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What is the one way kids ages 10 to 13 hate gtting punished the most besides spanking or taking away privledges? That doesn't work in my house.

2007-02-24 07:54:37 · 28 answers · asked by cgpp14 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

28 answers

Make them do chores and no play time and absolutly no TV straught to their room

2007-02-24 08:03:17 · answer #1 · answered by Mary O 6 · 1 0

Well depending on what they did and how bad they did it, depends on what would be a bad punishment. But when i was younger my mom would wake us up very early on Sat and Sun morning (like around 6-7am) to clean the house (this was when we were older though and not when we were under 13) We would have to dust and clean the kitchen and everything. As we got older like around 14/15 and say we got a bad grade on a report card, she would take most of our clothes away (leaving enough for the week) and things like that, and we would slowly get them back when we showed that we were bringing our grades up. You could also take something away from them that they can live without....

2007-02-24 16:46:00 · answer #2 · answered by angel01182 3 · 0 0

What punishment for kids 10 to 13 years, take away something they like to do. Make them grounded for a week and take privileges away. Like after school activities. If they like to use the computer for games stop them. Good luck hope this helps a little.

2007-02-24 16:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by marie 3 · 1 0

Any child over the age of 5 or 6 is not going to learn anything from spanking except that it's what parents do when they lose their self-control and let anger guide their "parenting." It plain old doesn't work.

My most effective punishment is finding our their "Jones."
For instance, if your child *loves* her pink cowboy boots, it is one warning and then they are *gone* for a few days. If it is an older child's game cube or ipod, GONE at the first sign of disrespect to parents or siblings. My 5-year old lies about whether or not she's brushed her teeth? No sweets for 3 days....or until she has brushed for at least 2 days without needing to be reminded.

The only variables you have are whether or not they get a warning about what's getting taken, and how long it "stays away."

This has also been a great way to completely get rid of undesirable things that come into our house. If a well-meaning aunt, for example, gives my daughter clothes which I consider trashy but my 8-year-old loves, that outfit is out the door *forever* when she is in hot water. If your son disobeys or defies you, how about losing all TV or computer for a week. Arguing over what show to watch? No choice or vote in viewing for a week.

I make certain that the punishments work for me.

If you think taking away privileges doesn't work, trust me....you just need to get to know your kids a little better, and where their "soft spots" are.
I have taken away birthday party attendance, one child missed a football game the rest of the family attended, I've made one child give half of her birthday presents away to Salvation Army (she didn't get to pick---I picked, and she was threatened with losing all of them if she breathed a word to any child whose gift was donated).

The hardest part of doing this is being kind about it, and not self-righteous or too happy about it. I have to pretend to be very calm and sorry for my child that *he* has caused this problem which is making *him* miss out. Very hard to do when you're angry. But necessary, because truly, you have all the power, so you need to be caring.

P.S. I just read all these comments. So many people do not really deserve to have children. Humiliating or abusing children not only doesn't work, but you are then raising children who will humiliate and abuse their own children. Sad.
The word "discipline" comes from the root "disciple" which means to get children to "follow." So many parents try to parent their children from afar---instead of helping them or showing them something, they just "expect" kids to obey arbitrary rules and instructions. Very very sad.
I am truly disheartened after reading about people who think it is just fine to cause a child to sit on her hands, or wear a diaper, or be introduced by humiliating names.
Yuck. I am going to go wash my hands and take a walk.

2007-02-24 16:18:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My 10 year old daughter is doing the same thing, and she would be very happy to throw her things out herself. So, I make her sit on her hands. She HATES it. I change the punishment to fit what shes done at the time. Change the things she likes doing. Instead of taking the TV away, put it on teletubbies the whole time. She wants to listen to music? Put on Barry Mantalow. Chores are good. Tell her your picking out her clothes for the next two weeks. And make sure she looks ridiculous. Use your imagination.

2007-02-24 16:02:23 · answer #5 · answered by santobugito 7 · 1 1

The worst punishment is not letting them on the computer,
Works much better than spanking, groundings..

2007-02-25 20:32:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am 13 and when I talk back to either of my parents no matter where it is wether we are at home of at a resturant my mom will take me into the bathroom and wash my mouth out for 5-10 minutes and then we will have to finish eating and go home and then because we were at a resturaunt and i miss behaved she would cut up a bar of soap (in half) stick it in my mouth and tape my mouth shut. Then she would get out the wooden spoon and stand over me and if I made a sound I got spanked 13 times I thought i was to old to be spanked but i guess she doesn't think so but it's so embarrising because if we are at a resturaunt and she takes me to the bathroom to wash my mouth out it doesn't matter if people are in there she will stick my head under the soap despenser and keep pressing it and pressing it for like10 minutes it's terrible and even if I don't think i'm talking back she does so my mouth gets washed out again.

Then with my step mom or dad they can punish me however they feel like it. with my step mom it mostly getting my mouth washed out but with liquid soap and getting spanked with a belt. but with my step dad he goes out and buys a bar of soap at the store takes me with to get it then when we get in the car he shoves it in my mouth and slaps me across the face.

back to my mom today we were at wendy's and i said something to her on accident that she thought I was talking back to her and someone was in the bathroom (it was a one person bathroom) so she gave me to her and her wash out my mout and this lady put soap on her hand ( a whole handful) abd put her hand in my mouth and practically scrubbed my mouth clean and she told my mom what she did and my mom said she would call her if she ever needed her help washing my mouth out

2007-02-25 23:04:46 · answer #7 · answered by baby 1 · 0 0

Grounded, no TV, no friends, no pocket money left at home for the weekend having to come up with their own ideas to entertain themselves and being made do extra chores

But thats nly in an extreme case

2007-02-24 16:10:00 · answer #8 · answered by Lucy W 2 · 0 1

Humiliation! I always found that as a kid, and even now at 22, my mum naming and shaming whatever i had done to the whole family/friends/anyone who would listen extremely shameful. I suppose it depends on what they have done but i was caught shoplifting once and my mum introduced me to everyone as a "thief".

I was so ashamed i never did it again. She also caught me having a party once and went on to tell all my friends about things i used to do as a kid- i was HORRIFIED. Trust me, if you embarrass a child enough, they soon hang their tails between the legs and has a longer lasting effect then taking away material objects- it takes away your dignity!!!

2007-02-24 16:12:42 · answer #9 · answered by bales 2 · 0 2

Being ignored is the worst
They do things specifically to get your attention
Catch them behaving well - if they are quiet in their rooms for a while - take them a sandwich and thank them for being so good

My kids thought I had gone mad when I started this - but it worked

2007-02-24 16:03:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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