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"I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh.....defeat them and destroy them utterly....Make no treaty with them and show no favor to them." (Deuteronomy 7:1-2)

"When God gives (a city) into your hands , kill all the men in it....Do not leave alive anything that breathes." (Deuteronomy 20:10-17)

"Kill every male child and baby and kill every woman who is not a virgin. But save for yourself the virgin girls." (Numbers 31:17-18)

"As for my enemies who do not want me (Jesus) to reign over them, bring them here and kill them in my presence." (Luke 19:26-27)

"Do not think I (Jesus) have come to send peace on the earth. I did not come to send peace, but a sword."( Matthew 10:34)

Christians are indeed hypocrites!

2007-02-24 08:21:38 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Parthian....that is what I mean. The bible present day is made up of stories from kings...NOT Jesus or God.

However, since the Quran is not been made from kings, it is the truth. The violence the non-believers read in the quran is just talking about hell, not killing in the mortal life.

2007-02-24 08:31:25 · update #1

Judy r8......you do not have proof that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) rapes girls in the Quran. When Prophet Muhammad murdered, it was not his choice. He did not want to. He told the non-believers to convert to Islam before killing them. It was a command to kill by Allah, the same God you have. It makes sense because if Islam is the right religon which it is, you would want them to convert.

2007-02-24 08:39:20 · update #2

Judy r8......you do not have proof that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) rapes girls in the Quran. When Prophet Muhammad murdered, it was not his choice. He did not want to. He told the non-believers to convert to Islam before killing them. It was a command to kill by Allah, the same God you have. It makes sense because if Islam is the right religon which it is, you would want them to convert.

2007-02-24 08:39:21 · update #3

Nozi...I understand that the bible is the word of Allah it is just that the Christians are hypocritical and don't take time to read the Quran. Also, I may have tooken those verses out of context but they take Quran out of context as well, that is my proof of hypocricy also

2007-02-24 08:45:51 · update #4

42 answers

It's called, "Do as I say, not as I do."

also known as the double standard.

2007-02-24 08:24:11 · answer #1 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 2 6

I will not speak to the OT verses you have quoted, as they are simply a history that provide a backdrop into Gospels. The new testament verses you have quoted, have a different meaning than you probably think, and this is due to YOUR ignorance, and you show it by citing them.
Luke 19:26-27 Christ is alluding to a punishment for the wicked, and a judgment to come. He is not literally saying he will kill, and he never did.
Matthew 10:34 Christ is alluding not to a literal sword, but the sword of the truth in conflict with lies.
Nice try though.
Maybe you should check your own scripture.
Mohammed called the Gospel and the torah 'guidance and light' (Koran 5:36) and confirmed both (Suras 2:87, 5:46, 5:68, 29:46, 43:63) You should maybe stop listening what someone who does not listen to your own prophet is saying, and check yourself.

2007-02-24 08:35:45 · answer #2 · answered by great gig in the sky 7 · 2 0

I try not to weaken others' faith--Jewish, Christian, Muslim or otherwise. There may be problems I see with one or the other (I personally see some problems with all three of the aforementioned), but they are still mostly good, and as long as the said believers are accepting of others and willing to compromise, then I see no reason to weaken their faith.

Thus, and in general, I would not expose the problems with any particular faith unless it benefits them without hurting others.

And Yazeed, I am a Christian who has taken the time to read Qur'an--although I haven't finished (and I haven't finished reading the Bible, for that matter). But really, how many Muslims have read the Bible? Understand that we are the exceptions. Still, I would not expose ostensible problems within the Qur'an except for the aforementioned reasons, and I simply ask that you do the same.

@ elise, you probably aren't aware that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Muslims and Arabs all across the Middle East mourned for the 9/11 victims (alas our media is very biased and "sensationalized" and did not show this). While I agree that the hostilities should not be directed at the Qur'an, moreover we must recognize that most of the fighting is for political reasons, with religion used as a scapegoat.

2007-02-24 08:32:10 · answer #3 · answered by Brian 3 · 0 1

To start with allah is not the God of the Bible. Allah was a pagan arab moon god, so nothing allah supposedly said is God's word. Muhammad was not a prophet and the Koran is full of evil lies and contradictions.
. The Koran (29:46) tells Muslims they should believe the Bible of the Jews, so when Muslims insult the Bible, they are also insulting the Koran and are insulting God who came here as Jesus who will judge us all. Muslims are ordered by the Koran to respect the Bible, so who is a hypocrite?
It is simple, Islam is based on the lies of a pedophile who was also reputed to be a thief and murderer, and to believe the Koran is God's word you must take the word of one single criminal over the words of every prophet who had came before.
If God wanted to "correct" the Bible like Muslims say He did, then God would have sent another real prophet with another book to put in the Bible, in a similar fashion to how the US Constitution is Amended. God would not throw out His entire book of laws. His habit is to add to the Bible, not throw it away, just like America does not throw away our Constitution, we amend it when needed to correct our society.
Muslims say God doesn't have the power to come to earth in human form, and say God must throw away the whole Bible so Muhammad could do what the Bible says is adultery (33:50). No real prophet has a sin pass allowing them to do what would be a terrible sin for other men to do. Muhammad was a criminal mastermind and fooled arabs into thinking he was a prophet so they wouldn't kill him for what he was doing. If he were here now we would put him in jail for marrying a 6 year old girl when he was 53, and you have to ask why we think the koran is evil?
What's wrong with muslims that they can't see how evil muhammad was? And allah is not akbar. Jesus is Akbar.
Wake up and smell the jihad...

2007-02-24 09:04:11 · answer #4 · answered by jesuscuresislam 3 · 2 2

First of all the Quran is bad, and many, many christians have proven with the Quran that Jesus lives and reings forever.
second, You're putting what's the literal bad part not what's the message of the whole site of the bible. Your first example is talking about getting into the promised land of Canaan, and God says to kill and destory everything because the people who lived there sined and acted versus God.
Your second example, Actually says that if a city you pass by makes peace with you so be it, but if it doesnt make peace with you, kill avery male, just as every city that doesnt make peace with you , kill everything
Your third example is about revenge on Maidan, a city that atacked the israelis, and the part about the virgins is that that city many of the girls had sex without getting married and that was unsaint so he wanted to give a chance to the virgins and the boys who hadn't had sex of unlisit acts of giving their lives to God
4th: Its a lesson as a story. It talks about the city (The Non-religious who wanted and crtusified Jesus) not wanting the owner of the mines(Jesus, God)and his workers(Christians). And because the villager were acting versus him, he did the same and killed them
and the last one talks about him bringing truth not an actual sword. He talks about puttingy back into the right path the people who love more the money or something that is versus God, and he would show them the truth with the bible, the double sided sword.
Hope you find the right way some day

2007-02-24 08:54:22 · answer #5 · answered by h-townguy 3 · 2 2

Guidelines for examining a passage

Who wrote/spoke the passage and to whom was it addressed?
What does the passage say?
Are there any words or phrases in the passage that need to be examined?
What is the immediate context?
What is the broader context in the chapter and book?
What are the related verses to the passage’s subject and how do they affect the understanding of this passage?
What is the historical and cultural background?
What do I conclude about the passage?
Do my conclusions agree or disagree with related areas of scripture and others who have studied the passage?
What have I learned and what must I apply to my life?

Why don't you give it another try.

2007-02-24 08:38:35 · answer #6 · answered by Sternchen 5 · 2 0

Wow wow wow, wait Yazeed, i will start by the last 2 quotations, then go back to the first 3.
At (Luke 19:26-27) the Lord Jesus was NOT talking about himself, he was telling the people around him a parable(A STORY)you better check your quotations first.
And as it is a story ( did not happen - fiction) it meant to teach the people that wickdness in life will get them into troubles later,and jesus put in the way they can relate to the story, as this was the way the people around at that time delt with each other after such a treason.
PLEASE read the whole passage starting from verse 11.
ALSO, didn't it seem wiered to you that the Lord would say something like that about himself, yet he is the one who asked forgiveness to those who crucified him on the cross.

As for (Matthew10:34) it only meant (once AGAIN if you read the whole passage) not killing but a metaphorically speaking about that people will be alineated from each other because of their faith in him,he also said ,their will be times when people think that killing the christians will please God.So he was telling them about what is going to take place ( and as usual he was right, it happened and still ).
ALSO didn't it seem wiered to you that the Lord would say something like that, yet he is the one who warned against the usage of the sword by saying : All who take the sword will perish by the sword.(Matthew 26:52)

and now, as for the first 3 quotations ( which they are derived from the old testament) also here we have know the context in which they are given .

God has promissed Abraham and his descendants the land of Canan to settle in it, this was the start of forming a relationship between God and a whole people that believes in him and wants to live a godly life.
This land was inhabitted by (as it is stated in the old testament) extremely evil people,who refused many many times to repent,rejecting systematically - for years and years - all kinds of God trials to reach them.
Thus, their time for punishment by God has come. Wether you believe it or not God has the authority of punishment and do justice when he wants to, the way he wants to.
So God decided to give the land to others. So God was fulfilling a byfold task, punishing people and fulfilling his promiss to others.

I am sorry to say this, but some 4000 years ago, wars between clans and tribes were a usual practice,but NEVER in the bible that Jesus said go kill people if they refuse to believe,or force them to believe.

2007-02-24 10:17:24 · answer #7 · answered by tefksayd 1 · 4 1

you must feel REALLY big right now. you just copied hundreds of thousands of atheists. whoop-de doo. and you act like all non-muslims are Christians.

1) you've already misquoted every scripture you've written there and completely taken them out of context.
2) to understand some of these things, you have to look at the language they were written in.

*Israel was at war. God warned them not to marry with these other nations because they served idols and would cause the Israelites to do so. So to prevent that, logically they'd kill them off. Jesus freed those who died in hope before he came anyways. so what's the problem?

*again, they are to be killed off so they don't cause people to sin

*that was a parable. as in, it didn't actually happen. Jesus was telling a story to illustrate how God's kingdom works. People will be eternally seprated from God (called death).

*the word "peace" speaks of physical peace. the Holy Spirit brings peace of mind. and it's true. people get into arguements about God, people claiming to know God kill eachother, people are hated by family members for loving God.

you are a hypocrite indeed! You blame us for not knowing much about the Quran, when you obviously know very little about the Bible.

2007-02-24 08:40:32 · answer #8 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 3 1

Honestly, every person who says that Quran teaches cruelty, has never opened any of Islamic holy writings. That's the greatest mistake of all the Christians who blame Muslims. Islam is really non aggressive religion and this is what Hadiths are all about. However any non aggressive writing can be used both to make more people homophobes and to get more money. Christians can't deny Crusades too. Well, unless they say they don't believe in history as a part of the science.

2007-02-24 08:51:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

First these Scriptures are taken out of context. Second it was GOD who decided what action needed to be taken and for what reason. Third the Luke Scripture is not talking about this life but about judgment day in the next. Fourth the Quran was written by a man who was deluded. It was not authored by GOD Himself. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation (and no "extra" books) are the only inspired Word of God. So if you are going to "malign" the Word of God, at least try to do it in context.

2007-02-24 08:30:32 · answer #10 · answered by wd 5 · 4 1

First of all, Christians are not hypocrites. The quran itself is hypocritical. It calls the Holy Bible corrupt, but then quotes from it and says that Muhammad was prophesied in The Holy Bible. You can't have it both ways. You call Jesus a prophet but you deny what He was sent by God to do. Jesus is The Christ, is pure and sinless, yet you say Muhammad has to come and fix the things Jesus said and did. allah is not the God of Christianity. Please do not ever lie to people about that. God is Love according to The Holy Bible. According to the quran, allah is a deceiver. According to The Holy Bible, God has a Son, but allah does not. They are not the same. The quran cannot be believed because it was created by one man. The lone false prophet of islam has no history. There are no prophecies about him. There are no prophecies that he fulfilled. There are no prophecies that he made that came to pass. Muhammad started wars (they were not in self defense but probably were ordered by his false god allah). He kept slaves. He raped and beat women. He says that most women are going to Hell just because he was full of lust and couldn't control himself. He says women are lower than dogs. He ordered his wives to cover up so people could differentiate between his wives and his slaves. He was not a messenger of God, but maybe he was one for allah (whoever that is).

May God Bless you.

2007-02-24 08:53:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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