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I just asked if the laws of the universe...which BTW...there are laws. for those atheists that don't believe me, jump off a 10 story building and see what happens. 100% of the time you will fall down. Newton wrote about the law of universal gravitation. Newton's law of gravity led directly to mathematical explanations.

But instead, Atheists did not answer my question, like always they just say its "false thinking" and "how boring it is", blah , blah.

Always the same answers, Atheists never answer with logic or give their opinions, they just like to bash and walk away.

Maybe, atheists are just people who don't really care about where we come from?

They are comfortable with the school's science text books which were created by mortal men with ideas and theories no greater than the rest of us. Men who are as lost as any of us. Even Einstein was confused about who God really was.

But it looks like the Atheists in Yahoo Answers have...well...all the answers to life. sad.

2007-02-24 09:57:55 · 19 answers · asked by sfumato1002 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I just wished atheists will sometimes share their great knowledge.

The really sound so authorative.

2007-02-24 09:59:42 · update #1

19 answers


"Atheists never answer with logic or give opinions"? What section have you been posting in? That sure doesn't sound like any of the atheists I know here.

I don't have all the answers. I spend most of my time trying to learn more. But at least I am learning instead of taking what is told to me by an ignoramus in a cassock as TRUTH.

No, Chicky is not feeling love here today.


2007-02-24 10:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by Chickyn in a Handbasket 6 · 2 0

Firstly your being very stereotypical, which is not a good thing. If you don't want atheists to stereotype you guys, then you shouldn't stereotype us.

I don't know what sort of Athiests your talking to, but you claim that they don't answer with logic? I think you'll find that generally it's the opposite way around.

You claim athiests don't care where we come from? I'm sure there are some who don't, personally i'm an athiest for the opposite reason. I've spent a lot of my life searching, i've been a christian, and i've questioned my beleifs and reached a stage where I found beleif almost impossible. Why? well firstly most christians don't even know what they beleive themselves. Think that's bullshit? read this: http://www.godhatesfags.com/writings/20060331_god-loves-everyone-lie.pdf That article directly contradicts so many things my old YF leader taught me, yet these words are from the bible.

Anyway, I don't want to write you an essay here so i'll cut to the point. You asked what is an athiest and do they have all the answers? Well an Athiest is somebody with no religious beliefs. They don't have all the answers, nobody does. I can't say for sure God definitley doesn't exisist, and you can't say he definitley does. Maybe you feel he does, because of your faith, but theres nothing logic about faith.

Athiests don't have the answers because they realize that having all the answers may not be possible. And as far as i'm concenred that's much better than believing something because you want answers, and tricking yourself into accepting something without question.

EDIT: after posting my response I went back and looked at ur previous question, which led to this one. What I see is, you asked a question which you felt couldn't be argued. You felt it undeniably prooved god's existence. You were shown to be wrong, and so you with no other option left, decided to ask this question to hit out at athiests because you realized you'd been shown wrong. Just my take on things.

2007-02-24 10:13:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Science really only builds models that are close approximations to how things work. There is always a point where things break down so we don't usually refer to anything as a law anymore.

All Newton's calculations are rough at best. They don't take into account time shifts in very high gravitational fields for instance. They do do a good job describing the way you would fall here on Earth, but they even break down here on quantum levels. So there are not laws, just models that describe the way the universe works.

The over all answer is there is plenty that science doesn't know. That really has nothing to do with atheism. You could know much less and that wouldn't provide evidence that there is a god. You are saying that because the universe is here and works a certain way that it implies a god. I just don't see it. Putting a god there just makes the situation more complex, and there is no evidence to back that up.

2007-02-24 10:21:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm really not sure what you're talking about. Of course there are natural, physical laws. Most scientists are atheists, you know - and we're the ones discovering these laws.

Of course we care about where we come from - that's why we study science.

If we had all the answers, why would we keep looking? And if you DON'T have all the answers, why aren't YOU looking?

2007-02-24 10:03:34 · answer #4 · answered by eri 7 · 5 0

Yes. Unfortunately we atheists have only had mortal teachers, and books written by mortals. Most of us didn't even know there were any other kind of teachers or books - so on that one I, for one, must plead ignorance. (I hope you don't mean the Bible or Quran. Those were definitely written by men, and quite ignorant men at that.)

I will now go chase down your questions which I seem to have missed to see if I can be of some service to you. And yes, from what I know of science so far, the universe behaves in "lawful" ways.

I read your other questions on "laws" and the universe. All of them are based on a fundamental logical error - perhaps worse, an unexamined anthropomorphism.
As others have probably pointed out, there is no need for a "creator" of laws. This fallacy is an assumption that arises out of thinking the universe is akin to a school carpentry project where, for example, a "creator" "creates" a table. Without going into the obvious, suffice it to say the shop guy merely reorganizes existing materials - he creates nothing.

2007-02-24 10:07:08 · answer #5 · answered by JAT 6 · 2 0

I answer with logic all the time and I never "bash". I always invite anyone who wants to, to check out Buddhist logic and come to the same conclusions as I have or not... there's where the breakdown forms. It's not spoonfeeding anyone the answers, which can't be done in here anyway which is not a debate ground. The logic that is the base of my understanding of Buddhist logic takes far more concepts, time and space than I have to put in here.

If you want the answers, seek them yourself, question the answers you receive and don't take my word for any of it... just like the Buddha expects nobody to take HIS word for it either. If you can disprove the philosophy, you'll be the first one in thousands of years... nobody has been able to to date, despite trying.


2007-02-24 10:05:44 · answer #6 · answered by vinslave 7 · 3 0

Atheists don't have all the answers but at least we don't look in an obsolete book for them.

2007-02-24 13:59:35 · answer #7 · answered by jetthrustpy 4 · 0 0

In an otherwise delusional world, we are the comical relief of knowledge to allow for an easier life without the use of a "holy day" or whatnot. At least I'm not bound by anything other than government laws.

2007-02-24 10:01:49 · answer #8 · answered by Cold Fart 6 · 1 0

"Atheists" only means that they don't believe gods exist. That's all it means.

Why go through life with an inferiority complex. I haven't even met ya. How bout a kiss?

2007-02-24 10:01:55 · answer #9 · answered by Laptop Jesus 2.0 5 · 7 0

Atheism is the disbelief[1] in the existence of any deities.[2] It is contrasted with theism, the belief in a God or gods. Atheism is commonly defined as the positive belief that deities do not exist.[3][4][5] However, others—including most atheistic philosophers and groups—define atheism as the simple absence of belief in deities[6][7][8] (cf. nontheism), thereby designating many agnostics, and people who have never heard of gods, such as newborn children, as atheists as well.[9][10] In recent years, some atheists have adopted the terms strong and weak atheism to clarify whether they consider their stance one of positive belief (strong atheism) or the mere absence of belief (weak atheism).[11][12][13]

Many self-described atheists share common skeptical concerns regarding supernatural claims, citing a lack of empirical evidence for the existence of deities. Other rationales for atheism range from the philosophical to the social to the historical. Although atheists tend toward secular philosophies such as humanism, rationalism, and naturalism, there is no one ideology or set of behaviors that all atheists adhere to.[14][15][16]

In Western culture, atheists are frequently assumed to be irreligious or non-spiritual.[17] However, some religious and spiritual beliefs, such as several forms of Buddhism, have been described by outside observers as conforming to the broader, negative definition of atheism due to their lack of any participating deities.[18][19] Atheism is also sometimes equated with antitheism (opposition to theism) or antireligion (opposition to religion), despite many atheists not holding such views.[20]

2007-02-24 10:04:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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