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my cat is the sillyest most agravating noisey cat ive ever had but i love her every day she dose something to make me laugh what has yours done lately (sorry about the spelling before you get on my case)

2007-02-24 06:39:39 · 22 answers · asked by old-bag 3 in Pets Cats

22 answers

My cat is by all accounts a bad pet. He wakes me up at night to pet him. He has a stomach issue and he has gas when he sits on your lap. Not just regular gas but the kind that makes you gag and your eyes water. He also does it when we have company. He also harrasses people when they come over, smells them rubs all over them and sometimes he does not like people he hisses and slaps them. He does not have claws, that God. He also drinks my water out of my cup. He follows me around until he gets a treat and tortures my dogs. But I love him. I tell my husband that the cat is my one true love. I am not sure if it is that he is actually very funny or that he is loving or both. He always does the stupidest things - the falls odd the banister all the time, he never gets hurt so it is hysterical. He demands that we pet him and he does not care what we are doing. Although it is probably bad we indulge him because it is so funny that he thinks he is boss. Oh wait he is! He also has a huge fasicination with ants. We have had about 5 of them in the house lately and he will spend an hour or two playing with them. It is so funny to watch because usually he has the attention span of a goldfish but not with the ants. Oh and he eats them in the end. Gross. He also likes his cat nip. I grow it for him, and he could not be funnier when he is rolling around in it. I will go over to him and he will rub all over me and then he will slap me for getting too close to his nip. He is a kitty crackhead. He also is a lover. I get terrible migraines and he comes to me and lays with me when I am sick. He takes turns sleeping with everyone in the house to make sure we all get our share of love. He makes his nightly rounds but if I call him he comes running to me. He also talks back to me. If he is doing something wrong and I say "Harry Stop It" he meows at me. I think he is talking back, it is too funny. All in all it is nice that there is always love there no matter what. He does not care what my hair looks like or what I have on, he just loves me up.

2007-02-24 07:06:36 · answer #1 · answered by chanajane3 2 · 0 0

My cat is the worlds most rubbish hunter despite being half Scottish wildcat so I never get gifts of birds or anything.The only thing I've seen her catch are moths.

This suits me fine as I have no desire to be brought presents of dead animals.

Anyway the other day she comes in with a dead wild rabbit and I was amazed.It later turned out that her brother(from the same litter and so also half wildcat)who belongs to a friend and lives 2 doors away had caught the rabbit and brought it home-no shock there,he's as good a hunter as she is a crap one-and she had stolen it and brought it home pretending she caught it!

Amazingly cheeky.I'm hoping she doesn't make it a habit!

2007-02-24 12:25:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love both of my cat's and they are TOTALLY different in thier personalities. One is sort of mean and a calico color and will spit and hiss in a skinny second just from being touched. Then other times the calico wants to be petted. It's weird the way she has moods.

The other cat I have is male and orange. He wants to be scratched on the neck 24 hours a day. Also, which I love, he , most of the time, MEOWS every time I say his name. PS, the orange ways about 20LBS.

2007-02-24 07:47:20 · answer #3 · answered by Wayne 3 · 0 0

Cats have a way of inserting themselves under your skin. I've had many different animals for pets, and I've cared for animals in shelters for many years. I love all animals. But cats have a special place in my heart. I'm not sure I know how to put this feeling into words. They (all my cats) have a way of endearing themselves to me. Their mannerisms, their furry faces, their voices, their ability to be soft and sharp at the same time. They're easy to care for. They know how to give love. And they appreciate it when they get it. They're very alert to the world around them. (They have to be because they're so small.) They have the hunter's instinct but also the curled-up softness of companionship. Maybe it's because of their contrasty nature that I've fallen in love with these animals. Anyway, I wish more people understood and treated them better. We, as humans, have given them a pretty bad rap in our history, which they don't deserve.

2007-02-24 07:49:20 · answer #4 · answered by tklines 3 · 0 0

Cats are very cute, clean and athletic. Dogs are slobbering. I had a great cat when I was a kid in the 1960's. I still miss him and think about him a lot. I never got another cat because nothing could replace Whiskers, my beloved cat forever.

2007-02-24 06:54:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have 5 cats. yes im a cat freak lol. my little one, gracie, was looking out the window and saw a bird so went all the way across the house and started running, jumped onto a table where a lit candle was and she burnt her fur and ran into the window. she also knows where the cat nip is and tried to get into the door at night. well one time she got into the wrong door and sniffed around and got a wiff of sugar and she freaked out. she keeps me very busy lol

2007-02-24 06:50:14 · answer #6 · answered by dothemooshoo247 3 · 1 0

I have a lovely cat her name is sox as she is black with white feet.
She is really funny because she plays with our dog.
They play hide and seek the dog is really dumb she wanders past and the cat is hiding behind a corner and then leaps out or drops off the sofa onto her then the dog races round like an idiot. They are so funny.

2007-02-24 06:49:22 · answer #7 · answered by mistyblue 4 · 1 0

my cats follow me every where, they go under my feet and i accidentally step on there paws, they do funny things like when they try to get inside, they jump at the door, and some times when i come to the door some of them will be a cuddled up together. i love cats and know lots about them, they make me laugh every day, they make me smile everyday, and they make me happy when I'm down, or sad. i love all animals, they all make me happy. my guinea-pig when i take her out for walks likes to chase my cats around the place. one of our cats used to follow us up the drive way, when he got left behind he would start meowing like crazy.

2007-02-24 11:06:29 · answer #8 · answered by kimmyannbell 2 · 0 0

MIne used to get under my feet so I would accidently stand on her paw. She'd give out a loud cry (obviously) and I would shout at her something like "serves you right for getting under my feet then" - immediately though I'd feel well bad and pick her up and cuddle her saying sorry and I loved her.

She also used to spit and hiss at me when I made her move from my side of the bed to her side - I would say "this is my side, and that is your side" pointing at the bed. She'd then wink and move - lol

2007-02-24 06:44:06 · answer #9 · answered by Bristol_Gal 4 · 0 0

I love my moggy too, he is a ginger tom, and is very affectionate. The other evening I fell asleep on the settee and he came and snuggled up beside me, we were there for about an hour. He loves to play in carrier bags, I think he likes the rustling noise they make, and then he falls asleep in them. He is my baby

2007-02-24 06:58:42 · answer #10 · answered by Jeanette 7 · 0 0

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