worship Jason. Also, the Halloween movies does not constitute evidence of the existence of any devil.

#5 If weird things exist, why do you assume it is the work of the devil?

Please try and think things through, I hope you will find some calm in the rational approach to your life.

2007-02-24 10:43:07 · answer #3 · answered by CC 7 · 1 1

1. Well no. All the evidence points away from the Bible.

2. Christianity existing does not prove that Jesus existed. If that was the case then Xenu must exist because Scientology does.

3. No one has been found that can predict the future, although thousands have been tested. Bible prophesies do not describe a modern world.

4. An atheist is a person without religion. And since the devil is a religious character, atheists do not take sides with the devil. If they say they do, they are joking. A person's interests is not evidence of being blinded by the devil.

5. Voodoo is not evidence of Satan. It just shows that there are other religions on Earth besides Christianity.

2007-02-24 10:38:22 · answer #4 · answered by gruz 3 · 2 1

that is such a jumble of unwarranted assumptions and confused logic I don't even know where to begin.

#1&2 Just because a work of fiction talks about real events or people doesn't mean it is not a work of fiction. By your logic, the Da Vinci code by Dan Brown is real, or any fiction work that mentions a real city or person. By the way, many things in the bible have already been proven false.

#3 rapture nuts have been going on about revelations and seeing signs for 2000 years. It's always going to happen Real Soon Now.

#4 We also don't believe in the Devil, since that goes with the whole flawed Christian God premises. But go ahead, demonize the opposition. You need to, we understand.

#5 no you are just being a superstitious sap.

2007-02-24 10:36:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

#1. False. Check out "The Bible Unearthed"

#2 False. The Roman and Jewish writings you refer to are speaking of the religion, not the man. Huge difference there. There have been a number of other documents that suppoedly spoke of Jesus the man, but all have been proven to be fakes. For the record, not one historian from the time period Jesus supposedly lived in noted his existence or any of his "miracles"...and some were supposedly pretty hard to miss.

#3 There have always been all of the above listed misfortunes and disasters: Wars, rumors of wars, famines, diseases, quakes, and so on. There has never been a period of time without them. Predicting that we will have such things is a no-brainer.

#4 Actually, we mock the relgionists and their beliefs about their imaginary sky fairie. I might add that lots and lots of Christians love horror movies too. There aren't enough atheists in the country to account for ALL the ticket sales.

#5 No on many counts. For one thing, voodoo is unique to one region and it is not Africa. Second, voodoo is not all about evil spirits, but good ones too--bocors use the good ones for healing and protection frequently. For another, just because an event does not have an immediate explanation, it does not follow that the only explanation for said event is supernatural. This is lazy thinking.

And on, and on...

2007-02-24 10:48:57 · answer #6 · answered by Scott M 7 · 0 1

#1 proof some of the people lived but not all. No proof that what is said happened

#2 No proof jesus was the son of god. Many others ran around claiming the same things as jesus.

#3 they are all vague and the facts can be made to fit the prophecies if you try hard enough.

#4 I mock your belief in a myth, Most don't believe in Satan either.

#5 Yeah right

2007-02-24 10:44:13 · answer #7 · answered by Jason Bourne 5 · 1 1

1. The TaNaKh has been proven to be somewhat accurate, historically (that's the Old Testament) but not to any overwhelming degree. This argument doesn't hold water.

2. There is NO historical evidence WHATSOEVER that Jesus EVER existed.. there is no birth record, no death record, no record of Pontius Pilate EVER sentencing someone even remotely named Jesus to the death penalty. There are no self-written documents, and not ONE secular or religious historian of that time even gives him a passing glance (and Josephus only briefly mentions a man with a name similar to Jesus, and does not say ANYTHING about this HUGE ministry he supposedly had, nor that he was put to death by the cross, etc.. it could've been about anyone) yet he allegedly had 1/2 million followers at his death?? come ON.. study your history before spouting this stuff off. And, it exists because the Council of Nicea (325 AD) married gnostic judaism with paganism in order to unite the flailing Roman Empire under Constantine. AGAIN, a quick study of history will educate you to that. Christianity is NOT evidence of Jesus' existence.

4. The things mentioned here have gone on for millenia..even prior TO the writing of the revelation. Nice try, no cigar.

5. Satan, according to the jews (which is where you people get him from) is in God's employ and is not a fallen angel. The Greeks are the ones that started the good vs. evil thing when they invaded Jerusalem in the 400 years between the testaments.. ever wonder why there's not one mention of demonic possession in the Old Testament and yet the New is rife with them? There ya go. Nice try.. again, no cigar. Study judaism since that's what your alleged Messiah practiced. (he also said to be followers of him and didn't say to follow Paul).

5. Voudon is not based on evil spirits.. you really should study this very peaceful faith before listening to hype about it or watching bad t.v. movies. Again, according to judaism, Satan is simply the one who challenges you, gives you your spiritual tests to see if you're ready to move on to the next spiritual level.. and he does this at God's bidding.

Is this all you've got??

2007-02-24 10:41:55 · answer #8 · answered by Kallan 7 · 2 1

#1 -- Many aspects have been shown to be symbolic or interpretive, not literal. Others have been shown to be false.

#2 -- There is no primary archeological source. However, sufficient secondary archeological sources exist to consider the man's existence likely.

#3 -- These things have ALWAYS been true, there have always been wars, hunger, disobedience, earthquakes, volcanos, floods, disease, etc. The sole difference is that we now have mass communication that allows us to see just how chaotic our world truly is and has always been.

#4 -- We do not mock your god, we mock your belief in such a concept. There is a difference.

#5 -- Demonstrate even one such phenomenon that cannot be duplicated or potentially explained by science and you'll convert every atheist on the planet.

Have fun with #5.

2007-02-24 10:36:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Atheists don't believe in satan any more than they believe there is some sort of god. If you tried hard enough, you could "prove" that Cinderella was true.
I don't doubt that a person named Jesus may have existed, but even the Christians didn't take the official position that he was divine (a god) until the 4th century. So, the farther they got from his actual lifetime, the more fictional things became.

2007-02-24 10:45:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1- Not even close to all of it. Fiction usually does get the cities right
2- Not true. There are no outside contemporary acconts at all. Josephus wrote about him in the Jewish History he was putting together about 70 years later. It was a breief mention and he obviously wasn't impressed. The Romans, nothing. The one thing that is clearly wrong is the census that Mary was supposed to be in Bethlehem for. No record at all, and there should be IT WAS A CENSUS.
3- Look at my last answer. I could write vague prophesies and have it work out fine
4- No god, no devil. I mock it because it won't leave me alone. I like Anne Rice and Stephen King mostly because of the examination of human nature when placed in really extreme situations.
5- Amazing how it all breaks down when you put it in a lab.

2007-02-24 10:39:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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