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What are the experts saying? What will America look like in 25, 75, 100 years?

2007-02-24 08:35:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

17 answers

LOL@ Shoshone's answer.

Civil War II

2007-02-24 11:46:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The overpopulation of illegal immigrants will change our economy. The lower class will keep growing while the upper class will get smaller, and those few people in it will be richer than they are now. Since illegal immigrants these days do not wish to come here and adopt our way of life, everything will be bilingual, and our culture will be overrun by another. People who immigrated back after world war II came here to adopt a new way of life. They came here and followed all the rules, and wanted to be a part of our country. They abandoned some of their cultures in favor of American culture. They learned the language (ENGLISH). Immigrants nowadays do not wish to do any of this. They want to come here because our government takes care of them, giving them free money (welfare) and all the other perks that they get. This is ridiculous!!! I cannot believe our government is allowing this to happen. It is our own governments fault that these people are coming in and taking over our country, and they dont really care because they are getting votes from these people! Where does it stop?

2007-02-24 17:20:09 · answer #2 · answered by glddstgpsy26 3 · 4 0

Civil War I haven't heard what the experts are saying don't cruise the net much America will actually become Mexico whenever

2007-02-24 17:09:41 · answer #3 · answered by hobo 7 · 1 0

The gross economy is doing well in statistical figures, but workers in the real economy are facing far greater job insecurity and static real wages than the gross growth figures would lead people to believe as per this article. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/JubaksJournal/WhyTheseGoodTimesFeelSoBad.aspx

Most of this is caused by mass immigration, not by globalization.

To support population growth of 3% per year, the whole economy has to grow by 3% per year to achieve 0% per person growth in production and incomes overall.

Mass immigration is not new - England had massive immigration into its cities in 1860-1900. America as well Perhaps you have seen the film 'Gang's of New York' about resident New Yorkers fighting Irish immigration? The huge flows of people then, created social tensions and affected wages downwards.

The famous economist David Ricardo forecast the effects in 1817 as being a profit boom on the back of a drop in living standards for ordinary citizens, while declining returns eventually taper the profit boom towards a stagnation, and eventual population demands create greatly lower wages and general poverty.

This is pretty much what happened over the period 1850-1870 - the East End of London greatly expanded with various waves of deperate workers - French Hugenouts, Jews expelled from Europe, Irish escaping the famine. There was a profit boom as firms could undercut workers wages for decades.

The poverty of that part of London was incredible - it was just so out of the ordinary that even the famous American author Jack London lived there to write about it in 'People of the Abyss'.

Eventually the enterprises which relied on very cheap labour faced declining profits as costs for land, and raw material resources rose. Profits stagnated, and many of the industries slumped, facing declines from sheer population pressure.

At the end of this process, social mobility (moving into higher income groups) was very much more constrained and poverty was very widespread.

A similar story is occuring in the US.

Workers live in the domestic economy for 90% of all transactions and the cost of domestic services like fast food being driven down per person actually matter far more to overall economic growth, than the falling cost of electronic goods or programming jobs being outsourced.

If workers have to compete with a extra pool of workers then there is no net gain that they will see in wages in the domestic economy or in thier paypackets, and the rich will get richer while the poor get poorer.

There is a common argument put forward that free trade and globalisation - free movement of goods across borders - should mean free people of people. This is a fallicy.

Thats because Citizenship is ultimately a private property right. Mass immigration alters this right.

You cannot have free movement of people and still have Citizenship - as Milton Friedman stated.

Illegal immigration is the single issue that will have more immediate and long term effects on the envrioment, on the american culture, on citizenship itself, and on the economic prospects and wages for your family than either global warming or GDP growth.

2007-02-24 19:43:45 · answer #4 · answered by deepthroat 3 · 1 0

American will like so many other nations fall apart, there will not be an American in 25 years, believe it or not, illegal immigration will tear this nation apart, civil war is almost a certainty.

My fellow Americans, We are in the fight for the very existence of a great people, the American people. Americans are of many colors and ethnicity but we all call ourselves Americans, not Mexicans, not Koreans, not Germans, we are Americans nothing else. We have liberal Americans, Conservative Americans, libertarian Americans, Socialists Americans, many beliefs and ideologies but we are Americans all the same. We believe in Freedom, we cherish our right to bear arms, we express the right to vote if we so choose to do so, but a great people has been called to account. We have grown weak, our enemies have surrounded that city upon a hill, and have laid siege to our nations cities. One by one cities have declared their loyalty to the Nation of Mexico, one by one sanctuary cities are born from the ruins of once great cities, cities built by Americans for Americans. Our borders have been overrun we stand now on the brink of a great revolution, we must now more then ever send a message to the Politicians of Washington, we are fed up and we are not going to take it anymore! We will not stand by as our nations cities infrastructure is collapsed under the weight of the illegal alien scourge, hospitals are overwhelmed, schools are bursting at the brim, the cost of living is at an all time high, crime is up, are prisons are rioting, killer gangs, drugs, aliens, and disease spread unchecked across our Nation!

If you did one thing important in your life, it will be to fight this endless flood of illegal aliens, stand united with your brothers and sisters of America, The United States the People of this great experiment must become United in our resolve to end this madness, bring order to our streets and communities, we must our we will perish. We cannot fail, our we will watch as our nation burns to the ground, if we must then we will put down our very lives, and that of our children’s lives, we must risk our fortunes, and our own safety, this is a fight that must be fought, everything is now up to our generation, it is our time. I call upon all Americans take up arms if you must, but fight damn you fight, spread the word, Americans must stand united, don’t give in don’t back down, every generation has its revolution its time for another one.

2007-02-25 02:04:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the EXPERT'S are the problem with America. they will be the reason the U.S. will become the worlds largest, 4th world nation. if the people of this nation don't have a civil war first.
something has to change, and it has to start with the government.

2007-02-24 18:32:23 · answer #6 · answered by silver lining 4 · 4 0

Think Mogadishu..

America will become a violent third world country.
We need to stand up and seal the borders and deport all these illegal criminals.

2007-02-24 18:25:58 · answer #7 · answered by . 6 · 3 0

If the demographic and statistical predictions hold true, in 25 years legitimate Americans will be the minority, and spanish will be the national language.

2007-02-24 17:08:19 · answer #8 · answered by 4everamusedw/humanity 2 · 0 2

we will be a broken nation, the America we know today will look like slums. it's already starting to look nasty in some parts of the united states. look at El paso,LA, Calif and Arizona. i'm sure other states are starting to look bad.

2007-02-24 16:45:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

america will go the way the byzantines did, rome did and the dodo.

we will be america the name, america the location, but not america the country.

2007-02-24 16:46:07 · answer #10 · answered by mricon 2 · 4 0

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