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what does jesus teach us that is so divine?

-dont do bad things (cheat on your partner, overeat, kill, steal, DUH)
-if someone hurts you dont hurt them back

...thats basicly it. as far as his non-heaven related instructinos to us anyway. i hear many people say that jesus was so wise and his brilliant words prove his very existance. and i ask.. isnt all that stuff kind of obvious? like, OF COURSE, we woudlnt have war or fight if we all loved each other and were compassionate towards one another. DUH. it doesnt take God to figure that one out.

what about his teaching makes you think they are divine? where is the aw inspiring wisdom?

2007-02-24 07:53:39 · 8 answers · asked by sean_mchugh6 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Molly ive read i think just about all of the new testament. ..id didnt read it in order but i can flip to any page in it and start reading and ive already read it. ...so ive read the majority of the new testament i would assume.

you have quite some mouth for a child of God.

and i dont know how you think but i like to think realisticly and truthfuly and YEAH that basicly is all Jesus said.

2007-02-24 08:04:37 · update #1

jackie... sorry but i cant dig it. i dont even know what youre talking about to be honest. .....how can you claim ther is a next life anyhow?

2007-02-24 08:06:01 · update #2


a.) thats what they all say
b.) you didnt even answer the question

2007-02-24 08:08:15 · update #3

wd i wish i could help you as you are obviously very passionate about this.

i AM complete. how about that? and if in any way im not i have a woman who i love that more than completes me.

your explination of the obviousness of Jesus teachings is a catch 22 just like everything. simple enough to be understood yet truly divine. AHH. ..so if you were to just make some junk up couldnt you say that about those things to? for example, i am going to make a modern day religion.

i say that it was commanded by God that we watch less than an hour of tv each day. ...ah that is such good advice. but only the divine can truly understand it fully.

there is nothing that jesus told us that had not been said before. nothing ground breaking. nothing brilliant. nothing the most evil person on this planet doesnt already know.

2007-02-24 08:16:41 · update #4

CS, thanks for your answer. the structure of it at least stands up.

however, save your prayers for me. im far beyond your ability to think about the afterlife and the first step for me was letting go of christianity.

here is the main problem with what you said. it is in a complete circle. jesus was perfect and free from sin? wow that truly is amazing! unfortunately the only thing you have that says that is true is the bible. and that really doesnt prove anything at all.

for example. i have a 5000 year old book that says the sky was green for one whole week. and you ask me how do i know god was real? and i say BECAUSE ..the sky was green for one whole week?

that is EQUALLY absurd as you saying that jesus teachings were profound because he was free from sin.

i believe there might be something after deatth. but as long as so many of our minds are tied up in religion we will have a hard time making progress i understanding what is really going on.

free your MIND!

2007-02-24 09:54:50 · update #5

8 answers

the Beatitudes alone are God-like in their depth of meaning while still being "simple" on the surface. Each one is a step in a ladder leading to the next one. For instance, without understanding that you are not complete in yourself without God (poor in spirit), you will never enter the kingdom of heaven and without taking that first step, you will never know what it is to "mourn" or to be used in intercession for the soul of another and the ultimate joy of being "comforted" or seeing them come to know God. And without that step you will never know what it means to be "meek" or to have the strength of understanding who you are in God and thereby "inheriting the earth" or knowing that all the earth is yours in Christ, and overcoming your own flesh is a great inheritance and victory! And so on. Everything Jesus taught is in layers with surface meaning to depth of meaning that takes revelation. It is always fresh and new to the soul, it is the soul's very meat and drink. And His Words are LIFE. Words that generate into eternal life is the very epitome of wisdom and certainly Divine.

2007-02-24 08:05:56 · answer #1 · answered by wd 5 · 0 0

I'm going to try and be careful with what I say, so that you do not argue with me, but please take what I say seriously, this comment is different than the others, it's not out of anger, I want to answer your question.

Alright, here's what i think on this matter. Yes, what you have stated is not very profound, or deep. But that's all that it is. Some things sound or look easy, but aren't. This is one of those things. Ya, it doesn't look or sound like a big deal, and it may not be awe-inspiring. But, it is a great truth.

It's easy to say all the things Jesus said/ Yes it does sound obvious, not to lie, or steal, but, it's not so easy to do. That is what truly makes what Jesus said amazing: He practiced what he preached. No one is perfect; yes i know, it's easy to say "don't do this". Yet we still do it. Not sinning might not sound so bad, but I still do it. I know that you are not perfect, you sin. Which is what makes Jesus' sayings so great, we are saved by His grace. Please look into this some more. Maybe ask a pastor or christian friend these questions instead of people online. I'll be praying for you.

2007-02-24 16:43:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you actually sat down and read the gospels? There is QUITE a bit more that Jesus said than what you're reflecting above.

But, you could just be a mocker. Go right ahead. But if you are going to do it properly, then fully read something before spitting off at the mouth.

PS - What you mentioned was reflected many times in the Bible, starting with Moses.

2007-02-24 15:58:12 · answer #3 · answered by Molly 6 · 0 0

i think christianity has lost its way and does not actually follow jesus's teachings. just read his words in red,in the new testament of the bible. his parables are good. but if thats too much the best thing is simple- treat others how you want to be treated. the golden rule.

2007-02-24 16:03:08 · answer #4 · answered by mike q 1 · 0 0

JESUS talked about a Hell more than a heaven.
He knew more people will choose not to follow Him.

When you die, you have a soul that has to go somewhere!
It is emortal...so you choose to love JESUS and what He has showen us....you get to live at his Place for ever.
You choose not to love Him...he won't let you live in heaven....as it would become a living hell? as earth is.
So He tells people the basic things we need to do...
Not to hate...kill...swear...hurt others...But! the best one is: YOU
should love Him, as he died on that cross, for all of us.
Now if people choose NOT to love Christ Jesus...then you go to hell.Which was NEVER intended for people.It was made for satan and his angels(one third left heaven to follow satan-who at the time was the most powerful angel God had made...but fell in love with himself)....Hell is a etrenal fire, of pain and hate.

2007-02-24 16:04:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok you got 3 verses. Now go look at the other 1000 things he teaches.

2007-02-24 15:59:43 · answer #6 · answered by great gig in the sky 7 · 1 0

His teaching is essentially rudimentary morals - his followers are sheep.

2007-02-24 15:57:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That's where what you are saying comes from.Find out for your self in the next life if you don't get it here.Can you dig that? Duh.

2007-02-24 15:59:29 · answer #8 · answered by jackiedj8952 5 · 1 0

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