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Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. [Psalm 104:5]
The earth which he hath established for ever. [Psalm 78:69]
The earth and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish. [Psalm 102:25-26]
The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. [2 Peter 3:10]
The Earth will last forever AND it will perish? There should be a new book entitled Holy Oxymoron.

2007-02-24 06:56:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

LOL. Good one.

2007-02-24 07:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

God laid the foundations of the earth. The bible also describes the reasons for the earth being burnt up and melted away. The bible is not an oxymoron as you say but true facts. If you read the book of Revelation you will see all things that are occurring now on earth. There are also many verses that surround the verses that you describe that give in depth detail to the questions you asked. REREAD.

2007-02-24 15:11:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

are you intentionally not reading the rest of the verses in each case.?

ps 102 v 26 concludes....they (ie heavens and earth) will perish but you will endure. Yes they will will all grow old like a garment, Like a cloak you will change them..............they are not disappearing... they are being changed in the sense that they are being renewed......

2 peter ....thought concludes with v 13.....nevertheless, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.............so what we know as the earth, which has been polluted with unrighteousness and materially, physically ( like pollution) will be changed into something fresh and new.....

so what is perishing is what is corrupting the heavens and the earth.... and the heavens and the earth are being restored into the way it was at the beginning of creation....

2007-02-24 15:24:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As dumb as I am if I had stoped reading the bible the first time I ran into statements that contradicted each other I would not be where I am at spiritually today my advice to you is to not get caught up in all of that meditate on what you have read and ask for understanding it may not come to you right away but at some time the answer will come to you I am one of the most cynical people you have ever met and I read all of the stuff the atheist write and I laugh at some of it because it,s funny and really good just in the wrong light but that is how I use to feel thank God I grew out of it and I pray for everyone of you to find God be for it,s to late God likes to laugh and some of you are really funny when you get to heave you can make God laugh

2007-02-24 15:23:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok, you are reading WAY too much into this. first of all, you don't need to take everything so literally. he is talking about the Earth and the Heavens being destroyed, because after all this mess is over with ( I.e..armageddon)..and the second coming of Christ, God will create a NEW heaven and Earth. You need to read the ENTIRE bible before you go through and pick out scriptures trying to prove that God, and the entire Christianity religion is a big joke. God makes no mistakes, reguardless of how much you try to prove otherwise, and I do not appreciate you calling the Bible a "holy oxymoron". Go find a journal and write all your hostility out on it instead of picking on Christians. Just because you see these so called christians on tv doing sick things does not mean that all of us are like that. those people you see are NOT christians. they are people who hide behind the word christian, while making the true, honest, and good christians look just as bad as they are. rest assured, God will not be mocked, and one of these days those people, along with every other human being on this planet will have to stand before God in Judgement, and let me just say this one last thing....It is a terrible thing to have to stand before an angry God..and I don't know about you. But I definately do not want to find out what God will do when he is angry. He is capable of anything, friend.

2007-02-24 15:20:13 · answer #5 · answered by tweetybird37406 6 · 0 1

I see you don't know how to understand the bible, The earth will stand forever, Only not in the same state as it is now, God destroyed the earth by a flood, But this is the same earth, only different, & he will also destroy it by fire, But it will still be the same earth, only in a cleansed state, Did you know Christ & his Bride will rule for 1000 yrs on this earth, & then after that time, God takes Satan, The wicked dead & hell, & the false prophet & the beast & cast them all into a lake of fire, somewhere out in space, Then this earth at the end of the millennium will once again be as it was in the garden of eden. I can give you scriptures that says this earth moans & groans unto it's day of redemption. That will be after the millennium.

2007-02-24 15:08:39 · answer #6 · answered by birdsflies 7 · 1 0

Here's another one :

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...."

1John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

But the problem is one of semantics : does the word "world" mean the same thing in both cases?

And in the case that you gave, does the word 'earth' mean the same thing? Obviously not. You need to do some studies on Biblical Hermeneutics before you make such a rash judgment.

2007-02-24 15:14:00 · answer #7 · answered by flandargo 5 · 1 0

You need to read the book in its entirety (or read 2 Peter 3 a few verses past verse 10).

The present Earth will be burned and destroyed with fire. He has given a promise of a New Earth for the resurrected to inhabitant. It will not be destroyed.

2007-02-24 15:06:00 · answer #8 · answered by tj 3 · 1 0

First thing first, Jesus Christ the second member of The Godhead was the active agent in the Godhead that spoke this world to be, He was the one walking in the garden and talked to Adam and Eve, in Heb 13:8 we are told Jesus has been forever here. The term forever is also used in Rev. it talks about hell burning forever but its the EFFECTS that are forever, in Rev 20:6 said something about the second DEATH the burning does not last forever but the forever is no one who dies in Hell comes back its EFFECT is forever for in the next chapter it talks about a new heaven and NEW EARTH, for ever can also mean until its finished, find out more free bible lessons www.itiswritten.com bible questions www.bibleinfo.com talk to me also wgr88@yahoo.com God bless

2007-02-24 15:06:54 · answer #9 · answered by wgr88 6 · 1 0

The earth shall perish. The foundation shall remain to build the New earth!! If a tornado takes your home, the foundation will remain, and you rebuild on that!! This is what the Lord is talking about!!

2007-02-24 15:05:27 · answer #10 · answered by michael m 5 · 3 0

Jesus is coming with a new earth and new heaven. He'll make all things brand new. Watch that Northern space coming down to the eastern sky. That light is going to flash from the east to the west like lightning - great lightning. He'll remove all sin and wickedness and make all things new.

Read Rev. chapter 21

2007-02-24 15:16:17 · answer #11 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 1 0

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