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Here are the guidelines--
1. He wouldn't purposefully mess them up to make your life miserable and "teach you a lesson". Like, if you asked for a new car, he wouldn't steal it from your next door neighbor.
2. There are no limits to what you can wish for.
3. He promises that (assume this is a true promise) you wouldn't suffer in hell--that he'd personally keep you away from the fiery pit.

Answer honestly! ;)

2007-02-24 06:51:43 · 39 answers · asked by Stardust 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm an atheist. This is just a question for fun--wanted to see what people would say. :)

2007-02-24 06:57:19 · update #1

39 answers

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of Gods plan for us. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It’s meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology.

Love and blessings

2007-02-25 03:16:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I don't believe in Satan or God for that matter, so just for fun, here it goes:
1) He is my wish b*otch from now on. (unlimited wishes for me)
2) End world hunger.
3) World peace
4) Get rid of biological/chemical/nuclear weapons.
5) Reverse Global Warming and come up with a solution so that it won't happen again.
6) Create economies which allow all countries to provide free QUALITY health care to ALL its inhabitants.
7) Find a cure for all major diseases(HIV, cancer, mental illnesses etc.) so that people around the world will stop suffering needlessly.
8) Make higher education ( ie college, university) free, because there should not be a bar on learning.
9) To live my days in good health, good company, to be able to enjoy life with those I love.
10) If he grants me all of this, he deserves my soul.

2007-02-24 07:28:51 · answer #2 · answered by The One and Only 3 · 1 1

Since it's unlikely Satan exists I shall answer this with imagination.

Yes. Firstly I'd think much further than Hollywood has ever explored on the subject and go into space, finding the answers of the universe and just how it came to be. Then I would wish for the power to slip between the planes of existence which would presumably allow me to slip into heaven, hell and all the other weird places out there.

Then I'd stop wishing. Can't cash in on a contract which hasn't been completed... Mwah ha ha ha.

2007-02-24 06:59:11 · answer #3 · answered by WizPip 3 · 0 1

This sounds too much like the Movie; The Wishmaster. Anyone who would have supposedly been doing this that long shouldn't be trusted. Besides, if Satan can control people as they say, you'll lose for sure. That's like wishing for immortality and ending up forever in servitude.

2007-02-24 07:04:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I don't believe in Satan and I don't really believe in "making wishes" and then actually having them come true, but this is a hypothetical question so I guess my answer would be no.

That is, of course, if this "Satan" is the cliche pitch-fork, spikey-tail, horns-on-his-head kind of Satan that is responsible for alllllllllllll the bad things that happen in the world. (Because we have to put the blame on SOMEONE, don't we?) <--- If it's that guy then I definitely wouldn't go for the 10 wishes.

2007-02-24 06:59:29 · answer #5 · answered by followthedot 2 · 0 1

1. Wish that I could wish for a million no strings attached wish.
2. Wish for a million no strings attached wish.
3. Wish I could wish when I die I'll go to Heaven.
4. Wish I'll go to Heaven.
5. Wish I could wish Satan would be my servant.
6. Wish satan would be my servant.
7. Wish for all the morons in this world to get slapped all at once.
8. Wish for world peace.
9. Wish to have black wings.
10. Wish to be the Emperor of Earth.

2007-02-24 06:58:35 · answer #6 · answered by Adia Azrael 4 · 0 1

What????? and burn in hell for eternity, never see the Christ who died for me or see my dad or my son again - There's not anything I want bad enough o give up my soul for. A new car, millions of dollars, - all of this is things - nope and nor would I believe him if he said I wouldn't burn in hell - Eve believed him and look where it go her and the rest of this world When it comes to satan I can't and won't assume anything - you know what happens when you ASSume anything.

I have what I need, The Lords prayer says give us this day our daily bread and that God will supply all our needs - that's good enough for me.

2007-02-24 07:41:41 · answer #7 · answered by grandmabonnie 3 · 0 1

No. The pleasure is temporary, and is made much less by looking forward to judgment. Hell is the purifying fire which removes sin and sinners. It is quite temporary, but Almighty YAHOSHUA has promised me an eternity of pleasure if I believe in Him and follow Him for a few years here. Satan can't beat that deal. (and He is an untrustworthy liar)

2007-02-24 06:57:28 · answer #8 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 1 1

Satan is the master of lies. Anything he promises to you would be a lie. He is such a fine deceptor, that already you are inclined to believe all the fine things come from him. Why not put God to the test for all the things you wish for.

2007-02-24 06:58:27 · answer #9 · answered by MaggieSA 3 · 1 1

Absolutely, since there are no limits what to wish for. WIsh one would be that he be imprisoned to me as my wish granting slave for all eternity. Wish 2 is that my soul be returned to me and be mine to do with as I desire.

Then I'd start wishing for real things. First, that I be transported in a Free Palestine T shirt and chamo pants onto the white house lawn with BIn Laden in a Leather SLave outfit with two broken legs and a leash around his neck that I am holding. I like self glorification.

And DUde above me, if you're going to adopt a weird Judaizing Christian cult as your religion, at least learn Hebrew. There is no name Yahoshua in Hebrew, it is gramatically impossible. Impossible. ALso, the sh'va, the correct vowel in Yhoshua is not pronounced a broad A in any dialect of Hebrew. When your idiocy has gone so far Palestinians are correcting your Hebrew grammar, you need to come to your senses.

2007-02-24 06:57:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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