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I come on here everyday and I hear people talking about their Christian, but they totally ignore the teachings of the Bible. They would rather make up the excuse that man wrote the Bible and its not what God wanted. Now I don't care what kind of group you fall under in the Christian category. The basis of Christianity is the Bible, so if you believe that man manipulated it for their own gain, then what's the point of calling yourself a Christian if you don't believe in God's teachings?

2007-02-24 08:10:52 · 16 answers · asked by Knowledge 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Most people claim to be christian because their folks were. They do not take it to heart, nor are convinced of God's existance themselves. It is only a title for them. Same goes for Atheists now. They were just raised that way, and never go any deeper to find out what they believe in.

2007-03-03 10:10:10 · answer #1 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 0

This may only serve to aggravate you. I'm not a literalist Christian. I dont believe the Bible is untainted, or that every word was meant to be taken as literal. The bible has been through many translations. And variations are obvious in English editions giving non-christian plenty of reason for doubt. To truly see the amazing miracle preservation of truth one much dig deeper.

Current scholars work in groups to reduce bias as they translate. Unfortunately a long time ago translations were often prepared by a single person or small group. This could have resulted in much corruption. However from comparison of multiple copies of the text of the bible including the oldest available manuscripts (around the 1st century BC) there is actually reasonably good agreement with todays translations.

I do believe God protects the basic tenants of his teachings. I do not think the contradictions I find release me from loving for and seeking God, or being responsible for helping others while I'm here.

2007-02-24 16:19:58 · answer #2 · answered by G's Random Thoughts 5 · 0 0

God bless you. First off, I would like to once again point out to those who say that man wrote the Bible 2 Timothy 3:16-" ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God...." And again-what this means is that the ones who physically wrote the Bible didn't just sit around making this stuff up-they wrote as God gave them inspiration-utterance- to write what God wanted written. Different translations? That's easy,too. Remember the parable that Christ gave about the wheat and the tares? How the enemy came and sowed bad seed among the good? In any discussion of God, the Bible, salvation, redemption,- sooner or later Satan is going to have to come up in the discussion. Bad seed? Bad doctrine; bad translations. Sown among the translation that God wanted us to have. Satan wanted his own particularly corrupted version of the Bible, so he inspired Eusebius and Origen to produce the Latin Vulgate to counter the scriptures that the Christians were producing under God's watchful eye. It's like this. You are going on a journey and have a map with directions for getting there. I hate you and want you to get as lost as you possibly can, so I make a few changes to it that take you off the main path into unfamiliar territory. But I know that I can't make it obvious that I've messed with your map too much, so I make subtle and deceptive changes just enough to throw you off track completely. Unaware of what I've done, you head out confident that you're heading in the right direction. After awhile,though, it becomes apparent that you are as lost as a blind man at sea. Mission accomplished. Any questions?

2007-03-03 08:33:14 · answer #3 · answered by 4everamusedw/humanity 2 · 0 0

One of the things about Christianity is the gift of free will to believe or not. It is important to understand that the basis of Christianity is not just the bible, but the belief in the God of all. The bible in it's original form is perfect word of God. The bible translated all different ways is man's imperfections. Some words or phrases do not translate exactly. That is why you study the sacred word of god, pray for understanding, and consider the history of the time in which it was written. Remember, Jesus himself said that not all who call themselves christian are.

2007-03-04 06:07:38 · answer #4 · answered by mother ulrich 1 · 0 0

Gathering on today,tomorrow and yesterday We are drifting away from the teaching of most of the teaching of the Bible.Morals changing and hollywood ins,t helping to sell much of good? is that it? WoW what changes. It,s hard to to rule out evil influence. It existed in the bible but now we can put ourselves into it the way we like it. Is their anything or subject not on the market today.Jesus is taking his time. We or no more concerned with him than we are about global warming.Dear i,m in the same lifeboat as you.To hell with it all we,re hooked except for a few.Sex and adultry is first om my list.We have really changed the old saying anything goes Closing out i,m getting Depressed.You take over.

2007-03-04 05:59:54 · answer #5 · answered by becca 2 · 0 0

Because we were born into sin and teh flesh is enticed by sin. It is not always easy to obey the Word and people like doing what is easy over what is difficult. True, in the end we as Christians will have--for lack of a better phrase--the last laugh, but the world refuese to see that. Its all about what they want when they want it. Whereas the Bible teaches us to store up treasures in Heaven. And people naturally try to defend their own weakness with pitiful excuses like man made everything up to make themselves feel better about their unrighteousness.

2007-03-02 18:22:19 · answer #6 · answered by donjuannmbr2 1 · 0 0

The Bible a book. Christianity is a tradition. The tradition doesn't match the book. A good hard look shows that the tradition is tainted by pagan beliefs and practices.

If one starts with the tradition, and tries to justify the tradition, he can have some superficial success by picking and choosing excerpts from it. However if one starts with the book, then examines the tradition, its impossible to justify

So the people holding on to their tradition reject the commands of God.

2007-03-03 23:39:47 · answer #7 · answered by Lionroot 3 · 0 0

Peace be with you.

What is the bible? it is scripture. What is scripture? it is the word of the Lord thy God given to the prophets and written down by the scribes. Who is the Lord thy God.

Jesus gave God a new name, Father, who art in heaven. Jesus gave the Lord thy God a new name, the Living Word of God.

The Word of God can be found in the Old Testament only 4 times
We know that Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.
The Word of God was made flesh and dwelt among us.
We also know know that Jesus fulfilled scripture, but you as a Christian (follower of Christ) follow everyone but Jesus Christ.

You are not a follower of Moses, Peter, Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke or John. You as a Christian are a follower of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to discuss the teachings of Jesus Christ, I would like to engage you also.

2007-03-03 07:53:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can't say no one **wants** to follow the Bible's teachings. Think Christians **want** to, but we can't. Thus, the need for Christ, The perfect sacrifice to atone for our sins. Even when sinning, though, it only brings temporary pleasure/joy, emptiness follows. Obedience to Christ/Bible's teachings is what brings true joy for the Christian. We have all **been there** and **done that**. Experiencing temptations, indulging in sins, humbles the believer bringing about repentance and then understanding for those in similar struggles. Sin is the great equalizer--destroys self-righteousness--makes one less judgmental.

2007-03-04 06:15:57 · answer #9 · answered by N W 1 · 0 0

People don't want to follow the bible teachings because they want to continue doing their own thing. Their thing goes against the bible and convicts them of wrong doing. So if they are not following bible teachings how can they consider themselves to be Christians?

2007-03-04 01:19:55 · answer #10 · answered by rog@home 2 · 0 0

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